Business trusts, directors, life insurance, Minn. Law 2009 c 52 s 3
Church benefits boards, as trustees, Minn. Law 2009 c 43
Life insurance, insurable interest in life of insured required, Minn. Law 2009 c 52 s 3
Nonprofit insurance trust, Minn. Law 2009 c 53
Power of attorney, Minn. Law 2009 c 30 art 3 s 4
Real estate investment trust distributions, as income, Minn. Law 2010 c 334 s 4
Supplemental needs trusts, see SUPPLEMENTAL NEEDS TRUSTS
Trust agreements, estate taxes, references to, Minn. Law 2010 c 334 s 2, 14
Uniform Principal and Income Act, Minn. Law 2010 c 334 s 4