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91st Legislature, 2020 6th Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 5th Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 4th Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 3rd Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 2nd Special Session
91st Legislature, 2020 1st Special Session
91st Legislature, 2019 1st Special Session
90th Legislature, 2017-2018
90th Legislature, 2017 1st Special Session
89th Legislature, 2015-2016
89th Legislature, 2015 1st Special Session
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88th Legislature, 2013 1st Special Session
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87th Legislature, 2012 1st Special Session
87th Legislature, 2011 1st Special Session
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86th Legislature, 2010 1st Special Session
85th Legislature, 2007-2008
85th Legislature, 2007 1st Special Session
84th Legislature, 2005-2006
84th Legislature, 2005 1st Special Session
83rd Legislature, 2003-2004
83rd Legislature, 2003 1st Special Session
82nd Legislature, 2001-2002
82nd Legislature, 2002 1st Special Session
82nd Legislature, 2001 1st Special Session
81st Legislature, 1999-2000
80th Legislature, 1997-1998
80th Legislature, 1998 1st Special Session
80th Legislature, 1997 3rd Special Session
80th Legislature, 1997 2nd Special Session
80th Legislature, 1997 1st Special Session
79th Legislature, 1995-1996
79th Legislature, 1995 1st Special Session
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: Search results should not be used as a definitive list for legal research
Search by Chief Authors
( ) contain number of bills
Acomb (13)
Agbaje (33)
Allen (10)
Altendorf (24)
Anderson, P. E. (16)
Anderson, P. H. (42)
Backer (26)
Bahner (16)
Bakeberg (24)
Baker (23)
Bennett (16)
Berg (14)
Bierman (19)
Bliss (21)
Burkel (25)
Carroll (5)
Cha (6)
Clardy (37)
Coulter (24)
Curran (22)
Davids (43)
Davis (17)
Demuth (4)
Dippel (9)
Dotseth (24)
Duran (20)
Elkins (24)
Engen (43)
Falconer (9)
Feist (20)
Finke (22)
Fischer (26)
Fogelman (21)
Franson (20)
Frazier (45)
Frederick (21)
Freiberg (33)
Gander (9)
Gillman (21)
Gomez (9)
Gordon (15)
Gottfried (2)
Greene (9)
Greenman (21)
Hansen, R. (42)
Hanson, J. (25)
Harder (29)
Heintzeman (37)
Hemmingsen-Jaeger (12)
Her (18)
Hicks (35)
Hill (17)
Hollins (20)
Hortman (0)
Howard (23)
Hudson (18)
Huot (36)
Hussein (39)
Igo (39)
Jacob (17)
Johnson, P. (25)
Johnson, W. (15)
Jones (10)
Jordan (18)
Joy (23)
Keeler (16)
Klevorn (24)
Knudsen (26)
Koegel (21)
Kotyza-Witthuhn (14)
Kozlowski (23)
Koznick (22)
Kraft (12)
Kresha (32)
Lawrence (5)
Lee, F. (15)
Lee, K. (16)
Liebling (8)
Lillie (13)
Long (5)
Mahamoud (10)
McDonald (18)
Mekeland (22)
Moller (15)
Momanyi-Hiltsley (19)
Mueller (17)
Murphy (28)
Myers (48)
Nadeau (38)
Nash (36)
Nelson (19)
Niska (9)
Noor (13)
Norris (42)
Novotny (15)
O'Driscoll (19)
Olson (36)
Pérez-Vega (20)
Perryman (23)
Pinto (13)
Pursell (20)
Quam (77)
Rarick (11)
Rehm (11)
Rehrauer (15)
Repinski (10)
Reyer (25)
Roach (19)
Robbins (44)
Rymer (18)
Schomacker (39)
Schultz (34)
Schwartz (11)
Scott (38)
Sencer-Mura (22)
Sexton (11)
Skraba (50)
Smith (23)
Stephenson (20)
Stier (15)
Swedzinski (33)
Tabke (14)
Torkelson (19)
Van Binsbergen (16)
Vang (19)
Virnig (35)
Warwas (26)
West (31)
Wiener (15)
Witte (19)
Wolgamott (24)
Xiong (13)
Youakim (12)
Zeleznikar (41)
Search by Authors
( ) contain number of bills
Acomb (52)
Agbaje (101)
Allen (91)
Altendorf (107)
Anderson, P. E. (60)
Anderson, P. H. (122)
Backer (121)
Bahner (95)
Bakeberg (99)
Baker (92)
Bennett (74)
Berg (59)
Bierman (80)
Bliss (49)
Burkel (150)
Carroll (38)
Cha (67)
Clardy (114)
Coulter (78)
Curran (123)
Davids (131)
Davis (114)
Demuth (12)
Dippel (39)
Dotseth (106)
Duran (104)
Elkins (90)
Engen (154)
Falconer (95)
Feist (86)
Finke (61)
Fischer (99)
Fogelman (54)
Franson (60)
Frazier (136)
Frederick (71)
Freiberg (91)
Gander (89)
Gillman (87)
Gomez (65)
Gordon (76)
Gottfried (33)
Greene (73)
Greenman (62)
Hansen, R. (87)
Hanson, J. (99)
Harder (108)
Heintzeman (95)
Hemmingsen-Jaeger (126)
Her (91)
Hicks (111)
Hill (60)
Hollins (95)
Hortman (8)
Howard (80)
Hudson (84)
Huot (126)
Hussein (148)
Igo (97)
Jacob (76)
Johnson, P. (112)
Johnson, W. (75)
Jones (66)
Jordan (73)
Joy (86)
Keeler (56)
Klevorn (50)
Knudsen (198)
Koegel (54)
Kotyza-Witthuhn (66)
Kozlowski (105)
Koznick (79)
Kraft (98)
Kresha (57)
Lawrence (50)
Lee, F. (83)
Lee, K. (70)
Liebling (46)
Lillie (76)
Long (21)
Mahamoud (60)
McDonald (91)
Mekeland (64)
Moller (61)
Momanyi-Hiltsley (88)
Mueller (67)
Murphy (94)
Myers (99)
Nadeau (109)
Nash (62)
Nelson (81)
Niska (67)
Noor (62)
Norris (188)
Novotny (71)
O'Driscoll (33)
Olson (80)
Pérez-Vega (104)
Perryman (112)
Pinto (39)
Pursell (136)
Quam (90)
Rarick (36)
Rehm (54)
Rehrauer (236)
Repinski (78)
Reyer (113)
Roach (46)
Robbins (105)
Rymer (76)
Schomacker (82)
Schultz (131)
Schwartz (84)
Scott (104)
Sencer-Mura (91)
Sexton (104)
Skraba (161)
Smith (137)
Stephenson (80)
Stier (69)
Swedzinski (63)
Tabke (97)
Torkelson (30)
Van Binsbergen (60)
Vang (64)
Virnig (262)
Warwas (117)
West (62)
Wiener (54)
Witte (73)
Wolgamott (91)
Xiong (93)
Youakim (75)
Zeleznikar (255)
Search by Topic
Abortion (6)
Administration Department (17)
Advertising (5)
Agriculture and Agriculture Department (118)
Airports and Aircraft (21)
Alcoholic Beverages (25)
Animals and Pets (30)
Appropriations (1236)
Arts (51)
Athletics (22)
Banks and Financial Institutions (7)
Bicycles and Bikeways (11)
Boats, Boating, and Watercraft (7)
Bonds (373)
Builders and Building Contractors (5)
Buildings and Building Codes (13)
Business (17)
Census and Demography (1)
Children and Minors (63)
Children-Child Abuse and Neglect (4)
Children-Child Care and Facilities (32)
Children-Custody and Support (9)
Cities and Towns (10)
Cities and Towns-Specific (394)
Commerce Department (63)
Constitutional Amendments (18)
Consumer Protection (18)
Contracts (9)
Corporations and Partnerships (15)
Corrections and Corrections Department (29)
Corrections-Juveniles (3)
Counties (5)
Counties-Specific (85)
Courts (37)
Credit and Credit Services (1)
Crime Sentences (9)
Crime Victims (9)
Crimes and Criminals (41)
Crimes and Criminals-Sexual Offenses (10)
Data Practices and Privacy (47)
Death (22)
Disabilities and Access (36)
Disasters (3)
Drivers' Licenses, Training, and ID Cards (25)
Drugs and Medicine (58)
Easements and Conveyances (1)
Education and Education Department (164)
Education-Higher (59)
Education-K-12 (69)
Education-School Districts (40)
Elections (82)
Emergency and 911 Services (29)
Eminent Domain (3)
Employment and Economic Development Department (144)
Energy (57)
Environment (68)
Family (29)
Fertilizers and Pesticides (9)
Fire and Firefighters (19)
Firearms and Dangerous Weapons (42)
Fish and Fishing (16)
Food and Nutrition (41)
Forests and Trees (10)
Fuels (13)
Funerals and Cemeteries (5)
Gambling (14)
Governmental Operations-Federal (10)
Governmental Operations-Local (80)
Governmental Operations-State (157)
Guardians and Conservators (1)
Hazardous Substances (19)
Health and Health Department (217)
Highways, Roads, and Bridges (109)
Historic Sites and Historical Societies (17)
Holidays (6)
Hospitals and Health Facilities (22)
Housing and Housing Finance Agency (104)
Human Rights and Human Rights Department (16)
Human Services and Human Services Department (129)
Hunting and Game (16)
Insurance (16)
Insurance-Health (49)
International Relations (7)
Labor, Employment, and Labor and Industry Department (45)
Land Use and Zoning (10)
Landlords and Tenants (14)
Lands (9)
Lands-State (13)
Lands-Tax-forfeited (4)
Law Enforcement (22)
Legal Proceedings (16)
Legislature (28)
Libraries (8)
Licenses (58)
Manufactured and Mobile Homes (3)
Maps, Plats, and Surveys (2)
Marriage and Marriage Dissolution (3)
Mental Health and Related Conditions (32)
Metropolitan Area (13)
Military and Military Affairs Department (7)
Mines and Mining (7)
Minorities (26)
Mortgages and Deeds (1)
Motor Vehicles (57)
Motor Vehicles-Carriers (4)
Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, and ATVs (15)
Museums and Theaters (16)
Native Americans (15)
Natural Resources Department (78)
Newspapers and Publications (2)
Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations (33)
Nursing Homes and Care Facilities (14)
Occupations and Professions (40)
Open Meetings (4)
Parks and Trails (45)
Pipelines (2)
Plants, Seeds, and Nurseries (2)
Police and Peace Officers (16)
Pollution and Pollution Control Agency (11)
Public and State Employees (13)
Public Safety Department (191)
Public Utilities and Public Utilities Commission (13)
Railroads (10)
Real Estate (25)
Recreation (15)
Religion and Religious Beliefs (3)
Resolutions (12)
Retirement (6)
Retirement-Public and State Employees (16)
Safety (18)
Senior Citizens (19)
Sewers and Septic Systems (27)
Stadiums (3)
State Agencies and Departments (12)
State Boards (34)
State Councils and Commissions (26)
State Officials (3)
State Patrol (1)
Students (26)
Taxation (110)
Taxation-Income (77)
Taxation-Property (65)
Taxation-Sales and Use (88)
Teachers (24)
Telecommunications and Information Technology (23)
Telephones and Telephone Companies (2)
Television and Radio (11)
Tobacco Products (4)
Tourism (3)
Trade Practices (1)
Traffic Regulations (7)
Traffic Regulations-Violations and Penalties (4)
Transportation and Transportation Department (152)
Trusts (3)
Unemployment Insurance (3)
University of Minnesota (15)
Veterans and Veterans Affairs Department (52)
Waste and Waste Management (28)
Water, Water Resources, and Waterways (80)
Waters-Lakes (10)
Waters-Rivers (10)
Watershed Districts (5)
Weights and Measures (1)
Wetlands and Natural Habitat (5)
Women (18)
Workers Compensation (1)
Zoos (9)
Search by Committees
Agriculture Finance and Policy (89)
Capital Investment (442)
Children and Families Finance and Policy (76)
Commerce Finance and Policy (146)
Education Finance (105)
Education Policy (118)
Elections Finance and Government Operations (154)
Energy Finance and Policy (54)
Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy (177)
Health Finance and Policy (176)
Higher Education Finance and Policy (47)
Housing Finance and Policy (73)
Human Services Finance and Policy (133)
Judiciary Finance and Civil Law (121)
Legacy Finance (98)
Public Safety Finance and Policy (213)
Rules and Legislative Administration (6)
State Government Finance and Policy (166)
Taxes (312)
Transportation Finance and Policy (198)
Veterans and Military Affairs Division (40)
Ways and Means (40)
Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy (194)
Search by Action
Amended (7)
Amendments offered (4)
Author added (980)
Author changed (1)
Author stricken (14)
Authors added (280)
Bill was not passed (7)
Bill was not passed as amended (2)
Bill was passed (22)
Bill was passed as amended (4)
Bills identical, SF substituted on General Register (2)
Bills not identical, SF substituted on General Register (4)
Chapter number (1)
Committee report, to adopt (70)
Committee report, to adopt and re-refer to (81)
Committee report, to adopt as amended (38)
Committee report, to adopt as amended and re-refer to (84)
Governor approval (1)
HF indefinitely postponed (3)
House rule 1.21, placed on Calendar for the Day (63)
Introduction and first reading, referred to (2934)
Motion did not prevail (3)
Motion for reconsideration (6)
Motion prevailed (35)
Motion to lay on the table (32)
Motion to re-refer (3)
Motion to recall (2)
Motion to recall and re-refer, motion prevailed (64)
Motion to return bill to author, motion prevailed (4)
Motion to suspend rules (2)
Point of order raised, ruled well taken (3)
Presented to Governor (1)
Recalled by Chair (1)
Received from Senate (11)
Referred by Chair to (1)
Referred to Chief Clerk for comparison with (5)
Reported to the House (1)
Resolution introduced, referred to (3)
Resolution was adopted (3)
Rules suspended (1)
Second reading (111)
Secretary of State, Filed (1)
See Senate file in House (6)
Senate file first reading, referred for comparison (1)
Senate file first reading, referred to (6)
Third reading (28)
Third reading as amended (7)
Search by Statute Citation
: This searches "title" field, not bill text
Hold CTRL Key and click to select more than one entry in above selections.
() contains number of bills matching the search value.