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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Session Laws 2009 to 2010 Index (topics)


Absentee ballots

Applications for, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 2, 2010 c 201 s 15 to 2010 c 201 s 17, 20

Ballot boards, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 8, 9, 11, 12, 25, 2010 c 314 s 4

Certificates of eligibility, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 6

Checks of voter eligibility, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 13

City clerks, duties, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 3

Delivery to ballot boards, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 8

Election day voting in addition to, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 1, 27

Electronic transmission, Minn. Law 2010 c 184 s 9, 10

Examination and marking, dates, Minn. Law 2010 c 184 s 10

Federal write-in absentee ballots, Minn. Law 2010 c 201 s 21

Late or rejected, voting history, Minn. Law 2010 c 201 s 13

Optional ballot boards, repealed, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 27

Preparation and delivery, Minn. Law 2010 c 184 s 17

Processing, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 9, 2010 c 314 s 4

Reports to legislature, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 15

Return envelopes, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 5 to 2010 c 194 s 7

Rules about, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 10

Statewide voter registration system, entries in, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 4

Town clerks, duties, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 3

Validity, period, Minn. Law 2010 c 184 s 8

Voters deceased before election day, treatment, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 13, 27

Voters in military or abroad, Minn. Law 2010 c 194 s 13, 14

In person, Minn. Law 2010 c 201 s 18

Indefinite residence abroad, Minn. Law 2010 c 201 s 14, 19

Persons living abroad, Minn. Law 2010 c 201 s 14, 19