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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Session Laws 2009 to 2010 Index (topics)


Artificial lights, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 17, 43, 67

Baiting, bird feeder exemption eliminated, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 46

Bear hunting, wildlife management areas, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 16

Big game

Disabled persons, hunting from motor vehicles, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 45

Dogs pursuing or killing, appeals of penalties, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 1 s 21

Children, hunting by, prairie chicken licenses, effective date, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 64

Coyotes, import or export, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 47

Crossbows, possession, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 38

Decoys, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 48, 49


Licenses, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 12, 18, 31, 32, 71

Season, 2009, Zone 3, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 68

Disabled persons

Big game hunting from motor vehicles, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 45

Hunting from vehicles, lifetime permits, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 42

Farm lands, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 20


Firearms safety certificates, effective date, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 64

Possession, disabled persons, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 39

Transportation, at shooting ranges, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 40

Firearms, criminal forfeitures, reports, Minn. Law 2010 c 391 s 2

Fur-bearing animals, trapping, violations, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 19


Deer licenses, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 12, 18, 31, 71

Trapping violations, effect on licenses, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 19

Turkey licenses, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 13

Vendors, laws summaries for, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 11

Migratory waterfowl feeding and resting areas, boats in, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 14

Night vision equipment, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 44

Public safety, taking wild animals to protect, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 1 s 22

Raccoons, artificial lights, taking with, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 43

Shining, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 17, 43, 67

Stands, bear hunting, wildlife management areas, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 16

State lands, leased lands, hunting on, Minn. Law 2010 c 361 art 4 s 43

Transportation of wild animals, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 37

Trapping, violations, fur-bearing animals, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 19

Turkey licenses, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 13

Waterfowl, decoys, Minn. Law 2009 c 176 art 2 s 48, 49