Advertising by unlicensed persons, construction code work, Minn. Law 2010 c 183 s 2
Dwellings, statutory warranties, breach of warranty
Contribution or indemnity claims arising from, Minn. Law 2010 c 343 s 1, 2
Dispute resolution, Minn. Law 2010 c 343 s 11 to 2010 c 343 s 13
Lawsuits, Minn. Law 2010 c 343 s 8, 9
Limitation of liability, Minn. Law 2010 c 343 s 10
Right to inspect, Minn. Law 2010 c 343 s 5, 6, 8, 12
Right to repair, Minn. Law 2010 c 343 s 7, 8, 12
Lead certification
Checking at building permit issuance, Minn. Law 2010 c 321 s 1
Requirement, Minn. Law 2010 c 321 s 2, 3
Licenses generally, Minn. Law 2010 c 347 art 3 s 3 to 2010 c 347 art 3 s 10
Misclassification, study, Minn. Law 2009 c 78 art 6 s 17
"Off-the-books" payments, Minn. Law 2009 c 78 art 6 s 17
Performance guidelines, Minn. Law 2010 c 343 s 3
Violations and penalties, disciplinary actions, Minn. Law 2010 c 183 s 17, 18, 2010 c 280 s 28