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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules Index (topics)


Absentee voting, Minn. Rules 8230.1130

Alternate procedures, authorized, Minn. Rules 8230.1860

Ballot boxes

Inserting ballots into, Minn. Rules 8230.0650

Opening during voting hours, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Precinct counting centers, Minn. Rules 8230.4355, 8230.4365

Providing to precincts, Minn. Rules 8230.0580

Ballot counters

Defined, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Error messages, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Inserting ballots into, Minn. Rules 8230.0650

Security (safety), Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Testing, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Ballot envelopes

Damaged or defective ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.1850

Delivery to local election officials, Minn. Rules 8230.2050

Duplicate ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.3850

Excess ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.0580, 8230.2030

Precinct supplies, Minn. Rules 8230.0580

Spoiled ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.0850, 8230.1050, 8230.4365

Write-in voting, Minn. Rules 8230.2040


Absentee voting, Minn. Rules 8230.0560, 8230.1130

Ballot style indicator, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Counting votes, see same under this topic

Damaged or defective ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.1850

Delivery to election judges, Minn. Rules 8230.0560

Duplicate ballots

Damaged or defective ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.1850

Defined, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Generally, Minn. Rules 8230.2030, 8230.3850

Overvotes, Minn. Rules 8230.2040

Write-in voting, Minn. Rules 8230.2040

Excess ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.2030

Form, Minn. Rules 8250.1810

General rules, see Ballots under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

Judicial ballots, Minn. Rules 8250.0375

Marking, demonstrations, Minn. Rules 8230.0650

Number of, verification by central counting center personnel, Minn. Rules 8230.3750

Printing specifications, Minn. Rules 8230.0560

Retention, Minn. Rules 8230.4150

Sample ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.0580

Secrecy covers

Defined, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Format, Minn. Rules 8230.0570

Precinct supplies, Minn. Rules 8230.0580

Voting procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.0650

Security (safety), Minn. Rules 8230.1150, 8230.2050

Spoiled ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.0850, 8230.1050, 8230.4365

Transfer cases

Central counting centers, procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.3750

Contents, Minn. Rules 8230.2050, 8230.4385

Delivery to local election officials, Minn. Rules 8230.2250

Second transfer case, Minn. Rules 8230.2050, 8230.4385

Unissued ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.0560, 8230.1150, 8230.4395

Central count voting system

Application of rules, Minn. Rules 8230.2010

Defective ballots, envelope, Minn. Rules 8230.0580

Defined, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Election judges, duties, Minn. Rules 8230.2020 to 8230.2040

Generally, Minn. Rules 8230.2010 to 8230.4150

Observers, Minn. Rules 8230.3450

Operators, Minn. Rules 8230.3450

Overvotes, Minn. Rules 8230.2040

Polling place procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.2030

Preliminary procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.3450

Public accuracy test, Minn. Rules 8230.3550

Required use, Minn. Rules 8230.3560

Vote totals, certification, Minn. Rules 8230.2020

Write-in voting, Minn. Rules 8230.2040

Zero reports, Minn. Rules 8230.3550

Central counting center

Defined, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Duplication of ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.3850

Procedures, generally, Minn. Rules 8230.3560

Security (safety), Minn. Rules 8230.3450, 8230.3750

Summary statements, preparation, Minn. Rules 8230.3950

Transfer cases, procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.2050, 8230.2250, 8230.3750

Verification, number of ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.3750

Voting system, accuracy, certification, Minn. Rules 8230.3550

Certificates and certification

Election judges, duties, see same under this topic

Local election officials, duties, see same under this topic

Computer programs

Error messages, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

General rules, see Computer programs under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

Counting votes

Ballot counters, see same under this topic

Central count voting system, see same under this topic

Central counting center, see same under this topic

General rules, see Counting votes under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

Precinct count voting system, see same under this topic

Definitions, Minn. Statutes 2024 206.56, 206.90, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Election judges, duties

Absentee voting, Minn. Rules 8230.1130

Ballots, delivery to, Minn. Rules 8230.0560

Certificates and certification

Ballots received, issued, and used, Minn. Rules 8230.2050

Central count voting system, Minn. Rules 8230.2020 to 8230.2040

Generally, Minn. Rules 8230.2150, 8230.4390

Precinct count voting system, Minn. Rules 8230.4385, 8230.4390

Summary statements, Minn. Rules 8230.4380

Transfer cases, Minn. Rules 8230.2250, 8230.4385

Counting procedures, statutory compliance, Minn. Rules 8230.4370

Duplication of ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.1850, 8230.3850

Election day procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

General rules, Minn. Rules 8220.1150

Polling place procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.2030

Spoiled ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.0850

Summary statements, Minn. Rules 8230.4380

Transfer cases, Minn. Rules 8230.2250, 8230.4385

Voting procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.0650

Write-in voting, Minn. Rules 8230.4375

Examination and certification, see under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

Experimental procedures, authorized, Minn. Rules 8230.1860

Forms, ballots, Minn. Rules 8250.1810

Generally, Minn. Statutes 2024 206.90, Minn. Rules 8230.0050 to 8230.4395

Hardware, see Hardware under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

Incident reports

Ballot/vote totals, discrepancies, Minn. Rules 8230.2030

Ballots found in voting stations, Minn. Rules 8230.1050

Defined, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Delivery to local election officials, Minn. Rules 8230.2050

Excess ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.2030

Local election officials, duties

Ballot specifications, Minn. Rules 8230.0560

Certificates and certification, Minn. Rules 8230.0560, 8230.4050

Certifying to, summary statements, Minn. Rules 8230.4050, 8230.4380

Delivery to, transfer cases, Minn. Rules 8230.4385

Records and record keeping, ballots, number received, Minn. Rules 8230.0560

Reports given, summary statements, Minn. Rules 8230.4050

Transfer cases, delivery to, Minn. Rules 8230.2050, 8230.2250

Unissued ballots, return to, Minn. Rules 8230.2450

Precinct count voting system

Application of rules, Minn. Rules 8230.4325

Ballot boxes, Minn. Rules 8230.4355, 8230.4365

Ballot counters, testing, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Certification, Minn. Rules 8230.4380

Counting procedures, statutory compliance, Minn. Rules 8230.4370

Defined, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Election day procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Election judges, duties, Minn. Rules 8230.4365 to 8230.4390

Equipment, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Generally, Minn. Rules 8230.4325 to 8230.4395

Overvotes, Minn. Rules 8230.4365, 8230.4375

Spoiled ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Summary statements, Minn. Rules 8230.4365, 8230.4380

Transfer cases, Minn. Rules 8230.4385

Use, generally, Minn. Rules 8230.3560

Write-in voting, Minn. Rules 8230.1350, 8230.4375

Precinct supplies, Minn. Rules 8230.0580

Procedures following close of polls, Minn. Rules 8230.1150

Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 8230.0050

Seals and sealing (labels and marks)

Ballot counters, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Transfer cases, Minn. Rules 8230.2250, 8230.3750, 8230.4385

Security (safety)

Ballot counters, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.1150, 8230.2050

Central counting center procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.3450, 8230.3750

General rules, see Security (safety) under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

Unissued ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.1150

Statutory compliance

Counting procedures, precinct count voting systems, Minn. Rules 8230.4370

Paper ballot procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.0150

Summary statements

Central counting center personnel, duties, Minn. Rules 8230.3950

Certification, Minn. Rules 8230.4050

Contents, Minn. Rules 8230.3950

County auditors, duties, Minn. Rules 8230.4050

Defined, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Delivery to local election officials, Minn. Rules 8230.2050

Distribution, Minn. Rules 8230.4050, 8230.4380

Format, Minn. Rules 8230.3950

Local election officials, duties, Minn. Rules 8230.4050

Number of voters, Minn. Rules 8230.1150

Precinct count voting system, Minn. Rules 8230.3560, 8230.4365, 8230.4380

Printing, for public information, Minn. Rules 8230.4050, 8230.4380

Testing, Minn. Statutes 2024 206.83

Ballot counters, Minn. Rules 8230.4365

Certification, Minn. Rules 8230.3550

General rules, see Testing under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

Public accuracy test, Minn. Rules 8220.0250, 8230.3550

Test deck, Minn. Rules 8220.0250, 8230.3550

Voting systems, generally, Minn. Rules 8220.0050 to 8220.2850


Ballot specifications, filing with secretary of state, Minn. Rules 8230.0560

Delivery of ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.0560

General rules, see Vendors under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

Voting booths or stations

Arrangement, Minn. Rules 8230.0250

Ballots found in, Minn. Rules 8230.1050

Self-contained voting stations, defined, Minn. Rules 8220.0250

Voting procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.0650

Voting procedures

Ballots found in voting stations, Minn. Rules 8230.1050

Demonstrations, Minn. Rules 8230.0650

General rules, see Voting procedures under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

Paper ballot procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.0150

Spoiled ballots, Minn. Rules 8230.0850, 8230.1050

Voter's receipts, Minn. Rules 8230.0650

Write-in voting

Counting, generally, Minn. Rules 8230.1350

General rules, see Write-in voting under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS

Overvotes, procedures, Minn. Rules 8230.2040

Precinct count voting system, Minn. Rules 8230.4375

Processing location, Minn. Rules 8230.2040, 8230.4375

Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 8230.0580

Stickers, use prohibited, Minn. Rules 8230.1450

Tally sheet, delivery to local election officials, Minn. Rules 8230.2050