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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules Index (topics)


Audits and examinations, Minn. Rules 1550.0840

Bills of lading, Minn. Rules 1550.0840

Carcasses, treatment, Minn. Rules 1540.1370

Containers, bulk containers, Minn. Rules 1550.0770

Definitions, food, general rules, Minn. Rules 1550.0810

Invoices, Minn. Rules 1550.0840

Labels and labeling

Bulk cuts, Minn. Rules 1550.0700, 1550.0760

Cured, cooked, or prepared meat, Minn. Rules 1550.0760

Fresh meat, trimmings, Minn. Rules 1550.0710

Generally, Minn. Rules 1550.0690, 1550.0700

Meat unfit for kosher plumba, Minn. Rules 1550.0740

Poultry, Minn. Rules 1550.0730

Prepackaged meats, Minn. Rules 1550.0780

Shochets, duties, Minn. Rules 1550.0690, 1550.0730, 1550.0740

Tongue and livers, Minn. Rules 1550.0720

Wieners, sausages, and frankfurters, bulk containers, Minn. Rules 1550.0770

Marks and marking

Fresh meat, trimmings, Minn. Rules 1550.0710

Generally, Minn. Rules 1550.0690

Tref, Minn. Rules 1550.0740, 1550.0750

Meat preparations

Defined, Minn. Rules 1550.0810

Labels and labeling, Minn. Rules 1550.0760

Records and record keeping, bills of lading and invoices, Minn. Rules 1550.0840

Seals and sealing (labels and marks), Minn. Rules 1550.0700, 1550.0730, 1550.0760

Sliced, cut, ground, or chopped meats or meat products, sale, identification, Minn. Rules 1550.0820

Supervision, rabbinical council, Minn. Rules 1550.0780, 1550.0790, 1550.0820


Fresh meats, Minn. Rules 1550.0750

Meat unfit for kosher plumba, Minn. Rules 1550.0740