Adult community-based residential correctional facilities, Minn. Rules 2920.3200
Banks, Minn. Rules 2675.2630, 2675.2640
Certified information systems, digital signatures, licensed certification authorities, Minn. Rules 8275.0070
Clean water partnership program grants and loans, Minn. Rules 7076.0210, 7076.0215
Clean water revolving fund loans, Minn. Rules 7380.0480
Corporations, arbitrary charges, income taxes, Minn. Rules 8034.0100
Credit unions
Examiner's report, review, Minn. Rules 2675.6180
Semiannual audit, Minn. Rules 2675.6100
Digital signatures law, see Audits and examinations under DIGITAL SIGNATURES
Drinking water revolving fund, borrowers, Minn. Rules 7380.0297
Driver's license agents, Minn. Rules 7404.0475
Gambling organizations, see Organizations under GAMBLING
Health maintenance organizations, annual reports, Minn. Rules 4685.1960
Lawful gambling organizations, see Organizations under GAMBLING
Medical assistance, nursing home residents assessments, Minn. Rules 4656.0080
Metropolitan watershed management organizations, Minn. Rules 8410.0150
Enrollees, eligibility, Minn. Rules 9506.0060
Managed care health plans, Minn. Rules 9506.0400
Multicounty multitype library system, Minn. Rules 3530.2600
Outdoor recreation grants, Minn. Rules 4310.8105 to 4310.8160
Prevailing wages, construction payrolls, Minn. Rules 5200.1050
Regional library systems, basic system support grants, Minn. Rules 3530.1200
Rural development challenge grants, Minn. Rules 4370.0060
Sales and use taxes, Minn. Rules 8130.7501
Schools and school districts, see SCHOOL DISTRICTS
Securities, see SECURITIES
Semi-independent living services grants, Minn. Rules 9525.0980
Transportation revolving loan fund, audits of borrowers, Minn. Rules 7380.0775
Workers' compensation
Managed care plans, Minn. Rules 5218.0800
Self-insurance, Minn. Rules 2780.0500, 2780.4400