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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules Index (topics)


Application of rules, Minn. Rules 7049.0110

Baseline monitoring reports

Certification statement, Minn. Rules 7049.0590

Compliance schedule, Minn. Rules 7049.0550

Compliance schedules, Minn. Rules 7001.1150

Contents, Minn. Rules 7049.0520

Due dates, Minn. Rules 7049.0510

Monitoring for, Minn. Rules 7049.0540

POTWs, reporting in lieu of users, Minn. Rules 7049.0580

Requirements, Minn. Rules 7049.0500

Best management practices

Definition, Minn. Rules 7049.0120

Local limits, Minn. Rules 7049.0850

Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 7049.0162

Bypasses, Minn. Rules 7049.0495

Categorical industrial users

Applications, contents, Minn. Rules 7049.0530

Definition, Minn. Rules 7049.0120

Pretreatment of discharges, categorical standards for, see same under this topic

Combined waste streams, discharge limits for, Minn. Rules 7049.0350

Definitions, Minn. Rules 7049.0120

Delegated POTWs, Minn. Rules 7049.0800 to 7049.0960

Discharges into

Changes in, notice about, Minn. Rules 7049.0210

Combined waste streams, discharge limits for, Minn. Rules 7049.0350

Hazardous waste, Minn. Rules 7049.0210

Indirect discharges, information about, Minn. Rules 7049.0163

Information about, obtaining by POTWs, Minn. Rules 7049.0700, 7049.0710


Combined waste streams, discharge limits for, Minn. Rules 7049.0350

Local limits, Minn. Rules 7049.0850, 7049.1010

Location for discharges, Minn. Rules 7049.0140

Pretreatment of discharges, categorical standards for, see same under this topic

Prohibited discharges, Minn. Rules 7049.0140

Records and record keeping, see same under this topic

Reports about discharges, see same under this topic

Slug discharges, industrial users, Minn. Rules 7049.0210

Violations and penalties, see same under this topic

Enforcement response plans, Minn. Rules 7049.0860

Hazardous waste discharged into, sewered hazardous waste, Minn. Rules 7049.0210

Indirect discharges into, information about, Minn. Rules 7049.0163

Industrial users

Baseline monitoring reports, Minn. Rules 7049.0500, 7049.0510, 7049.0520

Categorical industrial users, see Pretreatment of discharges, categorical standards for under this topic

Compliance with local law, Minn. Rules 7049.0130

Definition, Minn. Rules 7049.0120

Monitoring, Minn. Rules 7049.0200

Notices about specific discharges, Minn. Rules 7049.0210

Pollution Control Agency action to control, Minn. Rules 7049.0640

POTW responsibility to control, Minn. Rules 7049.0600, 7049.0640

Reports about pollutants, Minn. Rules 7049.0200

Significant industrial users

Discharges, information about, Minn. Rules 7049.0700, 7049.0710

Lists of, Minn. Rules 7049.0870

Monitoring, Minn. Rules 7049.0710

Local governments owning, laws, compliance with, by industrial users, Minn. Rules 7049.0130


Baseline monitoring reports, Minn. Rules 7049.0500, 7049.0510, 7049.0520, 7049.0540

Industrial users, Minn. Rules 7049.0200

Significant industrial users, Minn. Rules 7049.0710

National pollutant discharge elimination system permits

General conditions in, Minn. Rules 7001.1090

Modifications, Minn. Rules 7001.1150, 7049.1005

Special conditions in, Minn. Rules 7001.1080

90-day compliance reports

Certification statement, Minn. Rules 7049.0590

Generally, Minn. Rules 7049.0560

POTWs, reports by, Minn. Rules 7049.0580

Nondelegated POTWs, Minn. Rules 7049.0700, 7049.0710, 7049.0720

Periodic reports on continued compliance

Certification statement, Minn. Rules 7049.0590

Generally, Minn. Rules 7049.0570

POTWs, reports by, Minn. Rules 7049.0580

Pollution Control Agency, approvals of programs

Hearings, Minn. Rules 7049.0940

Notices given, Minn. Rules 7049.0940

Public access to submittals, Minn. Rules 7049.0880

Review of submittals, Minn. Rules 7049.0930, 7049.0950

POTW, definition, Minn. Rules 7049.0100, 7049.0200

POTW authorities

Enforcement of pretreatment standards, Minn. Rules 7049.0650

Enforcement response plans, Minn. Rules 7049.0860

Monitoring and reporting by, Minn. Rules 7049.0580

Pretreatment annual reports, Minn. Rules 7049.0620

Reports given, see same under this topic

Pretreatment of discharges, categorical standards for

Adjustment for pollutants in intake water, Minn. Rules 7049.0480

Bypasses, Minn. Rules 7049.0495

Compliance schedule, Minn. Rules 7049.0550

Enforcement, Minn. Rules 7049.0650

Failure to implement, Minn. Rules 7049.0640

Industrial users, Minn. Rules 7049.0300

Specific industries, Minn. Rules 7049.0310

Variances for fundamentally different factors, Minn. Rules 7049.0485

Violations, "upset" defense, Minn. Rules 7049.0490

Pretreatment programs

Approval by Pollution Control Agency, Minn. Rules 7049.0880, 7049.0900, 7049.0930 to 7049.0960

Compliance schedules, Minn. Rules 7001.1150, 7049.0550

Conditional approval, Minn. Rules 7049.0910, 7049.0960

Conditions for approval, generally, Minn. Rules 7049.0810 to 7049.0870

Enforcement response plans, Minn. Rules 7049.0860

Environmental Protection Agency objections, Minn. Rules 7049.0950

Funding and staffing, Minn. Rules 7049.0840

Legal authority governing POTW, Minn. Rules 7049.0820

Local limits, Minn. Rules 7049.0850

Modification, Minn. Rules 7049.0970, 7049.0980, 7049.0990, 7049.1000, 7049.1005

POTWs without, Minn. Rules 7049.0700

Procedures for ensuring compliance, Minn. Rules 7049.0830

Program submittals to Pollution Control Agency, Minn. Rules 7049.0880, 7049.0890

Removal credits, see same under this topic

Significant industrial user lists, Minn. Rules 7049.0870

Watershed plans, compliance with, Minn. Rules 7049.0920

Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 7049.0100

Records and record keeping

Indirect discharges, Minn. Rules 7049.0163

Requirements, Minn. Rules 7049.0162

Removal credits

Applications for, Minn. Rules 7049.0370

Authorization to grant credits, Minn. Rules 7049.0380, 7049.0450, 7049.0460, 7049.0900

Conditional credits before agency approval, Minn. Rules 7049.0430, 7049.0440

Data demonstrating consistent removal, Minn. Rules 7049.0400, 7049.0410

Definitions, Minn. Rules 7049.0360

Delegated pretreatment programs, Minn. Rules 7049.0900

Environmental Protection Agency objections, Minn. Rules 7049.0950

Modification or withdrawal, Minn. Rules 7049.0470

Provisional credits, new or changed facilities, Minn. Rules 7049.0420

Revised discharge limits, calculation, Minn. Rules 7049.0390

Reports about discharges

Baseline monitoring reports, see same under this topic

Data classification, Minn. Rules 7049.0160

Delegated pretreatment programs, POTWs with, Minn. Rules 7049.1020

Industrial users, Minn. Rules 7049.0200

90-day compliance reports, see same under this topic

Nondelegated POTWs, Minn. Rules 7049.0700, 7049.0720

Periodic reports on continued compliance, see same under this topic

POTWs, reports by, in lieu of industrial users, Minn. Rules 7049.0580

Signatures, Minn. Rules 7049.0220

Reports given

Data classification, Minn. Rules 7049.0160

Delegated pretreatment programs, POTWs with, Minn. Rules 7049.1020

Signatures, Minn. Rules 7049.0630


Data demonstrating consistent removal, Minn. Rules 7049.0400, 7049.0410

Industrial users, Minn. Rules 7049.0200

Significant industrial users

Discharges, information about, Minn. Rules 7049.0700, 7049.0710

Lists, Minn. Rules 7049.0870

Monitoring, Minn. Rules 7049.0710

Pretreatment annual reports about, Minn. Rules 7049.0620

Violations and penalties

Criminal penalties, Minn. Rules 7049.0161

Defenses, Minn. Rules 7049.0150, 7049.0490

Prohibited discharges, Minn. Rules 7049.0140, 7049.0150