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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 260

as introduced - 82nd Legislature (2001 - 2002) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act 
  1.2             relating to crime prevention; appropriating money to 
  1.3             continue improvements to the criminal justice 
  1.4             information system. 
  1.6      Section 1.  [APPROPRIATIONS.] 
  1.7      Subdivision 1.  [SUPREME COURT.] (a) $26,000,000 is 
  1.8   appropriated from the general fund to the chief justice of the 
  1.9   supreme court for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002.  Of this 
  1.10  amount: 
  1.11     (1) $20,000,000 is to continue redevelopment of the court 
  1.12  information system to be used by all counties to integrate court 
  1.13  information with other criminal justice information; 
  1.14     (2) $2,000,000 is for eight positions to support the 
  1.15  criminal and juvenile justice information policy group in 
  1.16  fulfilling its responsibilities relating to criminal justice 
  1.17  information system improvements; and 
  1.18     (3) $4,000,000 is for the planning, development, and 
  1.19  implementation of an integration backbone consistent with the 
  1.20  criminal justice information architecture (CriMNet). 
  1.21     (b) This money may not be used by the chief justice for any 
  1.22  other purpose. 
  1.23     Subd. 2.  [BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION.] (a) 
  1.24  $14,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the 
  1.25  superintendent of the bureau of criminal apprehension for the 
  2.1   fiscal year ending June 30, 2002.  Of this amount: 
  2.2      (1) $3,000,000 is for up to 11 professional positions 
  2.3   dedicated to reducing the number of court dispositions in a 
  2.4   suspense file and to prevent new court dispositions from 
  2.5   entering a suspense file; 
  2.6      (2) $10,000,000 is for grants under Minnesota Statutes, 
  2.7   section 299C.65, subdivision 7, to implement criminal justice 
  2.8   information integration plans for entities that have completed 
  2.9   integration plans under Minnesota Statutes, section 299C.65, 
  2.10  subdivision 6; and 
  2.11     (3) $1,000,000 is for grants to develop criminal justice 
  2.12  information integration plans under Minnesota Statutes, section 
  2.13  299C.65, subdivision 6. 
  2.14  Upon approval of the criminal and juvenile justice information 
  2.15  policy group, the superintendent may use up to $1,500,000 of the 
  2.16  amount appropriated in clause (1) for grants to local agencies 
  2.17  to reduce the number of court dispositions in a suspense file 
  2.18  and to prevent new court dispositions from entering a suspense 
  2.19  file. 
  2.20     (b) This money may not be used by the superintendent for 
  2.21  any other purpose. 
  2.22     Subd. 3.  [DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS.] (a) $1,500,000 is 
  2.23  appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of 
  2.24  corrections for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, for: 
  2.25     (1) detention grants for the statewide supervision system; 
  2.26     (2) out-of-home placement system development; 
  2.27     (3) electronic probation file transfers; and 
  2.28     (4) conforming the department's information systems to the 
  2.29  state system. 
  2.30     (b) This money may not be used by the commissioner for any 
  2.31  other purpose. 
  2.32     Subd. 4.  [AVAILABILITY OF MONEY.] The money appropriated 
  2.33  in this section is available until June 30, 2003.