Offenses subject to a mandatory life sentence, including first-degree murder and certain sex offenses under Minnesota Statutes, section 609.3455, subdivision 2, are excluded from the Guidelines by law.
Severity Level | Offense Title | Statute Number |
11 | Adulteration | 609.687, subd. 3(1) |
Assault 1st Degree (Great Bodily Harm Upon Official by Dangerous Weapon or Deadly Force) | 609.221, subd. 4 | |
Murder 2nd Degree (Intentional Murder; Unintentional Drive-By Shootings) | 609.19, subd. 1 | |
Murder of an Unborn Child 2nd Degree | 609.2662(1) | |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | ||
10 | Assault 1st Degree (Great Bodily Harm Upon Official) | 609.221, subd. 3 |
Fleeing a Peace Officer (Death) | 609.487, subd. 4(a) | |
Murder 2nd Degree (Unintentional Murder) | 609.19, subd. 2 | |
Murder of an Unborn Child 2nd Degree | 609.2662(2) | |
Murder 3rd Degree | 609.195(a) | |
Murder of an Unborn Child 3rd Degree | 609.2663 | |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | ||
9 | Assault 1st Degree (Deadly Force Against Official) | 609.221, subd. 2 |
Assault 1st Degree (Great Bodily Harm) | 609.221, subd. 1 | |
Assault of an Unborn Child 1st Degree | 609.267 | |
Carjacking 1st Degree | 609.247, subd. 2 | |
Criminal Abuse of Vulnerable Adult (Death) | 609.2325, subd. 3(1) | |
Death of an Unborn Child in the Commission of Crime | 609.268, subd. 1 | |
Engage or Hire a Minor to Engage in Prostitution | 609.324, subd. 1(a) | |
Kidnapping (Great Bodily Harm) | 609.25, subd. 2(2)(ii) | |
Labor Trafficking (Death) | 609.282, subd. 1 | |
Manslaughter 1st Degree | 609.20(1), (2) & (5) | |
Manslaughter of an Unborn Child 1st Degree | 609.2664(1) & (2) | |
Murder 3rd Degree | 609.195(b) | |
Tampering with Witness, Aggravated 1st Degree | 609.498, subd. 1b | |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | ||
8 | Aggravated Robbery 1st Degree | 609.245, subd. 1 |
Arson 1st Degree | 609.561 | |
Burglary 1st Degree (w/Weapon or Assault) | 609.582, 1(b) & (c) | |
Child Torture | 609.3775 | |
Criminal Abuse of Vulnerable Adult (Great Bodily Harm) | 609.2325, subd. 3(2) | |
Criminal Vehicular Homicide (Death) | 609.2112, subd. 1(a) | |
Criminal Vehicular Homicide (Death, and Qualified Prior Conviction) | 609.2112, subd. 1(b) | |
Criminal Vehicular Operation (Death to an Unborn Child) | 609.2114, subd. 1(a) | |
Criminal Vehicular Operation (Death to an Unborn Child, and Qualified Prior Conviction) | 609.2114, subd. 1(b) | |
Deprivation of Vulnerable Adult (Great Bodily Harm) | 609.233, subd. 3(1) | |
Drive-By Shooting (Toward a Person or Occupied Motor Vehicle or Building) | 609.66, subd. 1e(a)(2) & (3) | |
Escape with Violence from Felony Offense | 609.485, subd. 4(b) | |
Fictitious Emergency Call (Great Bodily Harm or Death) | 609.78, subd. 2a(1) | |
Great Bodily Harm Caused by Distribution of Drugs | 609.228 | |
Identity Theft (8 or More Direct Victims or Loss Over $35,000) | 609.527, subd. 3(5) | |
Identity Theft (Related to Child Pornography) | 609.527, subd. 3(6) | |
Kidnapping (Not Released in Safe Place or Victim Under 16) | 609.25, subd. 2(2)(i) & (iii) | |
Labor Trafficking (Great Bodily Harm) | 609.282, subd. 1a(3) | |
Labor Trafficking (Minor Victim) | 609.282, subd. 1a(1) | |
Machine Gun, Trigger Activator, or Conversion Kit | 609.67, subd. 2(a) | |
Malicious Punishment of Child (Great Bodily Harm) | 609.377, subd. 6 | |
Manslaughter 1st Degree | 609.20(3) & (4) | |
Manslaughter of an Unborn Child 1st Degree | 609.2664(3) | |
Manslaughter 2nd Degree - Culpable Negligence | 609.205(1) & (5) | |
Manslaughter of an Unborn Child 2nd Degree | 609.2665(1) | |
Riot 1st Degree | 609.71, subd. 1 | |
Wildfire Arson (Damage over 100 Dwellings, Burns 1,500 Acres or More, or Crops in Excess of $250,000) | 609.5641, subd. 1a(c) | |
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7 | Carjacking 2nd Degree | 609.247, subd. 3 |
Financial Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult (Over $35,000) | 609.2335 | |
Felony Driving While Impaired 1st Degree | 169A.24 | |
Labor Trafficking (Extended Period of Time) | 609.282, subd. 1a(2) | |
Wildfire Arson (Damage over Five Dwellings, Burns 500 Acres or More, or Crops in Excess of $100,000) | 609.5641, subd. 1a(b) | |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | ||
6 | Aggravated Robbery 2nd Degree | 609.245, subd. 2 |
Assault 2nd Degree | 609.222 | |
Burglary 1st Degree (Occupied Dwelling) | 609.582, subd. 1(a) | |
Carjacking 3rd Degree | 609.247, subd. 4 | |
Catalytic Converter Crime (Over 70 Converters) | 325E.21, subd. 6(b)(5) | |
Certain Persons Not to Have Firearms or Ammunition | 624.713, subd. 1(b); 609.165, subd. 1b | |
Discharge of Firearm at Occupied Transit Vehicle/Facility | 609.855, subd. 5 | |
Explosive Device or Incendiary Device | 609.668, subd. 6 | |
Fleeing Peace Officer (Great Bodily Harm) | 609.487, subd. 4(b) | |
Kidnapping (Safe Release/No Great Bodily Harm) | 609.25, subd. 2(1) | |
Labor Trafficking | 609.282, subd. 2 | |
Medical Assistance Fraud (Over $35,000) | 609.466 | |
Offering Counterfeit Currency (Over $35,000) | 609.632, subd. 3 with subd. 4(b)(1) | |
Price Fixing/Collusive Bidding | 325D.53, subd. 1(2)(a) | |
Theft Over $35,000 | 609.52, subd. 2(a)(3), (4), (15), (16), & (19) with 609.52, subd. 3(1) | |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | ||
5 | Arson 2nd Degree | 609.562 |
Burglary 2nd Degree | 609.582, subd. 2(a)(1) & (2), 2(b) | |
Check Forgery (Over $35,000) | 609.631, subd. 4(1) | |
Child Neglect/Endangerment | 609.378 | |
Criminal Vehicular Operation (Great Bodily Harm) | 609.2113, subd. 1 | |
Criminal Vehicular Operation (Injury to an Unborn Child) | 609.2114, subd. 2 | |
Deprivation of Vulnerable Adult (Substantial Bodily Harm) | 609.233, subd. 3(2) | |
Emergency Telephone Calls and Communications (Blocks, Interferes, Prevents Using Multiple Communication Devices or Electronic Means) | 609.78, subd. 2b(2) | |
Engage or Hire a Minor to Engage in Prostitution | 609.324, subd. 1(b) | |
Financial Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult (Over $5,000) | 609.2335 | |
Financial Transaction Card Fraud (Over $35,000) | 609.821, subd. 3(a)(1)(i) | |
Harassment (3rd or Subsequent Violations) | 609.749, subd. 4(b) | |
Interference with Emergency Communications | 609.776 | |
Manslaughter 2nd Degree - Hunting Accident | 609.205(2), (3), & (4) | |
Manslaughter of an Unborn Child 2nd Degree | 609.2665(2), (3), & (4) | |
Negligent Discharge of Explosive | 299F.83 | |
Perjury | 609.48, subd. 4(1) | |
Possession or Use (Unauthorized) of Explosives | 299F.79; 299F.80, subd. 1; 299F.82, subd. 1 | |
Price Fixing/Collusive Bidding | 325D.53, subd. 1(1), and subd. 1(2)(b) & (c) | |
Simple Robbery | 609.24 | |
Stalking | 609.749, subd. 5 | |
Tampering with Witness in the First Degree | 609.498, subd. 1a | |
Transferring Firearm to Ineligible Person (Aggravated) | 624.7141, subd. 2 | |
Wildfire Arson (Demonstrable Bodily Harm) | 609.5641, subd. 1a(d) | |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | ||
4 | Adulteration | 609.687, subd. 3(2) |
Assault of an Unborn Child 2nd Degree | 609.2671 | |
Assault 3rd Degree | 609.223, subd. 1, 2, & 3 | |
Assault 5th Degree (3rd or Subsequent Violation) | 609.224, subd. 4 | |
Bribery | 609.42; 90.41; 609.86 | |
Bribery, Advancing Money, and Treating | 211B.13 | |
Bring Contraband into State Prison | 243.55 | |
Bring Dangerous Weapon into County Jail | 641.165, subd. 2(b) | |
Burglary 2nd Degree (Pharmacy/Tool) | 609.582, subd. 2(a)(3) & (4) | |
Burglary 3rd Degree (Nonresidential) | 609.582, subd. 3(a) | |
Criminal Abuse of Vulnerable Adult (Substantial Bodily Harm) | 609.2325, subd. 3(3) | |
Dangerous Weapons on School Property | 609.66, subd. 1d(a) | |
Domestic Assault | 609.2242, subd. 4 | |
Domestic Assault by Strangulation | 609.2247 | |
Emergency Telephone Calls and Communications (3rd or Subsequent, Making Calls When No Emergency Exists) | 609.78, subd. 2b(1) | |
False Imprisonment (Substantial Bodily Harm) | 609.255, subd. 3(c) | |
Financial Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult ($5,000 or Less) | 609.2335 | |
Fleeing a Peace Officer (Substantial Bodily Harm) | 609.487, subd. 4(c) | |
Harassment (Aggravated Violations) | 609.749, subd. 3(a), (b) | |
Harassment (2nd Violation) | 609.749, subd. 4(a) | |
Injury of an Unborn Child in Commission of Crime | 609.268, subd. 2 | |
Interference with a Dead Body or Scene of Death | 609.502, subd. 1(1) | |
Malicious Punishment of Child (2nd or Subsequent Violation) | 609.377, subd. 3 | |
Malicious Punishment of Child (Bodily Harm) | 609.377, subd. 4 | |
Malicious Punishment of Child (Substantial Bodily Harm) | 609.377, subd. 5 | |
Negligent Fires (Great Bodily Harm) | 609.576, subd. 1(1) | |
Organized Retail Theft (Over $5,000) | 609.522, subd. 3(1) | |
Perjury | 609.48, subd. 4(2) | |
Precious Metal and Scrap Metal Dealers, Receiving Stolen Goods (2nd or Subsequent Violation) | 609.526 | |
Publishing Personal Information of Judicial Official (Bodily Harm) | 609.476, subd. 3 | |
Receiving Stolen Property (Firearm) | 609.53 | |
Security Violations (Over $2,500) | 80A.68; 80B.10, subd. 1; 80C.16, subd. 3(a) & (b) | |
Sports Bookmaking | 609.76, subd. 2 | |
Threats of Violence (Terror/Evacuation) | 609.713, subd. 1 | |
Theft From Person | 609.52 | |
Theft of Controlled Substances | 609.52, subd. 3(2) | |
Theft of Firearm | 609.52, subd. 3(1) | |
Theft of Incendiary Device | 609.52, subd. 3(2) | |
Theft of Motor Vehicle | 609.52, subd. 2(a)(1) | |
Use of Drugs to Injure or Facilitate Crime | 609.235 | |
Violation of a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order | 629.75, subd. 2(d) | |
Violation of an Order for Protection | 518B.01, subd. 14(d) | |
Violation of Harassment Restraining Order | 609.748, subd. 6(d) | |
Weapon in Courthouse or Certain State Buildings | 609.66, subd. 1g | |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | ||
3 | Arson 3rd Degree | 609.563 |
Bringing Stolen Goods into State (Over $5,000) | 609.525 | |
Burglary 3rd Degree (Shoplifting Contrary to Trespass Notice, 2nd or Subsequent) | 609.582, subd. 3(b) | |
Catalytic Converter Crime (11-70 Converters) | 325E.21, subd. 6(b)(4) | |
Certain Persons Not to Have Firearms or Ammunition | 624.713, subd. 2(a) | |
Check Forgery (Over $2,500) | 609.631, subd. 4(2) | |
Coercion (Threat Bodily Harm) | 609.27, subd. 1(1) | |
Coercion (Prop. Value $2,500 or More) | 609.27, subd. 1(2), (3), (4), (5), & (6) | |
Computer Damage (Over $2,500) | 609.88 | |
Computer Theft (Over $2,500) | 609.89 | |
Criminal Vehicular Operation (Substantial Bodily Harm) | 609.2113, subd. 2 | |
Damage or Theft to Energy Transmission, Telecommunications | 609.593 | |
Damage to Property (Risk Bodily Harm, Public Safety Motor Vehicle) | 609.595, subd. 1(1) & (2) | |
Damages; Illegal Molestation of Human Remains; Burials; Cemeteries | 307.08, subd. 2(a) | |
Dangerous Smoking | 609.576, subd. 2 | |
Dangerous Trespass, Railroad Tracks | 609.85(1) | |
Depriving Another of Custodial or Parental Rights | 609.26, subd. 6(a)(2) | |
Disarming a Peace Officer | 609.504 | |
Drive-By Shooting (Unoccupied Motor Vehicle or Building) | 609.66, subd. 1e(a)(1) | |
Embezzlement of Public Funds (Over $2,500) | 609.54 | |
Engage or Hire a Minor to Engage in Prostitution | 609.324, subd. 1(c) | |
Escape from Civil Commitment, Sexually Dangerous Persons | 609.485, subd. 4(a)(5) | |
Escape from Electronic Monitoring | 609.485, subd. 4(f) | |
Escape from Felony Offense | 609.485, subd. 4(a)(1) | |
False Imprisonment (Demonstrable Bodily Harm) | 609.255, subd. 3(b) | |
False Imprisonment (Restraint) | 609.255, subd. 2 | |
False Traffic Signal | 609.851, subd. 2 | |
Fictitious Emergency Call (Substantial Bodily Harm) | 609.78, subd. 2a(2) | |
Financial Transaction Card Fraud (Over $2,500) | 609.821, subd. 2(1), (2), (5), (6), (7), & (8) | |
Firearm Suppressor (Public Housing, School, or Park Zone) | 609.66, subd. 1a(a)(1) | |
Gambling Taxes | 297E.13, subd. 1-4 | |
Hinder Logging (Great Bodily Harm) | 609.591, subd. 3(1) | |
Identity Theft (4-7 Direct Victims or Loss Over $2,500) | 609.527, subd. 3(4) | |
Insurance Tax | 297I.90, subd. 1& 2 | |
Intentional Release of Harmful Substance | 624.732, subd. 2 | |
Medical Assistance Fraud (Over $5,000) | 609.466 | |
Motor Vehicle Use Without Consent | 609.52, subd. 2(a)(17) | |
Nonconsensual Dissemination of a Deep Fake Depicting Intimate Parts or Sexual Acts | 617.262, subd. 3(b) | |
Nonconsensual Dissemination of Private Sexual Images | 617.261, subd. 2(b) | |
Obstructing Legal Process, Arrest, Firefighting, or Ambulance Service Personnel Crew | 609.50, subd. 2 | |
Offering Counterfeit Currency ($5,001-$35,000) | 609.632, subd. 3 with subd. 4(b)(2) | |
Organized Retail Theft ($1,001-$5,000, or $501-$1,000 and Prior Convictions) | 609.522, subd. 3(2) | |
Patrons of Prostitution (2nd or Subsequent Violation) | 609.324, subd. 2(b) | |
Possession of Burglary Tools | 609.59 | |
Possession of Code Grabbing Devices | 609.586, subd. 2 | |
Possession of Shoplifting Gear | 609.521 | |
Possession or Sale of Stolen or Counterfeit Check | 609.528, subd. 3(4) | |
Precious Metal and Scrap Metal Dealers, Receiving Stolen Goods ($1,000 or More) | 609.526, subd. 2(1) | |
Receiving Stolen Goods (Over $5,000) | 609.53 | |
Rustling and Livestock Theft (Over $2,500) | 609.551 | |
Sale of Human Remains | 609.84 | |
Security Violations ($2,500 or Less) | 80A.68; 80B.10, subd. 1; 80C.16, subd. 3(a) & (b) | |
Short-Barreled Shotgun | 609.67, subd. 2(b) | |
Surreptitious Photography Under or Around Clothing (3rd or Subsequent Violation) | 609.746, subd. 1(j) | |
Tampering with Fire Alarm System (Results in Bodily Harm) | 609.686, subd. 2 | |
Tax Evasion Laws | 289A.63 | |
Tear Gas & Tear Gas Compounds; Electronic Incapacitation Devices | 624.731, subd. 8(a) | |
Telecommunications and Information Services; Obtaining Services By Fraud (Over $2,500) | 609.893, subd. 1 | |
Theft Crimes - Over $5,000 | See section 7: Theft Offense List | |
Theft of Controlled Substances | 609.52, subd. 3(3)(b) | |
Theft of Public Records | 609.52 | |
Theft of Trade Secret | 609.52, subd. 2(a)(8) | |
Unauthorized Presence in Hazardous Military Area | 609.396, subd. 2 | |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | ||
2 | Accidents (Death) | 169.09, subd. 14(a)(1) |
Aggravated Forgery (Misc. Non-Check) | 609.625; 609.635; 609.64 | |
Bribery of Participant or Official in Contest | 609.825, subd. 2 | |
Bringing Stolen Goods into State ($1,001 - $5,000) | 609.525 | |
Bringing Stolen Goods into State ($501 - $1,000, w/Previous Conviction) | 609.525 | |
Catalytic Converter Crime (3-10 Converters) | 325E.21, subd. 6(b)(3) | |
Cellular Counterfeiting 1st Degree | 609.894, subd. 4 | |
Check Forgery ($251 - $2,500) | 609.631, subd. 4(3)(a) | |
Coercion (Prop. Value $301 - $2,500) | 609.27, subd. 1(2), (3), (4), (5), & (6) | |
Computer Damage ($2,500 or Less) | 609.88 | |
Computer Theft ($2,500 or Less) | 609.89 | |
Counterfeited Intellectual Property | 609.895, subd. 3(a) | |
Damage to Property (Service to Public, Over $1,000, Over $500 and Subsequent) | 609.595, subd. 1(3), (4) & (5) | |
Discharge of Firearm (Intentional) | 609.66, subd. 1a(a)(2) | |
Discharge of Firearm (Public Housing, School, or Park Zone) | 609.66, subd. 1a(a)(2) & (3) | |
Dishonored Check (Over $500) | 609.535, subd. 2a(a)(1) | |
Duty to Render Aid (Death or Great Bodily Harm) | 609.662, subd. 2(b)(1) | |
Electronic Use of False Pretense to Obtain Identity | 609.527, subd. 5a | |
Embezzlement of Public Funds ($2,500 or Less) | 609.54 | |
Failure to Control a Regulated Animal, Resulting in Great Bodily Harm or Death | 346.155, subd. 10(e) | |
Financial Transaction Card Fraud ($2,500 or Less) | 609.821, subd. 2(1), (2), (5), (6), (7), & (8) | |
Firearm Suppressor | 609.66, subd. 1a(a)(1) | |
Furnishing a Dangerous Weapon | 609.66, subd. 1c | |
Furnishing Firearm to Minor | 609.66, subd. 1b | |
Gambling Regulations | 349.2127, subd. 1-6; 349.22, subd. 4 | |
Identity Theft (2-3 Direct Victims or $501-$2,500 Loss) | 609.527, subd. 3(3) | |
Impersonating a Peace Officer | 609.4751, subd. 3 | |
Mail Theft | 609.529 | |
Medical Assistance Fraud ($5,000 or Less) | 609.466 | |
Negligent Fires (Damage $2,500 or More) | 609.576, subd. 1(3)(iii) | |
Offering Counterfeit Currency ($5,000 or Less) | 609.632, subd. 3 with subd. 4(b)(3) | |
Possession or Sale of Stolen or Counterfeit Check | 609.528, subd. 3(3) | |
Precious Metal and Scrap Metal Dealers, Receiving Stolen Goods (Less than $1,000) | 609.526, subd. 2(2) | |
Precious Metal Dealers, Regulatory Provisions | 325F.743 | |
Receiving Stolen Goods ($5,000 or Less) | 609.53 | |
Residential Mortgage Fraud | 609.822 | |
Riot 2nd Degree | 609.71, subd. 2 | |
Rustling and Livestock Theft ($2,500 or Less) | 609.551 | |
Telecommunications and Information Services; Obtaining Services by Fraud ($2,500 or Less) | 609.893, subd. 1 | |
Telecommunications and Information Services; Facilitation of Telecommunications Fraud | 609.893, subd. 2 | |
Threats of Violence (Bomb Threat) | 609.713, subd. 2 | |
Theft Crimes - $5,000 or Less | See section 7: Theft Offense List | |
Theft (Looting) | 609.52 | |
Theft ($1,000 or Less; Risk of Bodily Harm) | 609.52, subd. 3a(1) | |
Transfer Pistol to Minor | 624.7132, subd. 15(b) | |
Transferring Firearm to Ineligible Person | 624.7141, subd. 1 | |
Unauthorized Computer Access (Electronic Terminal) | 609.891, subd. 2(c) | |
Unlawful Possession or Use of Scanning Device or Reencoder | 609.527, subd. 5b | |
Wildfire Arson | 609.5641, subd. 1a(a) | |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | ||
1 | Accidents (Great Bodily Harm) | 169.09, subd. 14(a)(2) |
Altering Livestock Certificate | 35.824 | |
Assault 4th Degree | 609.2231, subds. 1, 2, 3, & 3a | |
Assault Weapon in Public if Under 21 | 624.7181, subd. 2 | |
Assaulting or Harming a Police Horse | 609.597, subd. 3(3) | |
Assault 4th Degree Motivated by Bias | 609.2231, subd. 4(b) | |
Aiding Offender to Avoid Arrest | 609.495, subd. 1 | |
Bullet-Resistant Vest During Commission of Crime | 609.486 | |
Cable Communication Systems Interference | 609.80, subd. 2 | |
Cellular Counterfeiting 2nd Degree | 609.894, subd. 3 | |
Certification for Title on Watercraft | 86B.865, subd. 1 | |
Check Forgery ($250 or Less) | 609.631, subd. 4(3)(b) | |
Counterfeited Intellectual Property | 609.895, subd. 3(b) | |
Crime Committed for Benefit of Gang | 609.229, subd. 3(c) | |
Criminal Damage to Property Motivated by Bias | 609.595, subd. 1a(a) | |
Criminal Use of Real Property (Movie Pirating) | 609.896 | |
Depriving Another of Custodial or Parental Rights | 609.26, subd. 6(a)(1) | |
Discharge of Firearm (Reckless) | 609.66, subd. 1a(a)(3) | |
Discharge of Firearm at Unoccupied Transit Vehicle/Facility | 609.855, subd. 5 | |
Duty to Render Aid (Substantial Bodily Harm) | 609.662, subd. 2(b)(2) | |
Escape from Civil Commitment | 609.485, subd. 4(a)(4) | |
Escape, Mental Illness | 609.485, subd. 4(a)(2) | |
Failure to Appear in Court | 609.49; 588.20, subd. 1 | |
False Bill of Lading | 228.45; 228.47; 228.49; 228.50; 228.51 | |
False Certification by Notary Public | 609.65(1) | |
False Declaration | 256.984 | |
False Information - Certificate of Title Application | 168A.30, subd. 1 | |
False Statement to Obtain Firearm Transferee Permit | 624.7131, subd. 11 | |
Fictitious Emergency Call (Response to Home of Official) | 609.78, subd. 2c | |
Financial Transaction Card Fraud | 609.821, subd. 2(3) & (4) | |
Fleeing a Peace Officer | 609.487, subd. 3 | |
Forgery | 609.63 | |
Forgery Related Crimes | See Forgery Related Offense List | |
Fraudulent Drivers' Licenses and Identification Cards | 609.652 | |
Fraudulent Instrument or Entry for Procuring a Certificate of Title | 508.80 | |
Fraudulent Statements | 609.645 | |
Insurance Regulations | 62A.41 | |
Interference with Privacy (2nd or Subsequent Violation or Minor Victim) | 609.746, subd. 1(g) | |
Interference with Transit Operator | 609.855, subd. 2(c)(1) | |
Leaving State to Evade Establishment of Paternity | 609.31 | |
Liquor Taxation (Criminal Penalties) | 297G.19, subds. 3, 4(c), 5(c) | |
Lottery Fraud | 609.651, subd. 1 with subd. 4(a) | |
Money Transmitter Regulations | 53B.66 | |
Nonsupport of Spouse or Child | 609.375, subd. 2a | |
Organized Retail Theft ($501-$1,000, or $500 or Less and Prior Convictions) | 609.522, subd. 3(3) | |
Pistol without a Permit (Subsequent Violations) | 624.714, subd. 1a | |
Prize Notices and Solicitations | 325F.755, subd. 7 | |
Prostitution Crimes (Gross Misdemeanor Level) Committed in School or Park Zones | 609.3242, subd. 2(2) | |
Remove or Alter Serial Number on Firearm | 609.667 | |
Tampering with a Fire Alarm (Potential for Bodily Harm) | 609.686, subd. 2 | |
Tax on Petroleum and Other Fuels (Willful Evasion) | 296A.23, subd. 2 | |
Threats of Violence (Replica Firearm) | 609.713, subd. 3(a) | |
Theft from Abandoned or Vacant Building ($1,000 or Less) | 609.52, subd. 3(3)(d)(iii) | |
Unlawful Acts Involving Liquor | 340A.701 | |
Voting Violations | Chapters 201, 203B, & 204C | |
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | ||
UNRANKED | Abortion | 617.20; 617.22; 145.412 |
Accomplice After the Fact | 609.495, subd. 3 | |
Adulteration | 609.687, subd. 3(3) | |
Aiding Suicide | 609.215 | |
Altering Engrossed Bill | 3.191 | |
Animal Fighting | 343.31, subd. 1(a) | |
Assaulting or Harming a Police Horse | 609.597, subd. 3(1) & (2) | |
Bigamy | 609.355 | |
Cigarette Tax and Regulation Violations | 297F.20 | |
Collusive Bidding/Price Fixing | 325D.53, subds. 1(3), 2, & 3 | |
Computer Encryption | 609.8912 | |
Concealing Criminal Proceeds; Engaging in Business | 609.496; 609.497 | |
Corporate Political Contribution Violations | 211B.15 | |
Corrupting Legislator | 609.425 | |
Counterfeiting of Currency (Manufacturing or Printing/Means for False Reproduction) | 609.632, subd. 1 & 2 with subd. 4(a) | |
Damage to Property of Critical Public Service Facilities, Utilities, and Pipelines | 609.594 | |
Escape with Violence from Gross Misdemeanor or Misdemeanor Offense | 609.485, subd. 4(a)(3) | |
Failure to Report Danger to Child's Health (Death) | 260E.08(c) | |
Falsely Impersonating Another | 609.83 | |
Female Genital Mutilation | 609.2245 | |
Forced Execution of a Declaration | 145B.105 | |
Fraudulent or Improper Financing Statements | 609.7475 | |
Gambling Acts (Cheating, Certain Devices Prohibited; Counterfeit Chips; Manufacture, Sale, Modification of Devices; Instruction) | 609.76, subd. 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 | |
Hazardous Wastes | 609.671 | |
Horse Racing - Prohibited Act | 240.25 | |
Incest | 609.365 | |
Insurance Fraud - Employment of Runners | 609.612 | |
Interstate Compact Violation | 243.161 | |
Issuing a Receipt for Goods One Does Not Have | 227.50 | |
Issuing a Second Receipt Without "Duplicate" on It | 227.52 | |
Killing or Harming a Public Safety Dog | 609.596, subd. 1 | |
Lawful Gambling Fraud | 609.763 | |
Metal Penetrating Bullets | 624.7191 | |
Midwest Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact; Enforcement of Compact and Laws | 116C.835 | |
Misprision of Treason | 609.39 | |
Motor Vehicle Excise Tax | 297B.10 | |
Obscene Materials; Distribution | 617.241, subd. 4 | |
Obstructing Military Forces | 609.395 | |
Pipeline Safety | 299J | |
Police Radios During Commission of Crime | 609.856 | |
Racketeering, Criminal Penalties (RICO) | 609.904 | |
Real and Simulated Weapons of Mass Destruction | 609.712 | |
Refusal to Assist | 6.53 | |
Sale of Membership Camping Contracts | 82A.13; 82A.25 | |
Service Animal Providing Service | 343.21, subd. 9(f)(h) | |
State Lottery Fraud | 609.651, subd. 1 with 4(b) and subd. 2 & 3 | |
Subdivided Land Fraud | 83.43 | |
Torture or Cruelty to Pet or Companion Animal | 343.21, subd. 9(c)(d)(g)(i) | |
Treason | 609.385 | |
Unauthorized Computer Access (Grave Risk or Subsequent) | 609.891, subd. 2(a) & (b) | |
Unlawful Conduct with Documents in Furtherance of Labor or Sex Trafficking | 609.283 | |
Unlawful Transfers or Sales of Recordings | 325E.201 | |
Using Deep Fake Technology to Influence an Election (2nd or Subsequent Violation) | 609.771, subd. 3(1) | |
Warning Subject of Investigation | 609.4971 | |
Warning Subject of Surveillance or Search | 609.4975 | |
Wire Communications Violations | 626A.02, subd. 4; 626A.03, subd. 1(b)-(ii); 626A.26, subd. 2(1)(ii) | |
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A | Aggravated Sex Trafficking 1st Degree | 609.322, subd. 1(a) with ref. to subd. 1(b) |
Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st Degree | 609.342 | |
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B | Aggravated Sex Trafficking 2nd Degree | 609.322, subd. 1a with ref. to subd. 1(b) |
Criminal Sexual Conduct 2nd Degree | 609.343, subd. 1(a)(b)(c)(d)(e) & 1a(a)(b)(c)(d)(h)(i) | |
Sex Trafficking 1st Degree | 609.322, subd. 1(a) | |
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C | Criminal Sexual Conduct 3rd Degree | 609.344, subd. 1(a)(b)(c)(d) & 1a(c)(d)(g)(h)(i) |
Dissemination of Child Pornography (Subsequent, by Predatory Offender, or Child Under 14) | 617.247, subd. 3(b) | |
Sexual Extortion (Penetration) | 609.3458, subd. 1(b) | |
Sex Trafficking 2nd Degree | 609.322, subd. 1a | |
Use of Minors in Sexual Performance (Subsequent, by Predatory Offender, or Child Under 14) | 617.246, subd. 2(b), 3(b), 4(b) | |
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D | Criminal Sexual Conduct 2nd Degree | 609.343, subd. 1a(e)(f)(g) |
Criminal Sexual Conduct 3rd Degree | 609.344, subd. 1a(a)(e)(f) or subd. 1a(b) with ref. to subd. 2(1) | |
Use of Minors in Sexual Performance | 617.246, subd. 2(a), 3(a), 4(a) | |
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E | Criminal Sexual Conduct 4th Degree | 609.345, subd. 1(a)(b)(c)(d) & 1a(c)(d)(g)(h)(i) |
Dissemination of Child Pornography | 617.247, subd. 3(a) | |
Sexual Extortion (Contact) | 609.3458, subd. 1(a) | |
Possession of Child Pornography (Subsequent, by Predatory Offender, or Child Under 14) | 617.247, subd. 4(b) | |
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F | Criminal Sexual Conduct 4th Degree | 609.345, subd. 1a(a)(b)(e)(f) |
Criminal Sexual Conduct 5th Degree (2nd or Subsequent Violation) | 609.3451, subd. 3(b) | |
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G | Criminal Sexual Conduct 3rd Degree (Actor between 24 mos. and 36 mos. older than Complainant) | 609.344, subd. 1a(b) with ref. to subd. 2(2) |
Indecent Exposure | 617.23, subd. 3 | |
Possession of Child Pornography | 617.247, subd. 4(a) | |
Solicitation of Children to Engage in Sexual Conduct | 609.352, subd. 2 | |
Solicitation of Children to Engage in Sexual Conduct (Electronic) | 609.352, subd. 2a | |
Surreptitious Observation Device (Minor Victim and Sexual Intent) | 609.746, subd. 1(h) | |
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H | Criminal Sexual Conduct 5th Degree (Nonconsensual Penetration) | 609.3451, subd. 3(a) |
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I | Failure to Register as a Predatory Offender | 243.166, subd. 5(b)(c) |
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D9 | Aggravated Controlled Substance Crime 1st Degree | 152.021, subd. 2b |
Importing Controlled Substances Across State Borders | 152.0261 | |
Manufacture Any Amount of Methamphetamine | 152.021, subd. 2a | |
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D8 | Controlled Substance Crime 1st Degree | 152.021, subd. 1 or 2 |
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D7 | Controlled Substance Crime 2nd Degree | 152.022 |
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D6 | Controlled Substance Crime 3rd Degree | 152.023 |
Failure to Affix Stamp on Cocaine | 297D.09, subd. 1a | |
Failure to Affix Stamp on Hallucinogens or PCP | 297D.09, subd. 1a | |
Failure to Affix Stamp on Heroin | 297D.09, subd. 1a | |
Failure to Affix Stamp on Remaining Schedule I & II Narcotics | 256D.09, subd. 1a | |
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D5 | Possession of Substances with Intent to Manufacture Methamphetamine | 152.0262 |
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D4 | Controlled Substance Crime 4th Degree | 152.024 |
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D3 | Anhydrous Ammonia (Tamper/Theft/Transport) | 152.136 |
Methamphetamine Crimes Involving Children and Vulnerable Adults | 152.137 | |
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D2 | Cannabis Cultivation 1st Degree | 152.0265, subd. 1 |
Cannabis Possession 1st Degree | 152.0263, subd. 1 | |
Cannabis Sale 1st Degree | 152.0264, subd. 1 | |
Controlled Substance Crime 5th Degree | 152.025, subd. 4(b) | |
Failure to Affix Stamp on Remaining Schedule I, II, & III Non-Narcotics | 297D.09, subd. 1a | |
Medical Cannabis Violations (Submission of False Records) | 152.33, subd. 4 | |
Sale of Synthetic Cannabinoids | 152.027, subd. 6(c) | |
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D1 | Failure to Affix Stamp on Illegal Cannabis | 297D.09, subd. 1a |
Failure to Affix Stamp on Schedule IV Substances | 297D.09, subd. 1a | |
Medical Cannabis Violations (Intentional Diversion) | 152.33, subd. 1 | |
Medical Cannabis Violations (Diversion by patient, Registered Designated Caregiver, or Parent) | 152.33, subd. 2 | |
Sale of Simulated Controlled Substance | 152.097 |