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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

HF 1662

as introduced - 79th Legislature (1995 - 1996) Posted on 12/15/2009 12:00am

KEY: stricken = removed, old language.
underscored = added, new language.
  1.1                          A bill for an act
  1.2             relating to services for persons with developmental 
  1.3             disabilities; establishing an integrated network of 
  1.4             campus and community services in the catchment area 
  1.5             served by the Cambridge regional human services 
  1.6             center; requiring a redevelopment plan; authorizing 
  1.7             sale of state property; reallocating bond proceeds; 
  1.8             appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in 
  1.9             Minnesota Statutes, chapters 16B; and 252. 
  1.11     Section 1.  [16B.242] [CAMBRIDGE CAMPUS REDEVELOPMENT 
  1.12  PLAN.] 
  1.13     Subdivision 1.  [AUTHORITY.] The commissioner of 
  1.14  administration, in cooperation with the commissioner of human 
  1.15  services and the Cambridge economic development authority, shall 
  1.16  develop a plan for the redevelopment of those portions of the 
  1.17  Cambridge regional human services center that are not needed by 
  1.18  the department of human services.  The commissioner of 
  1.19  administration and human services shall work with the Cambridge 
  1.20  economic development authority and others to attract public or 
  1.21  private development to the parts of the campus not needed by the 
  1.22  department of human services. 
  1.24  commissioner of administration shall define a portion of the 
  1.25  campus as a redevelopment area.  The redevelopment area must 
  1.26  consist of all state-owned land and buildings on the Cambridge 
  1.27  regional human services center campus that lie north or west of 
  2.1   trunk highway No. 293 and are not needed by the department of 
  2.2   human services, as determined by the commissioners of human 
  2.3   services and administration. 
  2.4      Subd. 3.  [SALE AUTHORIZED.] The commissioner of 
  2.5   administration shall sell surplus land or buildings in the 
  2.6   redevelopment areas when requested to do so by the Cambridge 
  2.7   economic development authority.  Property shall be sold for its 
  2.8   market value. 
  2.9      Subd. 4.  [PROCEEDS OF SALE; REVOLVING FUND.] Proceeds from 
  2.10  the sale of real property in the redevelopment area must be 
  2.11  placed in a special account under the control of the 
  2.12  commissioner of administration.  The money in the fund and 
  2.13  investment earnings thereon may be spent only for the following 
  2.14  purposes within the redevelopment area, and is appropriated for 
  2.15  those purposes: 
  2.16     (1) to develop, implement, and administer the plan for 
  2.17  redevelopment of the campus required in subdivision 1; 
  2.18     (2) to develop a site plan for the redevelopment area, 
  2.19  including the identification of infrastructural improvements 
  2.20  necessary for redevelopment; and 
  2.21     (3) to install or upgrade infrastructure, including but not 
  2.22  limited to streets, sewer, water, lighting, and parking areas 
  2.23  consistent with the redevelopment plan. 
  2.24     Sec. 2.  [252.0250] [DEVELOPMENT PLANNING; CAMBRIDGE 
  2.26     The commissioner of human services must pursue the 
  2.27  following for the Cambridge regional human services center 
  2.28  campus: 
  2.29     (1) the development of a satellite office for ten to 20 
  2.30  MinnesotaCare employees; 
  2.31     (2) implementation of an asbestos materials survey for all 
  2.32  buildings, and the development of plans and specifications for 
  2.33  asbestos removal and building demolition for cottages 2, 4, and 
  2.34  6; 
  2.35     (3) program planning for an intensive treatment program; 
  2.36     (4) upon completion of program planning for the intensive 
  3.1   treatment program, execution of predesign required for capital 
  3.2   budget submittal for the 1996 legislative session for 
  3.3   development of specialized facilities for the intensive 
  3.4   treatment program, space consolidation, and related site 
  3.5   improvements to heating, cooling, electrical, and ancillary 
  3.6   service facilities; 
  3.7      (5) submission of a placeholder for capital improvements in 
  3.8   the preliminary capital budget submittal to the legislature in 
  3.9   June 1995; and 
  3.10     (6) initiation of asbestos removal and building demolition 
  3.11  program. 
  3.12     Sec. 3.  [252.031] [CAMBRIDGE REGIONAL HUMAN SERVICES 
  3.14     Subdivision 1.  [COMMUNITY INTEGRATION PROGRAMS.] 
  3.15  Notwithstanding the requirements of section 252.025 or 252.50, 
  3.16  the commissioner of human services shall develop the following 
  3.17  state-operated community services for persons with developmental 
  3.18  disabilities in coordination with the Cambridge regional human 
  3.19  services center:  ..... four-bed state-operated waiver homes and 
  3.20  ..... state-operated day training and habilitation programs.  
  3.21  The services shall be developed in the catchment area currently 
  3.22  served by the Cambridge regional human services center in 
  3.23  accordance with the requirements of section 252.51 and shall be 
  3.24  in addition to services and programs currently authorized for 
  3.25  that catchment area.  The Cambridge regional human services 
  3.26  center shall provide administration and support services for the 
  3.27  programs developed under this subdivision. 
  3.28     Subd. 2.  [CAMPUS PROGRAMS.] (a) The commissioner of human 
  3.29  services shall operate programs at the Cambridge regional human 
  3.30  services center for difficult-to-serve clients who remain in 
  3.31  care at, or are committed to the care of, the facility.  The 
  3.32  commissioner shall maintain facilities and staff to provide safe 
  3.33  and secure care and treatment for ..... clients who are:  (1) 
  3.34  medically fragile; (2) developmentally disabled and have 
  3.35  committed sexual assault; (3) developmentally disabled and 
  3.36  physically assaultive or aggressive; (4) persons with a dual 
  4.1   diagnosis of mental illness and a developmental disability; or 
  4.2   (5) developmentally disabled and the county has determined that 
  4.3   they are best served by a campus program.  In order to properly 
  4.4   serve these clients, the commissioner shall ensure that the 
  4.5   direct care staff-to-client ratio for Cambridge campus programs 
  4.6   is no less than a ratio of 1:1.8.  
  4.7      (b) The satellite office designated for local 
  4.8   administration of MinnesotaCare including cashier staff 
  4.9   functions shall be located on the campus of the Cambridge 
  4.10  regional human services center. 
  4.12  SERVICES.] In the administration of waivers for home and 
  4.13  community-based services subject to section 256B.092, the 
  4.14  commissioner of human services shall be solely responsible for 
  4.15  the allocation of waiver costs to counties and such costs shall 
  4.16  be based on a statewide formula.  During the biennium ending 
  4.17  June 30, 1997, the commissioner shall allocate waiver slots for 
  4.18  state-operated community services according to the 
  4.19  authorizations made by the legislature for the biennium.  The 
  4.20  commissioner of human services shall ensure that the costs for 
  4.21  state-operated, community-based services are met on a 
  4.22  cost-of-care basis.  Within available appropriations for home 
  4.23  and community-based waivers, the commissioner may establish 
  4.24  state-operated, community-based residential services in addition 
  4.25  to those authorized for residents of regional treatment centers 
  4.26  for whom the commissioner finds that the respective counties of 
  4.27  financial responsibility are unable to find appropriate 
  4.28  residential services operated by private providers.  Counties 
  4.29  shall give the strongest possible consideration to the placement 
  4.30  preferences of clients and families when deciding on residential 
  4.31  placements. 
  4.33  CENTER.] 
  4.34     Notwithstanding the provisions of Laws 1990, chapter 610, 
  4.35  article 1, section 12, subdivision 8, $3,300,000 of the 
  4.36  appropriation in that subdivision must be used to predesign, 
  5.1   design, renovate, construct, furnish, equip, and demolish 
  5.2   buildings at Cambridge regional human services center.  The 
  5.3   remainder of the appropriation in that subdivision must be used 
  5.4   to predesign, design, repair, renovate, construct, furnish, 
  5.5   equip, and demolish buildings or related facility components at 
  5.6   regional treatment centers selected by the commissioner of human 
  5.7   services.