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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules Index (topics)


Adult community-based residential correctional facilities, Minn. Rules 2920.6300


Bathing facilities, see BATHING FACILITIES

Chemically dependent persons, see CHEMICALLY DEPENDENT PERSONS

Child care centers, Minn. Rules 9503.0005 to 9503.0170

Compressed work hours, motor vehicle fuel emergencies, exemption for sanitation service, Minn. Rules 7620.0610

Dams, hazards, classification, Minn. Rules 6115.0340

Energy supply emergencies, priority uses, fuel oil and motor fuel, Minn. Rules 7620.0400, 7620.0410

Environmental health, variances

Alternative measures or conditions, Minn. Rules 4717.7030

Criteria, Minn. Rules 4717.7010

Denial, revocation, or refusal to renew, appeals, Minn. Rules 4717.7040

Notification, Minn. Rules 4717.7020

Renewal, Minn. Rules 4717.7040

Requests, Minn. Rules 4717.7000

Environmental health specialists/sanitarians, Minn. Rules 4695.2500 to 4695.3200

Environmental protection, see ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION

Family day care homes

Adults in FDC home, Minn. Rules 9502.0355

Children's health, Minn. Rules 9502.0405, 9502.0435

Family foster care, Minn. Rules 9543.0010 to 9543.0150

Hotels and motels, Minn. Rules 4625.0300

Maternal and infant health, see MATERNAL AND INFANT HEALTH


Occupational safety and health, see OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH

Pharmacies, Minn. Rules 6800.2300

Resorts, Minn. Rules 4625.0300

Teachers of, licenses

Generally, Minn. Rules 8710.3200, 8710.4500

Health and physical disabilities special education, Minn. Rules 8710.5800

Wildlife exhibits, veterinarian care, Minn. Rules 6244.2800

Workers' compensation medical services fees, Minn. Rules 5221.0100 to 5221.8900