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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

SF 1448

as introduced - 81st Legislature (1999 - 2000) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to natural resources; renaming a state park; 
  1.3             adding to and deleting from state parks; authorizing a 
  1.4             land exchange in a state park; transferring land from 
  1.5             a state wayside to a state park and abolishing a state 
  1.6             wayside; authorizing a private sale of surplus land in 
  1.7             Rock county; amending Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 
  1.8             85.012, subdivision 19; proposing coding for new law 
  1.9             in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 85; repealing Minnesota 
  1.10            Statutes 1998, section 85.013, subdivision 8.  
  1.12     Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 85.012, 
  1.13  subdivision 19, is amended to read: 
  1.14     Subd. 19.  Forestville Mystery Cave state park, Fillmore 
  1.15  county. 
  1.16     Sec. 2.  [ADDITIONS TO STATE PARKS.] 
  1.17     Subdivision 1.  [85.012] [Subd. 2.] [BANNING STATE PARK, 
  1.18  PINE COUNTY.] The following area is added to Banning state park, 
  1.19  all in Section 15, Township 42 North, Range 20 West, Pine 
  1.20  county:  That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest 
  1.21  Quarter of Section 15 lying easterly of the following described 
  1.22  line:  Commencing at the northeast corner of the intersection of 
  1.23  Division Street and Palisade Avenue in the recorded plat of 
  1.24  Sandstone, Pine county, Minnesota; thence southerly along the 
  1.25  east line of said Palisade Avenue 868 feet, more or less, to the 
  1.26  south line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; 
  1.27  thence easterly along said south line 360 feet to the point of 
  1.28  beginning; thence northwesterly to a point 160 feet easterly 
  2.1   along the easterly extension of the north line of said Division 
  2.2   Street from the point of commencement; thence northerly parallel 
  2.3   with the northerly extension of the east line of said Palisade 
  2.4   Avenue to the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the 
  2.5   Northwest Quarter and there terminating. 
  2.6      Subd. 2.  [85.012] [Subd. 10.] [CAMDEN STATE PARK, LYON 
  2.7   COUNTY.] The following areas are added to Camden state park, all 
  2.8   in Township 110 North, Range 42 West, Lyon county: 
  2.9      (1) the East Half of Section 6; 
  2.10     (2) the Northeast Quarter of Section 7; 
  2.11     (3) that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest 
  2.12  Quarter except the South 345 feet of the East 1065 feet of 
  2.13  Section 8 lying outside of the existing statutory boundary; 
  2.14     (4) that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest 
  2.15  Quarter of Section 17 described as follows:  Beginning at the 
  2.16  northwest corner of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of 
  2.17  Section 17; thence South on and along the west section line 
  2.18  870.66 feet; thence East and perpendicular with the west section 
  2.19  line a distance of 40 feet; thence North and parallel with the 
  2.20  west section line a distance of 420.66 feet; thence in a 
  2.21  northeasterly direction to a point on the north section line of 
  2.22  said Section 17, that is 255 feet east of the northwest corner 
  2.23  of said Section 17; thence West on and along the section line to 
  2.24  the point of beginning; and 
  2.25     (5) that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast 
  2.26  Quarter of Section 18 lying northerly of County Road 59. 
  2.27     Subd. 3.  [85.012] [Subd. 12.] [CASCADE RIVER STATE PARK, 
  2.28  COOK COUNTY.] The following area is added to Cascade River state 
  2.29  park, all in Section 34, Township 61 North, Range 1 West, Cook 
  2.30  county:  That part of Government Lot 2, Section 34, which lies 
  2.31  northwesterly of a line run parallel with and distant 100 feet 
  2.32  northwesterly of the following described line:  Beginning at a 
  2.33  point on the westerly line of Section 25, Township 61 North, 
  2.34  Range 1 West, distant 2373.0 feet south of the northwest corner 
  2.35  thereof; thence run in a southwesterly direction at an angle of 
  2.36  66 degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds from said westerly line 
  3.1   (measured from south to west) for a distance of 1323.1 feet; 
  3.2   thence deflect to the right on a 01 degree 00 minute 00 second 
  3.3   curve (delta angle 10 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds) for a 
  3.4   distance of 1035.0 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for a 
  3.5   distance of 2099.7 feet; thence deflect to the left on a 01 
  3.6   degree 00 minute 00 second curve (delta angle 07 degrees 49 
  3.7   minutes 00 seconds) for a distance of 781.7 feet; thence on 
  3.8   tangent to said curve for a distance of 3421.4 feet; thence 
  3.9   deflect to the left on a 03 degree 30 minute 00 second curve 
  3.10  (delta angle 64 degrees 23 minutes 00 seconds) for a distance of 
  3.11  1839.5 feet; thence on tangent to said curve for a distance of 
  3.12  582.6 feet; thence deflect to the right on a 05 degree 00 minute 
  3.13  00 second curve (delta angle 72 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds) 
  3.14  for a distance of 1449.7 feet; thence on tangent to said curve 
  3.15  for a distance of 100 feet and there terminating.  
  3.16     Subd. 4.  [85.012] [Subd. 13.] [CHARLES A. LINDBERGH STATE 
  3.17  PARK, MORRISON COUNTY.] The following areas are added to Charles 
  3.18  A. Lindbergh state park, all in Morrison county: 
  3.19     (1) Lots 1 through 8 in Block 39 of the Subdivision of 
  3.20  Searles Addition to the city of Little Falls; 
  3.21     (2) all that part of Government Lot 5, Section 19, Township 
  3.22  129 North, Range 29 West, described as follows:  Commencing at 
  3.23  the southwest corner of said Section 19; thence North 4 degrees 
  3.24  55 minutes East along the west side of Searles City Acre Lots 
  3.25  649.7 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 8 of said Searles City 
  3.26  Acre Lots, which point shall henceforth be known as the point of 
  3.27  beginning; thence North 89 degrees 32 minutes East 957.0 feet 
  3.28  along the north line of said Lot 8 to the west right-of-way line 
  3.29  of Eleventh Street Southwest; thence North 14 degrees 42 minutes 
  3.30  East 154.5 feet along the west right-of-way line of Eleventh 
  3.31  Street Southwest; thence South 89 degrees 32 minutes West 983.35 
  3.32  feet to the west line of said Government Lot 5; thence South 4 
  3.33  degrees 55 minutes West 150 feet along said west line of 
  3.34  Government Lot 5 to the point of beginning, less the East 300 
  3.35  feet as measured at a right angle from said west right-of-way 
  3.36  line of Eleventh Street Southwest; 
  4.1      (3) Lots 7 and 8 of Searles City Acre Lots to the city of 
  4.2   Little Falls less the East 300 feet as measured at a right angle 
  4.3   from the west right-of-way line of Eleventh Street Southwest in 
  4.4   the city of Little Falls; 
  4.5      (4) the West 450 feet of Lots 5 and 6 of Searles City Acre 
  4.6   Lots to the city of Little Falls; 
  4.7      (5) the West 200 feet of Lot 4 of Searles City Acre Lots to 
  4.8   the city of Little Falls; 
  4.9      (6) Lot 3 of Searles City Acre Lots to the city of Little 
  4.10  Falls; 
  4.11     (7) that part of Lot 2 of Searles City Acre Lots to the 
  4.12  city of Little Falls lying easterly of Lindbergh Drive, except 
  4.13  that part thereof which is northerly of a line drawn from a 
  4.14  point on the easterly right-of-way line of Lindbergh Drive, 
  4.15  which is 84-1/2 feet northerly measured along said easterly 
  4.16  right-of-way line from the intersection of the south line of 
  4.17  said Lot 2 and the said easterly right-of-way line to a point on 
  4.18  the bank of the Mississippi River which is 82 feet North of the 
  4.19  southeasterly corner of Lot 2; 
  4.20     (8) Lots 1 and 2 of Park Outlots to Little Falls and Lot 13 
  4.21  of Lindbergh's Outlots to Little Falls; 
  4.22     (9) the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast 
  4.23  Quarter, the South 13-1/3 acres of the Northwest Quarter of the 
  4.24  Southeast Quarter and East 13-1/3 acres of the North 26-2/3 
  4.25  acres of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast quarter, Section 
  4.26  24, Township 129 North, Range 30 West; and 
  4.27     (10) Government Lot 6, Section 19, Township 40 North, Range 
  4.28  32 West. 
  4.29     Subd. 5.  [85.012] [Subd. 19.] [FORESTVILLE STATE PARK, 
  4.30  FILLMORE COUNTY.] The following areas are added to Forestville 
  4.31  state park, as renamed under section 1, all in Section 19, 
  4.32  Township 102 North, Range 12 West, Fillmore county: 
  4.33     (1) the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the 
  4.34  Southeast Quarter, except the North Half of the East 16 acres of 
  4.35  the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 
  4.36  19; 
  5.1      (2) the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the 
  5.2   Southeast Quarter; 
  5.3      (3) the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the 
  5.4   Southeast Quarter, except the East 1 acre; and 
  5.5      (4) that part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter 
  5.6   described as follows:  Commencing at a point 60 rods South of 
  5.7   the northeast corner of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter; 
  5.8   thence West 34 rods; thence South 75-5/7 rods; thence East 34 
  5.9   rods; thence North 75-5/7 rods to the place of beginning.  
  5.10     Subd. 6.  [85.012] [Subd. 31.] [JUDGE C. R. MAGNEY STATE 
  5.11  PARK, COOK COUNTY.] The following areas are added to Judge C. R. 
  5.12  Magney state park, all in Section 21, Township 62 North, Range 3 
  5.13  East, Cook county:  
  5.14     (1) the North Half of the Northeast Quarter; 
  5.15     (2) the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; and 
  5.16     (3) the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter.  
  5.17     Subd. 7.  [85.012] [Subd. 34.] [LAKE BRONSON STATE PARK, 
  5.18  KITTSON COUNTY.] The following areas are added to Lake Bronson 
  5.19  state park, all in Township 161 North, Range 46 West, Kittson 
  5.20  county: 
  5.21     (1) all of Section 28; 
  5.22     (2) the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of 
  5.23  Section 27; 
  5.24     (3) the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 27 
  5.25  except the area described as follows:  Beginning at a point on 
  5.26  the north line of the said East Half of the Northwest Quarter 
  5.27  that is 2640.00 feet East of the northwest corner of said 
  5.28  Section 27; thence South and parallel to the west line of said 
  5.29  Section 27 a distance of 200 feet; thence West and parallel to 
  5.30  the north section line 300 feet; thence North and parallel to 
  5.31  the said West line of Section 27 a distance of 200 feet to the 
  5.32  north section line thereof; thence East along said section line 
  5.33  a distance of 300 feet to the point of beginning. 
  5.34     Subd. 8.  [85.012] [Subd. 49a.] [ST. CROIX WILD RIVER STATE 
  5.35  PARK, CHISAGO COUNTY.] The following area is added to St. Croix 
  5.36  Wild River state park:  That part of Government Lot 7, Section 
  6.1   31, Township 36 North, Range 19 West, Chisago county, lying 
  6.2   outside the existing statutory boundary, excepting therefrom the 
  6.3   East 460 feet. 
  6.4      Subd. 9.  [85.012] [Subd. 52.] [SCENIC STATE PARK, ITASCA 
  6.5   COUNTY.] The following area is added to Scenic state park:  
  6.6   Government Lot 7, Section 7, Township 60 North, Range 25 West, 
  6.7   Itasca county, except that part described as follows:  
  6.8   Commencing at a point on the water's edge of Lake Elizabeth 
  6.9   (also known as Marie Lake) 165 feet East of the west line of 
  6.10  said Lot 7; thence North 165 feet; thence West 165 feet to the 
  6.11  west line of Lot 7; thence North 200 feet on the west line to a 
  6.12  point which is the point of beginning of the tract to be 
  6.13  excepted; thence East 300 feet; thence South to the water's edge 
  6.14  of Lake Elizabeth; thence West along the shoreline to the west 
  6.15  boundary of Lot 7; thence North along the west boundary to the 
  6.16  point of beginning.  
  6.17     Subd. 10.  [85.012] [Subd. 55.] [TEMPERANCE RIVER STATE 
  6.18  PARK, COOK COUNTY.] (a) The following areas are added to 
  6.19  Temperance River state park, all in Township 59 North, Range 4 
  6.20  West, Cook county: 
  6.21     (1) all of Section 19 except the East Half of the Northeast 
  6.22  Quarter; 
  6.23     (2) the North Half of the Northwest Quarter, the Southeast 
  6.24  Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of 
  6.25  Section 20; 
  6.26     (3) the Northwest Quarter, the Southwest Quarter of the 
  6.27  Northeast Quarter, the North Half of the Southwest Quarter, and 
  6.28  that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter 
  6.29  lying north of trunk highway No. 61 of Section 29; 
  6.30     (4) all of Section 30; and 
  6.31     (5) the Northwest Quarter, the Northwest Quarter of the 
  6.32  Northeast Quarter, and the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of 
  6.33  the Northeast Quarter of Section 31. 
  6.34     (b) The commissioner of natural resources shall administer 
  6.35  the area described in paragraph (a) according to Minnesota 
  6.36  Statutes, section 86A.05, subdivision 2, but in addition to 
  7.1   other activities authorized in Temperance River state park, 
  7.2   shall allow public hunting. 
  7.3      Subd. 11.  [85.012] [Subd. 59.] [WHITEWATER STATE PARK, 
  7.4   WINONA COUNTY.] The following areas are added to Whitewater 
  7.5   state park, all in Township 107 North, Range 10 West, Winona 
  7.6   county:  
  7.7      (1) all that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest 
  7.8   Quarter of Section 21, lying northerly and westerly of the 
  7.9   following described lines:  Commencing at the southwest corner 
  7.10  of said Section 21; thence North 00 degrees 15 minutes West 
  7.11  655.00 feet on and along the west line thereof to the point of 
  7.12  beginning; thence North 89 degrees 45 minutes East 150.00 feet; 
  7.13  thence South 67 degrees 54 minutes East 147.62 feet; thence 
  7.14  North 24 degrees 24 minutes East 408.14 feet; thence North 22 
  7.15  degrees 44 minutes West 218.50 feet; thence North 82 degrees 24 
  7.16  minutes West 196.90 feet; thence North 04 degrees 48 minutes 
  7.17  West 114.13 feet to a point on the north line thereof and there 
  7.18  terminating; 
  7.19     (2) all that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest 
  7.20  Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of 
  7.21  Section 21 lying northerly and easterly of the following 
  7.22  described lines:  Commencing at the south quarter corner of said 
  7.23  Section 21; thence North 00 degrees 17 minutes West 1741.15 feet 
  7.24  on and along the north-south quarter line said Section 21 to the 
  7.25  point of beginning; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes West 
  7.26  364.36 feet; thence North 06 degrees 19 minutes West 346.98 
  7.27  feet; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes West 112.14 feet; 
  7.28  thence North 00 degrees 53 minutes West 414.40 feet; thence 
  7.29  North 88 degrees 34 minutes West 442.32 feet; thence North 03 
  7.30  degrees 15 minutes West 625.35 feet; thence North 83 degrees 28 
  7.31  minutes West 320.05 feet to a point on the west line of said 
  7.32  Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and there 
  7.33  terminating; 
  7.34     (3) all that part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter 
  7.35  of Section 28 lying south and west of the following described 
  7.36  line: Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 29; thence 
  8.1   North 90 degrees 00 minutes West 386.0 feet along the north line 
  8.2   of Section 29 to the point of beginning; thence South 11 degrees 
  8.3   37 minutes West 178.3 feet; thence South 06 degrees 01 minute 
  8.4   East 139.7 feet; thence South 63 degrees 15 minutes East 310.0 
  8.5   feet; thence South 45 degrees 56 minutes East 198.8 feet; thence 
  8.6   North 86 degrees 54 minutes West 769.5 feet; thence South 35 
  8.7   degrees 32 minutes West 153.9 feet; thence South 13 degrees 24 
  8.8   minutes East 186.1 feet; thence South 89 degrees 11 minutes West 
  8.9   214.4 feet; thence South 05 degrees 45 minutes East 255.0 feet; 
  8.10  thence South 39 degrees 21 minutes East 76.4 feet; thence South 
  8.11  05 degrees 40 minutes West 310.2 feet; thence South 73 degrees 
  8.12  15 minutes East 169.4 feet; thence South 53 degrees 51 minutes 
  8.13  East 96.4 feet; thence South 89 degrees 02 minutes East 261.1 
  8.14  feet; thence North 73 degrees 37 minutes East 196.6 feet; thence 
  8.15  North 10 degrees 55 minutes East 278.3 feet; thence South 63 
  8.16  degrees 36 minutes East 139.8 feet; thence South 00 degrees 43 
  8.17  minutes East 500.4 feet; thence South 77 degrees 09 minutes West 
  8.18  169.8 feet; thence South 59 degrees 03 minutes West 283.5 feet; 
  8.19  thence South 34 degrees 11 minutes West 154.7 feet; thence South 
  8.20  44 degrees 20 minutes East 191.3 feet; thence South 81 degrees 
  8.21  50 minutes East 826.8 feet; thence North 20 degrees 40 minutes 
  8.22  East 266.0 feet; thence North 04 degrees 27 minutes West 258.6 
  8.23  feet; thence South 68 degrees 23 minutes East 336.4 feet; thence 
  8.24  South 09 degrees 53 minutes West 246.1 feet; thence South 13 
  8.25  degrees 13 minutes East 178.0 feet; thence South 61 degrees 21 
  8.26  minutes East 160.1 feet; thence North 81 degrees 38 minutes East 
  8.27  222.8 feet; thence South 00 degrees 19 minutes East 173.3 feet, 
  8.28  more or less to a point on the east-west quarter line of Section 
  8.29  28 and there terminating; and 
  8.30     (4) the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of 
  8.31  Section 32. 
  8.32     Subd. 12.  [85.012] [Subd. 60.] [WILLIAM O'BRIEN STATE 
  8.33  PARK, WASHINGTON COUNTY.] The following areas are added to 
  8.34  William O'Brien state park, all in Washington county: 
  8.35     (1) that part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter 
  8.36  lying East of Oxboro Avenue, Section 26, Township 32 North, 
  9.1   Range 20 West; 
  9.2      (2) the East Half of the Northeast Quarter; the Northeast 
  9.3   Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, and all that part of the 
  9.4   Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter lying North of the 
  9.5   so-called Chisago City and Marine Mills Road (now Old Marine 
  9.6   Trail), Section 35, Township 32 North, Range 20 West; 
  9.7      (3) all that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest 
  9.8   Quarter of Section 36, Township 32 North, Range 20 West, which 
  9.9   lies north of the centerline of the Chisago City and Marine 
  9.10  Mills Road; excepting therefrom all that part thereof which lies 
  9.11  easterly of the following described line, to-wit:  Commencing at 
  9.12  the northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest 
  9.13  Quarter; thence West along the north line of said Southwest 
  9.14  Quarter of the Southwest Quarter on an assumed bearing of North 
  9.15  89 degrees 48 minutes 54 seconds West 1007.3 feet to the point 
  9.16  of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 10 
  9.17  degrees 17 minutes 37 seconds West 311.63 feet, more or less, to 
  9.18  its intersection with the traveled centerline of the Chisago 
  9.19  City and Marine Mills Road (now Old Marine Trail), which is the 
  9.20  end of the line to be described; 
  9.21     (4) the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast 
  9.22  Quarter, Section 1, Township 31 North, Range 20 West; 
  9.23     (5) that part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast 
  9.24  Quarter lying easterly of the westerly right-of-way line of the 
  9.25  Soo Line Railroad, Section 1, Township 31 North, Range 20 West; 
  9.26     (6) that part of Cedar Street in Rose's Addition to the 
  9.27  Village of Marine, according to the plat on file and of record 
  9.28  in the office of the county recorder, lying northerly of county 
  9.29  state-aid highway No. 4; and 
  9.30     (7) that part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 10, Revision of Vasa, 
  9.31  according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the 
  9.32  office of the county recorder in and for Washington county, 
  9.33  which lies northeasterly of a line run parallel with and distant 
  9.34  75 feet northeasterly of the following described line:  
  9.35  Beginning at a point on the east and west quarter line of 
  9.36  Section 30, Township 32 North, Range 19 West, distant 2681 feet 
 10.1   east of the west quarter corner thereof; thence run 
 10.2   northwesterly at an angle of 85 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds 
 10.3   from said east and west quarter line (measured from west to 
 10.4   north) for a distance for 466.1 feet; thence deflect to the left 
 10.5   on a 04 degree 00 minutes 00 seconds curve, delta angle 48 
 10.6   degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds, for a distance of 600 feet and 
 10.7   there terminating.  
 10.9      [85.012] [Subd. 34.] [LAKE BRONSON STATE PARK, KITTSON 
 10.10  COUNTY.] Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 94.342, 
 10.11  subdivision 4, the commissioner of natural resources may 
 10.12  exchange, subject to the approval of the land exchange board as 
 10.13  required by the Minnesota Constitution, article XI, section 10, 
 10.14  the state-owned Lot 11 of Block 7 for the privately-owned Lot 5 
 10.15  of Block 5 in Lakeside Subdivision according to the plat 
 10.16  thereof, all in Section 33, Township 161 North, Range 46 West. 
 10.19     Subdivision 1.  [85.012] [Subd. 55.] [TEMPERANCE RIVER 
 10.20  STATE PARK, COOK COUNTY.] (a) The lands described within Cross 
 10.21  River state wayside are transferred to Temperance River state 
 10.22  park. 
 10.23     (b) The commissioner of natural resources shall administer 
 10.24  the area transferred under paragraph (a) according to Minnesota 
 10.25  Statutes, section 86A.05, subdivision 2, but in addition to 
 10.26  other activities authorized in Temperance River state park, 
 10.27  shall allow public hunting. 
 10.28     Subd. 2.  [85.013] [Subd. 8.] [CROSS RIVER STATE WAYSIDE, 
 10.29  COOK COUNTY.] The Cross River state wayside is abolished and its 
 10.30  lands transferred according to subdivision 1. 
 10.32     [85.012] [Subd. 8.] [BLUE MOUNDS STATE PARK, ROCK 
 10.33  COUNTY.] The following area is deleted from Blue Mounds state 
 10.34  park:  That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest 
 10.35  Quarter of Section 25, Township 103 North, Range 45 West, lying 
 10.36  south and east of county state-aid highway No. 8, Rock county. 
 11.2      (a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.09 and 
 11.3   94.10, the commissioner of natural resources may sell by private 
 11.4   sale to the adjacent landowner the surplus land described in 
 11.5   paragraph (c).  If the adjacent landowner declines to purchase 
 11.6   the land, the commissioner may sell the land by public sale 
 11.7   according to Minnesota Statutes, sections 94.10 to 94.16. 
 11.8      (b) The conveyance must be in a form approved by the 
 11.9   attorney general for consideration no less than the appraised 
 11.10  value of the land. 
 11.11     (c) The land to be conveyed is located in Rock county, 
 11.12  consists of four acres, more or less, and is described as:  That 
 11.13  part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of 
 11.14  Section 25, Township 103 North, Range 45 West, lying 
 11.15  southeasterly of county state-aid highway (CSAH) No. 8 and 
 11.16  southwesterly of the following described line: 
 11.17     Commencing at a point 707.7 feet east of the southwest 
 11.18  corner of said Section 25; thence East 646.3 feet; thence North 
 11.19  1296.0 feet; thence West 833.0 feet; thence turning an angle of 
 11.20  135 degrees 11 minutes to the left for a distance of 600.0 feet 
 11.21  to the intersection of the center line of the public highway, 
 11.22  hereinafter called CSAH No. 8; thence turning an angle of 87 
 11.23  degrees 49 minutes to the right along the center line of CSAH 
 11.24  No. 8 for a distance of 615.0 feet to the point of beginning of 
 11.25  the line to be described; thence turning an angle of 75 degrees 
 11.26  00 minutes to the left for a distance of 505.7 feet to the point 
 11.27  of commencement and there terminating. 
 11.28     (d) The land described in paragraph (c) is deleted from the 
 11.29  Blue Mounds state park under section 5.  The commissioner has 
 11.30  determined that the land is no longer needed for any natural 
 11.31  resource purpose and that the state's land management interests 
 11.32  would best be served if the land was returned to private 
 11.33  ownership. 
 11.34     Sec. 7.  [REPEALER.] 
 11.35     Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 85.013, subdivision 8, is 
 11.36  repealed.