Appliances, compliance certificates and data plates, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Defined, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Generally, Minn. Rules 1360.0300
Modification, Minn. Rules 1360.0700
Off-site construction, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Plans and specifications
Changes, Minn. Rules 1360.1500
Evidence, Minn. Rules 1360.2800
Procedures, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
Requirements, Minn. Rules 1360.0300, 1360.2500
Revocation, Minn. Rules 1360.1800
Building officials
Approvals by, modifications, Minn. Rules 1360.0700
Notice given, damaged buildings, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Building permits
Applications, Minn. Rules 1360.1300
Dwellings manufactured for use in specific municipalities, Minn. Rules 1360.0300
Issuance, Minn. Rules 1360.1300
Certificates and certification
Compliance certificates and data plates, see same under this topic
Inspections, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Noncompliance, reporting requirements, Minn. Rules 1360.1000
Occupancy, Minn. Rules 1360.1400
Classification of property, rulemaking, Minn. Statutes 2024 273.125
Closed construction, defined, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Approvals, see same under this topic
Damaged buildings, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Noncompliance, Minn. Rules 1360.1000, 1360.1800
Plans and specification, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
R-3 and U-1 occupancies, certification, Minn. Rules 1360.1900
Compliance certificates and data plates
Appliances, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Defined, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Manufacturers, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.0200, 1360.0500, 1360.2400
Modification, restrictions, Minn. Rules 1360.0700
R-3 and U-1 occupancies, Minn. Rules 1360.1900
Requirements, generally, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Sale, offer for sale, or installation, Minn. Rules 1360.0500
Closed construction, defined, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Dwellings manufactured for use in specific municipalities, approval, Minn. Rules 1360.0300
Off-site construction, approvals, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Open construction, defined, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Contractors, continuing education, Minn. Statutes 2024 326B.821
Damaged buildings, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Definitions, property taxes, Minn. Statutes 2024 273.125
Definitions, State Building Code, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Design loads
Building permits, Minn. Rules 1360.1300
Compliance certificates, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Drainage, connections, compliance certificates, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Drive-away in transit license plates, Minn. Statutes 2024 168.053
Electrical equipment and systems
Compliance certificates, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Plans and specifications, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
Enforcement of rules, see Local enforcement agencies under this topic
Generally, Minn. Rules 1360.3600
Occupancy certificates, Minn. Rules 1360.1400
Gas, permissible type for appliances, compliance certificates, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Handling, inspections, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Heat and heating, plans and specification, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
Industrialized/modular buildings
Building components, defined, Minn. Rules 1361.0200
Compliance, State Building Code, Minn. Rules 1305.3113, 1361.0400, 1361.0500
Definitions, Minn. Rules 1361.0200
Industrialized Buildings Commission, Minn. Rules 1361.0200, 1361.0400
Installation, Minn. Rules 1361.0400, 1361.0500
Model rules and regulations
Defined, Minn. Rules 1361.0200
Incorporation by reference, Minn. Rules 1361.0300, 1361.0500
Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 1361.0100
Sale or offer for sale, Minn. Rules 1361.0400
Code compliance, Minn. Rules 1360.0400
Dwellings manufactured for use in specific municipalities, Minn. Rules 1360.0300
Fees, Minn. Rules 1360.3600
Generally, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Installation, Minn. Rules 1360.1000
Local enforcement agencies, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.0400, 1360.1000
On-site systems testing, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
State building official, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.0400, 1360.0900
Building permits, Minn. Rules 1360.1300
Compliance certifications and data plates, Minn. Rules 1360.0500
Damaged buildings, inspections, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Defined, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Inspections, Minn. Rules 1360.1000
Local building officials, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.1300
Seals, Minn. Rules 1360.0500
Standards, Minn. Rules 1360.1200
Installers, notice given, damaged buildings, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Interstate Compact on Industrialized/Modular Buildings, Minn. Statutes 2024 326B.194
Local enforcement agencies
Approvals by, Minn. Rules 1360.0300, 1360.2800
Defined, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Duties delegated to, Minn. Rules 1360.0300, 1360.0400
Inspections, Minn. Rules 1360.0400, 1360.1000
Notice received, manufacturers, change of ownership, name, or address, Minn. Rules 1360.1600
Reports given, installation, noncompliance, Minn. Rules 1360.1000
Compliance certificates, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Inspections, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Products manufactured in multiple locations, documentation, Minn. Rules 1360.2600
Standards, Minn. Rules 1360.1200
Manufactured home parks, see MANUFACTURED HOME PARKS
Manufactured homes, see MANUFACTURED HOMES
Change, notice, Minn. Rules 1360.1600
Compliance certificates, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Plans and specifications, approval, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
Approvals, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.0300, 1360.1500, 1360.2500
Changed plans, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.1500
Compliance certificates and data plates, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.0200, 1360.0500, 1360.2400
Defined, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Design loads, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.1300
Change, notice, Minn. Rules 1360.1600
Compliance certificates, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Plans and specifications, approval, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
Notice given
Damaged buildings, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Ownership, name, or address change, Minn. Rules 1360.1600
Notice received, dwellings manufactured for use in specific municipalities, approval, Minn. Rules 1360.0300
Ownership, change, notice requirements, Minn. Rules 1360.1600
Products manufactured in multiple locations, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.2600
R-3 and U-1 occupancies, seals, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.1900
Seals and sealing (labels and marks), see same under this topic
Service and repairs, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.3100
Modifications, approval, Minn. Rules 1360.0700
Modular homes, see MODULAR HOMES
Certification, Minn. Rules 1360.1400
R-3 and U-1 occupancies, seals, Minn. Rules 1360.1900
Off-site construction, approvals, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Open construction, defined, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Owners, notice given, damaged buildings, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Plans and specifications
Approvals, see same under this topic
Building permits, Minn. Rules 1360.1300
Fees, Minn. Rules 1360.3600
Manufacturers, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.0300, 1360.1500, 1360.2500
Nonconforming, notice, Minn. Rules 1360.2700
Requirements, generally, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
Plumbing, plans and specifications, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
Purpose of rules, generally, Minn. Rules 1360.0100
Reporting requirements, certification, noncompliance, Minn. Rules 1360.1000
Sale, Minn. Rules 1360.0500
Seals and sealing (labels and marks)
Damaged buildings, removal from, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Defined, Minn. Rules 1360.0200
Fees, Minn. Rules 1360.3600
Issuance, Minn. Rules 1360.0200, 1360.2000
Modifications, restrictions, Minn. Rules 1360.0700
Plans and specifications, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
R-3 and U-1 occupancies, compliance certification, Minn. Rules 1360.1900
Sale, offer for sale, or installation, Minn. Rules 1360.0500
Serial numbers, Minn. Rules 1360.2000, 1360.2400
Sectional structures, Minn. Statutes 2024 273.125
Serial numbers
Manufacturers compliance certificates, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Seals, Minn. Rules 1360.2000, 1360.2400
Service and repairs, manufacturers, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.3100
Standards, Minn. Rules 1360.1200
State Building Code, Minn. Rules 1300.0010, 1300.0050
Storage, inspections, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Tests and testing
Inspections, plans and specifications, Minn. Rules 1360.2500
Requirements, Minn. Rules 1360.0800
State building official, duties, Minn. Rules 1360.0800
Transportation, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Transporters, notice given, damaged buildings, Minn. Rules 1360.0900
Travel expenses, rates, Minn. Rules 1360.3600
Water supply, connections, compliance certificates, Minn. Rules 1360.2400
Zoning, local municipalities, powers reserved to, Minn. Rules 1360.1100, 1360.1300