Adoption, Minn. Rules 9560.0030, 9560.0170
Affidavits of prejudice, see AFFIDAVITS OF PREJUDICE
Affidavits of service
Contested cases, subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Power plant siting and power line routing hearings, Minn. Rules 1405.0200
Agricultural chemicals, corrective action reimbursement or payment cost applications, Minn. Rules 1512.0900
Alcoholic beverages, Minn. Rules 7515.1310, 7515.1460, 7515.1470
Asbestos abatement
Inspectors, certification, Minn. Rules 4620.3330
Management planners, certification, Minn. Rules 4620.3340
Project designers, certification, Minn. Rules 4620.3350
Site supervisors, certification, Minn. Rules 4620.3310
Workers, certification, Minn. Rules 4620.3300
Cattle, affidavits of slaughter, Minn. Rules 1721.0090, 1721.0160
Cold storage warehouse operators, food, sale, notice, Minn. Rules 1550.2320
Conveyances, see CONVEYANCES
Cosmetology schools, duplicate licenses, Minn. Rules 2110.0360
Deeds, see DEEDS
Ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1460, 7515.1470
Good faith, Farmer-Lender Mediation Act, Minn. Rules 1502.0011, 1502.0022
Grain warehouses, lost, stolen, or destroyed receipts, Minn. Rules 1562.1900
Horse racing
Claims races, claiming procedures, Minn. Rules 7883.0140
License applications, Minn. Rules 7870.0020, 7870.0190
Income and franchise taxes, reciprocity exclusion (form M-115), Minn. Rules 8002.0200
Political contributions, Minn. Rules 4501.0300, 4503.1400
Private or non-Minnesota postsecondary institutions, registration documentation, Minn. Rules 4840.0400
Proof of publication, savings associations, reciprocal interstate branching and acquisitions, applications for acquisition, Minn. Rules 2660.0110
Public utilities, operating property, retirement, Minn. Rules 8100.0300
Race horses, Minnesota-bred, Minn. Rules 7895.0125, 7895.0350, 7895.0450
Real property conveyances, see CONVEYANCES
Tax Court, Minn. Rules 8610.0010 to 8610.0150
Telephone utilities, records, Minn. Rules 7810.2300
Voter registration, challenges, Minn. Rules 8200.7100