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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

SF 2498

as introduced - 81st Legislature (1999 - 2000) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to natural resources; increasing payments for 
  1.3             certain natural resources land; providing an inflation 
  1.4             adjustment; conveying title to consolidated 
  1.5             conservation lands to the counties in which the lands 
  1.6             are located; amending Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 
  1.7             477A.12; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1998, sections 
  1.8             84A.01; 84A.02; 84A.03; 84A.04; 84A.07; 84A.08; 
  1.9             84A.09; 84A.10; 84A.101; 84A.11; 84A.20; 84A.21; 
  1.10            84A.22; 84A.23; 84A.26; 84A.27; 84A.28; 84A.29; 
  1.11            84A.30; 84A.31; 84A.32; 84A.33; 84A.36; 84A.37; 
  1.12            84A.38; 84A.39; 84A.40; 84A.41; 84A.42; 84A.50; 
  1.13            84A.51; 84A.52; 84A.53; 84A.54; 84A.55; 84A.56; and 
  1.14            84A.57. 
  1.16     Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 477A.12, is 
  1.17  amended to read: 
  1.20     Subdivision 1.  [ANNUAL APPROPRIATION.] (a) There is 
  1.21  annually appropriated to the commissioner of natural resources 
  1.22  from the general fund for payment to counties within the state 
  1.23  an amount equal to: 
  1.24     (1) for acquired natural resources land, $3, as adjusted by 
  1.25  subdivision 2, multiplied by the total number of acres of 
  1.26  acquired natural resources land or, beginning July 1, 1996 2000, 
  1.27  at the county's option three-fourths of one percent of the 
  1.28  appraised value of all acquired natural resources land in the 
  1.29  county, whichever is greater; 
  1.30     (2) 75 cents, as adjusted by subdivision 2, multiplied by 
  2.1   the number of acres of county-administered other natural 
  2.2   resources land; and 
  2.3      (3) 37.5 75 cents, as adjusted by subdivision 2, multiplied 
  2.4   by the number of acres of commissioner-administered other 
  2.5   natural resources land located in each county as of July 1 of 
  2.6   each year. 
  2.7      (b) Lands for which payments in lieu are made pursuant to 
  2.8   section 97A.061, subdivision 3, and Laws 1973, chapter 567, 
  2.9   shall not be eligible for payments under this section.  Each 
  2.10  county auditor shall certify to the department of natural 
  2.11  resources during July of each year the number of acres of 
  2.12  county-administered other natural resources land within the 
  2.13  county.  The department of natural resources may, in addition to 
  2.14  the certification of acreage, require descriptive lists of land 
  2.15  so certified.  The commissioner of natural resources shall 
  2.16  determine and certify the number of acres of acquired natural 
  2.17  resources land and commissioner-administered natural resources 
  2.18  land within each county. 
  2.19     (c) For the purposes of this section, the appraised value 
  2.20  of acquired natural resources land is the purchase price for the 
  2.21  first five years after acquisition.  The appraised value of 
  2.22  acquired natural resources land received as a donation is the 
  2.23  value determined for the commissioner of natural resources by a 
  2.24  licensed appraiser, or the county assessor's estimated market 
  2.25  value if no appraisal is done.  The appraised value must be 
  2.26  determined by the county assessor every five years after the 
  2.27  land is acquired. 
  2.28     Subd. 2.  [ANNUAL INFLATION ADJUSTMENTS.] (a) The payments 
  2.29  per acre to counties under subdivision 1 shall annually be 
  2.30  adjusted as provided in this subdivision.  The fiscal year 2003 
  2.31  payments are calculated as the payment amounts per acre provided 
  2.32  under subdivision 1 for fiscal year 2002 increased by a 
  2.33  percentage equal to the percentage change in the implicit price 
  2.34  deflator from 1979 to 2002.  For purposes of this subdivision, 
  2.35  "implicit price deflator" is defined as the implicit price 
  2.36  deflator for state and local government consumption expenditures 
  3.1   and investments as prepared by the United States Department of 
  3.2   Commerce. 
  3.3      (b) The payment amounts per acre for fiscal year 2004 and 
  3.4   each subsequent year are calculated as the payment amounts under 
  3.5   this section in the previous year adjusted by the previous 
  3.6   year's percentage change in the implicit price deflator. 
  3.8      Upon the request of a county in which the lands are 
  3.9   located, the commissioner of natural resources shall convey 
  3.10  title to lands held by the state under Minnesota Statutes, 
  3.11  sections 84A.07, 84A.26, and 84A.36, including those 
  3.12  consolidated conservation lands classified as wildlife 
  3.13  management areas by order of the commissioner in 1991 and 1999, 
  3.14  to the county in which the lands are located. 
  3.15     Sec. 3.  [REPEALER.] 
  3.16     Minnesota Statutes 1998, sections 84A.01; 84A.02; 84A.03; 
  3.17  84A.04; 84A.07; 84A.08; 84A.09; 84A.10; 84A.101; 84A.11; 84A.20; 
  3.18  84A.21; 84A.22; 84A.23; 84A.26; 84A.27; 84A.28; 84A.29; 84A.30; 
  3.19  84A.31; 84A.32; 84A.33; 84A.36; 84A.37; 84A.38; 84A.39; 84A.40; 
  3.20  84A.41; 84A.42; 84A.50; 84A.51; 84A.52; 84A.53; 84A.54; 84A.55; 
  3.21  84A.56; and 84A.57, are repealed. 
  3.22     Sec. 4.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
  3.23     Section 1, subdivision 1, is effective for payments made in 
  3.24  fiscal year 2002 and thereafter, except that the inflation 
  3.25  adjustment does not take effect until payments made in fiscal 
  3.26  year 2003 and thereafter.  Section 1, subdivision 2, is 
  3.27  effective for payments made in fiscal year 2003 and thereafter.  
  3.28  Sections 2 and 3 are effective July 1, 2001.