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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules Index (topics)


Advertising, fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading practices, subdivided land sales, Minn. Rules 2810.1300, 2810.1400

Currency exchanges, fees and fee amendments, Minn. Rules 2872.0100

Digital signatures law, Minn. Rules 8275.0135

Domicile, income and franchise taxes, Minn. Rules 8001.0300

Fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading practices, subdivided land sales

Advertising, Minn. Rules 2810.1300, 2810.1400

Real estate practices, Minn. Rules 2810.3100

Motor fuel taxes, evasion, Minn. Rules 8125.0410

Principals, lobbyist registration and reporting, Minn. Rules 4511.0300

Rebuttable presumptions, power companies, reasonable practices, Minn. Rules 7826.0300

Unitary business taxes, corporations, Minn. Rules 8019.0100