Emergency protective care
Ex parte orders
Contents, Court Rules Juv Prot 40.02
Enforcement, Court Rules Juv Prot 40.05
Execution, Court Rules Juv Prot 40.03
Generally, Court Rules Juv Prot 40.01
Notice requirements, Court Rules Juv Prot 40.04
Foster care placement, Court Rules Juv Prot 42.08
Hearings, generally, Court Rules Juv Prot 42.01 to Juv Prot 42.11
Notice requirements, Court Rules Juv Prot 42.02 to Juv Prot 42.04
Petition for hearing, Court Rules Juv Prot 42.07
Release from
Child taken into emergency protective care pursuant to court order, Court Rules Juv Prot 41.01
Child taken into emergency protective care without court order, Court Rules Juv Prot 41.01
Custody of parent or other suitable person, Court Rules Juv Prot 41.03
Discretionary release by court, custodial conditions, Court Rules Juv Prot 41.02
Orders, Court Rules Juv Prot 42.09
Review, Court Rules Juv Prot 42.10
Inspection, prior to hearings, Court Rules Juv Prot 42.03
Requirements, Court Rules Juv Prot 41.04
Timelines, Court Rules Juv Prot 39
Indian Child Welfare Act, application of law, Court Rules Juv Prot 3.03
Parentage matters, juvenile and family court cooperation, Court Rules Juv Prot 24.01 to Juv Prot Juv Prot 24.06