Appropriations to, Minn. Law 2010 c 215 art 12 s 4, 2010 1Sp c 1 art 12 s 3
Governor-elect, transition expenses, Minn. Law 2010 c 215 art 12 s 23
Medal of Honor Day, proclamation, Minn. Law 2009 c 8
Office of the Governor
Employees, compensation, Minn. Law 2009 c 37 art 1 s 66
Personnel costs, Minn. Law 2009 c 36 art 3 s 3
Use of appropriations for, by other agencies, prohibitions, Minn. Law 2009 c 94 art 1 s 99, 2009 c 94 art 3 s 24, 2009 c 94 art 4 s 11
Washington D.C. office, Minn. Law 2009 c 78 art 1 s 3
State budget, duties regarding
2010-2011 budget, balanced for 2012-2013, Minn. Law 2009 c 5 s 2
General fund balance, carryforward to 2010, Minn. Law 2009 c 5 s 1
SELF loans, revenue bonds, annual certificates of need, Minn. Law 2009 c 95 art 2 s 21, 22
Unallotment, see State budget under FINANCE DEPARTMENT
2009 unallotments, void, Minn. Law 2010 1Sp c 1 art 1 s 2
State aids reduced by, Minn. Law 2010 c 389 art 8 s 12
Workforce Development Council, duties, Minn. Law 2010 c 347 art 1 s 7 to 2010 c 347 art 1 s 9