Approval by local governments, evidence of title, Minn. Law 2015 c 32 s 1
Copies, Minn. Law 2015 c 7 s 10
Electronic submission, Minn. Law 2020 c 92
Approval by surveyor, Minn. Law 2015 c 7 s 5
Copies, Minn. Law 2015 c 7 s 10
Form, standards, Minn. Law 2015 c 7 s 6 to 2015 c 7 s 10, 12
Notary stamps, effect, Minn. Law 2015 c 7 s 3
Restrictions, discriminatory provisions restricting conveyance of real property, Minn. Law 2019 c 45 s 1 to 2019 c 45 s 5
Streets and roads, requirements, Minn. Law 2015 c 7 s 11