A lawyer licensed in another jurisdiction may apply for and be admitted under a temporary license to practice law in Minnesota when the applicant has accepted employment in Minnesota as a lawyer for a legal services program.
In order to qualify for the license, the lawyer must comply with the requirements of Rule 4A(1), (2), (3)(a), and (6) and must file with the Board, the following:
(1) A completed application for temporary license to practice law in Minnesota for a legal services program;
(2) A certificate or certificates from the proper authority in each jurisdiction certifying that the lawyer is in good standing and that no charges of professional misconduct are pending;
(3) An affidavit from the applicant's employer attesting to his or her knowledge of the applicant's competence and good character, and the fact that the applicant has accepted employment as a lawyer for a legal services program in Minnesota and will be supervised by a licensed Minnesota lawyer;
(4) Two additional affidavits of character as prescribed by Rule 4B(4), and a fee consistent with Rule 12G of these Rules.
The office of the Board shall conduct an expedited character and fitness investigation and certify the applicant's good character and fitness prior to issuance of a license under this Rule.
A license granted pursuant to this Rule shall authorize the lawyer to practice solely on behalf of the indigent clients of the designated legal services program.
This temporary license shall be valid for a period of no more than 15 months from the date of issuance. Upon notice to the Clerk of the Appellate Courts, the Board shall have authority to revoke a temporary license issued pursuant to this Rule upon the occurrence of any of the following:
(1) The holder's admission to practice law in Minnesota pursuant to Rule 6 (Admission by Examination), Rule 7A (Eligibility by Practice) or 7B (Eligibility by Test Score);
(2) Termination of the holder's employment with the employer referred to in Rule 8B(3);
(3) The lapse of 15 months from the date of issuance;
(4) The holder's failure of the Minnesota Bar Examination; or
(5) Issuance by the Board of an adverse determination relative to the applicant's character and fitness.
Time in the practice of law in the State of Minnesota under this temporary license may be counted toward the applicant's eligibility for admission without examination under Rule 7A.
(Amended effective September 1, 2004; amended effective July 1, 2007; amended effective September 1, 2011.)