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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules Index (topics)


Annual report

Generally, Minn. Rules 6132.1300

Review, Minn. Rules 6132.4000

Authority for rules, Minn. Rules 6132.0200

Blasting, Minn. Rules 6132.2900

Buffers, Minn. Rules 6132.2100

Closure, maintenance, Minn. Rules 6132.3200

Definitions, Minn. Rules 6132.0100

Dust, control, Minn. Rules 6132.2800

Financial assurance, Minn. Rules 6132.1200

Heap and dump leaching facilities, Minn. Rules 6132.2600


Objections to proposed mining operations, Minn. Rules 6132.4000

Procedures, generally, Minn. Rules 6132.5000

Inspections of mining area, Minn. Rules 6132.5200

Mine waste characterization, Minn. Rules 6132.1000

Objections to proposed mining operations, procedures, Minn. Rules 6132.4000

Overburden portion of pitwalls, Minn. Rules 6132.2300


Advertisements relating to permits, Minn. Rules 6132.4900

Amendments, Minn. Rules 6132.4200


Financial assurance, Minn. Rules 6132.1200

Form, Minn. Rules 6132.1100

Information required, Minn. Rules 6132.1100

Joint applications, Minn. Rules 6132.0300

Preapplication conference, Minn. Rules 6132.4000

Site visit, Minn. Rules 6132.4000

Assignment, Minn. Rules 6132.4700

Cancellation, Minn. Rules 6132.4400

Environmental setting, submitting with application, Minn. Rules 6132.1100

First year of operation plans, submitting with application, Minn. Rules 6132.1100

General requirement, Minn. Rules 6132.0300

Maps, submitting with application, Minn. Rules 6132.1100

Mine waste characterization, Minn. Rules 6132.0100, 6132.1000

Mining and reclamation plan, submitting with application, Minn. Rules 6132.1100

Modification by commissioner order, Minn. Rules 6132.4300

Notice, Minn. Rules 6132.4900

Organizational structure, submitting with application, Minn. Rules 6132.1100

Preapplication conferences, Minn. Rules 6132.1100

Procedures, generally, Minn. Rules 6132.4000

Release, request, Minn. Rules 6132.1400

Release of permittee, Minn. Rules 6132.4800

Revocation, Minn. Rules 6132.4600

Site visits, Minn. Rules 6132.1100

Suspension, Minn. Rules 6132.4500

Term of permit, Minn. Rules 6132.0300

Variances, Minn. Rules 6132.4100

Violations, corrective action, Minn. Rules 6132.3100

Policy of department, Minn. Rules 6132.0200

Postclosure, maintenance, Minn. Rules 6132.3200

Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 6132.0200

Reactive mine waste, Minn. Rules 6132.2200

Siting, Minn. Rules 6132.2000

Storage piles, Minn. Rules 6132.2400

Subsidence, Minn. Rules 6132.3000

Tailings, basins, Minn. Rules 6132.2500

Vegetation, Minn. Rules 6132.2700

Violations and penalties, civil, Minn. Rules 6132.5100


Conservation, siting considerations, Minn. Rules 6132.2000

Mitigation and replacement procedures, Minn. Rules 6132.5300