See also SEWAGE
Air pollution performance standards, see Incinerators under this topic
Analysis, labeling, Minn. Statutes 2024 18C.135
Analysis, soil and plant amendments, Minn. Rules 1510.0432
Annual whole sludge application rate (AWSAR), procedure to determine, Minn. Rules 7041.3100
Application to land
Agronomic rates, Minn. Rules 7041.1200, 7041.1800
Approval of sites, Minn. Rules 7041.0800
Available nitrogen, calculation, Minn. Rules 7041.3000
Carry-over nitrogen, calculation, Minn. Rules 7041.3000
Certification statement, pathogen requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1600
Characteristics of site, including in approval application, Minn. Rules 7041.0800
Containers, labeling requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Cumulative pollutant loading rates, determinations before application, Minn. Rules 7041.1000
Decisions about requests for sites, Minn. Rules 7041.0800
Definitions, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Endangered species, restrictions, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Flooded ground, restrictions, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Frozen ground, restrictions, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Management descriptions, including in approval applications, Minn. Rules 7041.0800
Monitoring requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1500
Pollutant limits, Minn. Rules 7041.1100
Prohibited sites, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Public notice requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.0800
Record keeping requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1600
Review of application requests, Minn. Rules 7041.0800
Revocation of approval, Minn. Rules 7041.0800
Sewage sludge from septic tanks, Minn. Rules 7041.1800
Sites, approval requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.0600
Slopes and separation distances, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Sludge prepared in Minnesota, applied to land in another state, Minn. Rules 7041.1000
Soil conditions, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Storage, see same under this topic
Vector attraction reduction requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1400
Beneficial use
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Policy of PCA, Minn. Rules 7041.0200
Cumulative pollutant loading rate
Applying sludge after loading rate reached, prohibitions, Minn. Rules 7041.1000
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Table of concentrations, Minn. Rules 7041.1100
Fertilizer labels, Minn. Rules 1510.0411
Fertilizer, Soil Amendment, and Plant Amendment Law, Minn. Statutes 2024 18C.005
Generally, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Waste Management Act, Minn. Statutes 2024 115A.03
Disposal, enforceability of requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.0500
Disposal facilities, county regulation, Minn. Statutes 2024 400.16
Enforcement of law, soil and plant amendments, Minn. Rules 1510.0434
Exceptional qualities sewage sludge
Applied to land, management practices, Minn. Rules 7041.0400
Certification statement, Minn. Rules 7041.1600
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Materials derived, exclusion from rules, Minn. Rules 7041.0300
Permit application information, Minn. Rules 7041.0700
Record keeping requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1600
Storage, Minn. Rules 7041.0400
Exclusions from requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.0300
Generators, supplementary review of waste facilities, Minn. Rules 9200.3600 to 9200.5300
Generators, waste facilities, supplementary review, Minn. Statutes 2024 115A.33
Hazardous waste exemption, Minn. Rules 7045.0120
Incineration as biomass, Minn. Statutes 2024 216B.1691, 216B.2411, 216B.2422
Air pollution emission standards, performance standards, Minn. Rules 7011.1350, 7011.1355
Air pollution performance standards
Existing plants, Minn. Rules 7011.1305
Methods of testing, Minn. Rules 7011.1320
Monitoring operations, Minn. Rules 7011.1315
New plants, Minn. Rules 7011.1310
Procedures of testing, Minn. Rules 7011.1325
Tests and testing, Minn. Rules 7011.1320, 7011.1325
Auxiliary fuel burners, standards, Minn. Rules 7011.1305, 7011.1310
Charging rate, standards, Minn. Rules 7011.1325
Collection of samples, monitoring, Minn. Rules 7011.1325
Compliance with standards, determination, performance tests, Minn. Rules 7011.1325
Definitions, Minn. Rules 7011.1300
Dry slug charging rate, standards, Minn. Rules 7011.1325
Flow measuring devices, monitoring, Minn. Rules 7011.1315
Incorporation by reference, performance standards, Minn. Rules 7011.1350
Mass, standards, Minn. Rules 7011.1325
Mercury emissions, Minn. Rules 7011.1360
Methods, performance tests, Minn. Rules 7011.1320
Monitoring operations, standards, Minn. Rules 7011.1315
New plants, air standards, Minn. Rules 7011.1310
Odor control, standards, Minn. Rules 7011.1305, 7011.1310
Particulate emission rate, air pollution performance tests, Minn. Rules 7011.1325
Procedures, air pollution performance tests, Minn. Rules 7011.1325
Temperature, auxiliary fuel burners, air pollution standards, Minn. Rules 7011.1305, 7011.1310
Tests and testing, air pollution performance tests, Minn. Rules 7011.1320, 7011.1325
Time, air pollution performance tests, sampling time, Minn. Rules 7011.1325
Incorporation by reference, samples, analytical procedures for determining constituents, Minn. Rules 7041.3200
Labeling, sewage sludge analysis, Minn. Statutes 2024 18C.135
Labels and labeling
Analysis, soil and plant amendments, Minn. Rules 1510.0432
Sale, label requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Management plans, Minn. Rules 7041.0600
Monitoring, sewage sludge applied to land, Minn. Rules 7041.1500
Nitrogen, Minn. Rules 7041.3000
Operator and inspector certifications
Certificates, Minn. Rules 7048.1000
Classification of disposal facilities, Minn. Rules 7048.0300
Committee of certification, Minn. Rules 7048.0400
Deadlines, Minn. Rules 7048.1300
Definitions, Minn. Rules 7048.0100
Examinations, Minn. Rules 7048.0800, 7048.0900
Fees, Minn. Rules 7048.1100
Inspectors, Minn. Rules 7048.0700
Operators, Minn. Rules 7048.0600
Purpose, Minn. Rules 7048.0200
Required individuals, Minn. Rules 7048.0500
Sanctions, Minn. Rules 7048.1200
Application to land, generally, Minn. Rules 7041.1300
Certification statement, Minn. Rules 7041.1600
Class A, Minn. Rules 7041.1300
Class B, Minn. Rules 7041.1300
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Sewage sludge from septic tanks, Minn. Rules 7041.1800
NPDES permits
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Information required with application, Minn. Rules 7041.0700
Persons required to obtain, Minn. Rules 7041.0600
Persons required to obtain permits, Minn. Rules 7041.0600
Scope of rules, generally, Minn. Rules 7001.0020
SDS permits
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Information required with application, Minn. Rules 7041.0700
Persons required to obtain, Minn. Rules 7041.0600
Site approval, Minn. Rules 7041.0600
Persons who prepare sewage sludge
Certification statements, Minn. Rules 7041.1600
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Notice given
Cumulative pollutant loading rates, excessive, Minn. Rules 7041.1700
Nitrogen concentrations, Minn. Rules 7041.1000
Request for land application site, Minn. Rules 7041.0800
Sludge applied to land in another state, Minn. Rules 7041.1000
Storage, exceptional quality sewage sludge, Minn. Rules 7041.0400
Record keeping requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1600
Reporting requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1700
Responsibilities, generally, Minn. Rules 7041.0500
Pollutant limit
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Table of pollutant concentrations, Minn. Rules 7041.1100
Prepared, defined, Minn. Statutes 2024 115A.03
Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 7041.0200
Analytical procedures, determining constituents in samples, Minn. Rules 7041.3200
Soil samples, collection requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.3300
Label requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Pathogens, standards, Minn. Rules 7041.1300
Vector attraction reduction requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.1400
Septic tanks, Minn. Rules 7041.1800
Analysis, procedures, Minn. Rules 7041.3400
Sample collection, Minn. Rules 7041.3300
Soil horizon, defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Soil texture, defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Solid waste management facilities, restrictions on accepting, Minn. Rules 7035.2535
Construction requirements, Minn. Rules 7041.0900
Dewatered sewage sludge storage, Minn. Rules 7041.0900
Exceptional quality sewage sludge, Minn. Rules 7041.0400
Long-term storage
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Description, including in approval applications, Minn. Rules 7041.0800
Generally, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Permits, see same under this topic
Seepage rate permitted, Minn. Rules 7041.0900
Short-term storage
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Generally, Minn. Rules 7041.1200
Transfer without charge, exemption from law, Minn. Statutes 2024 18C.135
Transportation, Minn. Statutes 2024 169.80
Treatment works, defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Users of sludge, management practices, notice and information, Minn. Rules 7041.1000
Variances from rules, Minn. Rules 7041.0500
Vector attraction
Certification statement, Minn. Rules 7041.1600
Defined, Minn. Rules 7041.0100
Reduction requirements, generally, Minn. Rules 7041.1400
Sewage sludge from septic tanks, Minn. Rules 7041.1800