Disability Council, electronic meetings, Minn. Law 2004 c 195
Electronic meetings, see TELECONFERENCES
Mosquito spraying, public meetings about, Minn. Law 2004 c 254 s 3
Open meeting law, Minn. Law 2014 c 274 s 1, 2
Open meeting law, exceptions
Property negotiations, Minn. Law 2004 c 276
Security briefings and systems, Minn. Law 2004 c 290 s 18
Open meetings, see OPEN MEETING LAW
Open meetings law, protected nonpublic data, Minn. Law 2010 c 365 art 1 s 8
Precinct caucus night, Minn. Law 2008 c 153
Public bodies
Meetings by telephone or other electronic means, Minn. Law 2007 c 110
State departments and agencies, meetings by telephone or other electronic means, Minn. Law 2009 c 80