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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 703

as introduced - 83rd Legislature (2003 - 2004) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to state government; removing legislators 
  1.3             from certain executive branch boards; amending 
  1.4             Minnesota Statutes 2002, sections 15.50, subdivision 
  1.5             1; 41D.01, subdivisions 1, 3; 116O.09, subdivision 1a; 
  1.6             138.763, subdivision 1; 240A.02, subdivision 1; 
  1.7             298.22, subdivision 2. 
  1.9      Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 15.50, 
  1.10  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  1.11     Subdivision 1.  [PURPOSE, MEMBERS, OFFICERS.] (a) The 
  1.12  legislature finds that the purposes of the board are to (1) 
  1.13  preserve and enhance the dignity, beauty and architectural 
  1.14  integrity of the capitol, the buildings immediately adjacent to 
  1.15  it, the capitol grounds, and the capitol area; (2) protect, 
  1.16  enhance, and increase the open spaces within the capitol area 
  1.17  when deemed necessary and desirable for the improvement of the 
  1.18  public enjoyment thereof; (3) develop proper approaches to the 
  1.19  capitol area for pedestrian movement, the highway system, and 
  1.20  mass transit system so that the area achieves its maximum 
  1.21  importance and accessibility; and (4) establish a flexible 
  1.22  framework for growth of the capitol buildings which will be in 
  1.23  keeping with the spirit of the original design. 
  1.24     (b) The capitol area architectural and planning board, 
  1.25  herein referred to as the board, consists of ten eight members.  
  1.26  The lieutenant governor shall be a member of the board.  Four 
  2.1   members shall be appointed by the governor; three members, one 
  2.2   of whom shall be a resident of the district planning council 
  2.3   area containing the capitol area, shall be appointed by the 
  2.4   mayor of the city of Saint Paul, with the advice and consent of 
  2.5   the city council.  The speaker of the house shall appoint a 
  2.6   member of the house of representatives and the president of the 
  2.7   senate shall appoint one senator to be members of the board.  
  2.8   Each person appointed to the board shall qualify by taking the 
  2.9   oath of office. 
  2.10     (c) The lieutenant governor is the chair of the board.  The 
  2.11  attorney general is the legal advisor to the board.  The board 
  2.12  may elect a vice-chair who may preside at meetings in the 
  2.13  absence of the lieutenant governor and such other officers as it 
  2.14  may deem necessary to carry out its duties. 
  2.15     (d) The board shall select an executive secretary to serve 
  2.16  the board.  It may employ such other officers and employees as 
  2.17  it may deem necessary all of whom shall be in the classified 
  2.18  service of the state civil service.  The board may contract for 
  2.19  professional and other similar service on such terms as it may 
  2.20  deem desirable. 
  2.21     Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 41D.01, 
  2.22  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  2.23     Subdivision 1.  [ESTABLISHMENT; MEMBERSHIP.] (a) The 
  2.24  Minnesota agriculture education leadership council is 
  2.25  established.  The council is composed of 16 ten members as 
  2.26  follows: 
  2.27     (1) the chair of the University of Minnesota agricultural 
  2.28  education program; 
  2.29     (2) a representative of the commissioner of children, 
  2.30  families, and learning; 
  2.31     (3) a representative of the Minnesota state colleges and 
  2.32  universities recommended by the chancellor; 
  2.33     (4) the president and the president-elect of the Minnesota 
  2.34  Association of Agriculture Educators; 
  2.35     (5) a representative of the Future Farmers of America 
  2.36  Foundation; 
  3.1      (6) a representative of the commissioner of agriculture; 
  3.2      (7) the dean of the college of agriculture, food, and 
  3.3   environmental sciences at the University of Minnesota; 
  3.4      (8) two members representing agriculture education and 
  3.5   agriculture business appointed by the governor; 
  3.6      (9) the chair of the senate committee on agriculture, 
  3.7   general legislation and veterans affairs; 
  3.8      (10) the chair of the house committee on agriculture; 
  3.9      (11) the ranking minority member of the senate committee on 
  3.10  agriculture, general legislation and veterans affairs, and a 
  3.11  member of the senate education committee designated by the 
  3.12  subcommittee on committees of the committee on rules and 
  3.13  administration; and 
  3.14     (12) the ranking minority member of the house agriculture 
  3.15  committee, and a member of the house education committee 
  3.16  designated by the speaker. 
  3.17     (b) An ex officio member of the council under paragraph 
  3.18  (a), clause (1), (4), or (7), (9), (10), (11), or (12), may 
  3.19  designate a permanent or temporary replacement member 
  3.20  representing the same constituency. 
  3.21     Sec. 3.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 41D.01, 
  3.22  subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
  3.24  APPOINTEES; STAFF.] (a) The chair of the senate agriculture, 
  3.25  general legislation and veterans affairs committee and the chair 
  3.26  of the house agriculture committee, or their designees, are the 
  3.27  cochairs of the council. 
  3.28     (b) The council's membership terms, compensation, filling 
  3.29  of vacancies, and removal of members are as provided in section 
  3.30  15.0575. 
  3.31     (c) The council may employ an executive director and any 
  3.32  other staff to carry out its functions. 
  3.33     Sec. 4.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 116O.09, 
  3.34  subdivision 1a, is amended to read: 
  3.35     Subd. 1a.  [BOARD OF DIRECTORS.] The board of directors of 
  3.36  the agricultural utilization research institute is comprised of: 
  4.1      (1) the chairs of the senate and the house of 
  4.2   representatives committees with jurisdiction over agriculture 
  4.3   policy; 
  4.4      (2) two representatives of statewide farm organizations; 
  4.5      (3) (2) two representatives of agribusiness, one of whom is 
  4.6   a member of the Minnesota Technology, Inc. board representing 
  4.7   agribusiness; and 
  4.8      (4) (3) three representatives of the commodity promotion 
  4.9   councils. 
  4.10     A member of the board of directors under clauses (1) to 
  4.11  (4) (3) may designate a permanent or temporary replacement 
  4.12  member representing the same constituency. 
  4.13     Sec. 5.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 138.763, 
  4.14  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  4.15     Subdivision 1.  [MEMBERSHIP.] There is a St. Anthony Falls 
  4.16  heritage board consisting of 22 18 members with the director of 
  4.17  the Minnesota historical society as chair.  The members include 
  4.18  the mayor; the chair of the Hennepin county board of 
  4.19  commissioners or the chair's designee; the president of the 
  4.20  Minneapolis park and recreation board or the president's 
  4.21  designee; the superintendent of the park board; two members each 
  4.22  from the house of representatives appointed by the speaker, the 
  4.23  senate appointed by the rules committee, the city council, the 
  4.24  Hennepin county board, and the park board; one member each from 
  4.25  the preservation commission, the preservation office, Hennepin 
  4.26  county historical society, and the society; one person appointed 
  4.27  by the park board; and two persons appointed by the chair of the 
  4.28  board. 
  4.29     Sec. 6.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 240A.02, 
  4.30  subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
  4.31     Subdivision 1.  [MEMBERSHIP; COMPENSATION; CHAIR.] (a) The 
  4.32  Minnesota amateur sports commission consists of 14 11 voting 
  4.33  members, four of whom must be experienced in promoting amateur 
  4.34  sports.  Of the voting members, nine shall be appointed by the 
  4.35  governor and two shall be appointed by the commission to 
  4.36  three-year terms.  Of the total commission membership, including 
  5.1   voting and nonvoting members, one member must reside in each of 
  5.2   the state's congressional districts.  Four legislators, two from 
  5.3   each house appointed according to its rules, shall be nonvoting 
  5.4   members.  One member from each house shall be from the minority 
  5.5   caucus.  Compensation and removal of members and the filling of 
  5.6   membership vacancies are as provided in section 15.0575.  A 
  5.7   member may be reappointed.  The governor shall appoint the chair 
  5.8   of the commission after consideration of the commission's 
  5.9   recommendation. 
  5.10     (b) The governor, speaker of the house of representatives, 
  5.11  and senate majority leader shall each appoint one additional 
  5.12  voting member to the commission to a two-year term.  The purpose 
  5.13  of adding three members to the commission is to ensure gender 
  5.14  balance in commission membership.  Compensation, removal, and 
  5.15  filling of vacancies of members appointed under this paragraph 
  5.16  are as provided in section 15.0575.  A member appointed under 
  5.17  this paragraph may be reappointed. 
  5.18     Sec. 7.  Minnesota Statutes 2002, section 298.22, 
  5.19  subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
  5.21  There is hereby created the iron range resources and 
  5.22  rehabilitation board, consisting of 13 members, five of whom are 
  5.23  state senators appointed by the subcommittee on committees of 
  5.24  the rules committee of the senate, and five of whom are 
  5.25  representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house of 
  5.26  representatives.  The remaining members shall be appointed one 
  5.27  each by the senate majority leader, the speaker of the house of 
  5.28  representatives, and the governor and.  The members must be 
  5.29  nonlegislators who reside in a tax relief area as defined in 
  5.30  section 273.134, paragraph (b).  The members shall be appointed 
  5.31  in January of every odd-numbered year, except that the initial 
  5.32  nonlegislator members shall be appointed by July 1, 1999, and 
  5.33  shall serve until January of the next odd-numbered year.  
  5.34  Vacancies on the board shall be filled in the same manner as the 
  5.35  original members were chosen.  At least a majority of the 
  5.36  legislative members of the board shall be elected from state 
  6.1   senatorial or legislative districts in which over 50 percent of 
  6.2   the residents reside within a tax relief area as defined in 
  6.3   section 273.134, paragraph (b)  Membership terms, compensation, 
  6.4   removal, and filling of vacancies are governed by section 
  6.5   15.0575.  All expenditures and projects made by the commissioner 
  6.6   of iron range resources and rehabilitation shall be consistent 
  6.7   with the priorities established in subdivision 8 and shall first 
  6.8   be submitted to the iron range resources and rehabilitation 
  6.9   board for approval by a majority of the board of expenditures 
  6.10  and projects for rehabilitation purposes as provided by this 
  6.11  section, and the method, manner, and time of payment of all 
  6.12  funds proposed to be disbursed shall be first approved or 
  6.13  disapproved by the board.  The board shall biennially make its 
  6.14  report to the governor and the legislature on or before November 
  6.15  15 of each even-numbered year.  The expenses of the board shall 
  6.16  be paid by the state from the funds raised pursuant to this 
  6.17  section.