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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

349 Documents Found in Legislative Session 93 (2023-2024)
for Authors of "Jordan"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF1973 4 04/11/2023 Text icon Acomb State greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals amended.
House HF0012 4 01/23/2023 Text icon Agbaje First-generation homebuyers down payment assistance fund established under the administration of a central community development financial institution, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0366 23 04/26/2023 31 Text icon Agbaje Reproductive health care; health records release limited, health-related licensing board acts prohibited, background study disqualification prohibited, judgement enforcement prevented, subpoena enforcement restricted, lawsuit cause of action created, and extradition of persons charged in another state prohibited.
House HF1095 4 03/20/2023 Text icon Agbaje MinnesotaCare eligibility provided for undocumented noncitizens.
House HF1216 2 02/06/2023 Text icon Agbaje Minneapolis; Hennepin Avenue Suspension Bridge reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2477 7 03/30/2023 Text icon Agbaje Minneapolis Public Housing Authority grant funding provided to rehabilitate affordable family housing units, and money appropriated.
House HF4977 7 04/18/2024 Text icon Agbaje Hennepin County; local sales and use tax authority modified.
House HF0197 14 05/19/2023 1 Text icon Bahner A resolution memorializing Congress to resolve that the requirements have been met to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and that it shall now be known as the Twenty-Eighth Amendment to the Constitution.
House HF0952 3 02/08/2023 Text icon Bahner Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Rules review required for compliance with Equal Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution.
House HF3578 6 03/11/2024 Text icon Bahner Health care service prior authorization and coverage requirements modified, grounds for disciplinary action against physicians modified, reports to the commissioner of commerce and the legislature required, data classified, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF3587 4 04/09/2024 Text icon Bahner Employers required to disclose salary ranges in job postings.
House HF0090 10 03/16/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn Board of Public Defense funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1202 6 03/27/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn Animal health; data declassified, owners of farmed Cervidae requirements modified, registrations prohibited, civil liability established, disposition of federal funds modified, live-animal testing required for chronic wasting disease, Board of Animal Health duties transferred to commissioner of natural resources, and money appropriated.
House HF1424 3 02/27/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn 1854 Treaty Area agreement funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1946 5 03/16/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn Possession of dangerous weapons in Capitol complex prohibited.
House HF2030 5 03/08/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn Skate parks funding program appropriation amended.
House HF3490 7 04/04/2024 Text icon Becker-Finn Calcified human remains sale prohibited, and felony offense established.
House HF0008 2 01/05/2023 Text icon Berg Student personnel aid established, and money appropriated.
House HF0995 2 03/08/2023 Text icon Berg Student admission provisions modified.
House HF1571 2 03/13/2023 Text icon Berg Prevailing wage documentation required for projects utilizing state financial assistance.
House HF2037 3 03/27/2023 Text icon Berg School health services provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2442 10 04/25/2023 Text icon Berg Employer prohibited from forcing employees to attend political or religious meetings or otherwise listen to speech about politics and religion.
House HF3024 2 03/30/2023 Text icon Berg Apprenticeship preparation programming funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3446 11 05/13/2024 Text icon Berg Unemployment insurance eligibility modified under conditions for applicants involved in a labor dispute.
House HF3546 2 02/13/2024 Text icon Berg Sexually transmitted infections and diseases program requirements modified.
House HF4309 1 02/26/2024 Text icon Berg Classification treatment of temporary positions for purposes of Public Labor Relations Act modified.
House HF4512 3 04/02/2024 Text icon Berg School counselor ratios recommended, and school counselor duties established.
House HF4818 8 04/11/2024 Text icon Berg Metropolitan Airports Commission; health and welfare benefits required, and penalties imposed.
House HF5226 1 04/02/2024 Text icon Berg Inclusion of any raise in payment of wages clarified.
House HF2644 1 03/06/2023 Text icon Bierman Federally qualified health center subsidies funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3416 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Bierman Environment; rulemaking relating to solid waste disposal facilities required.
House HF4820 3 03/14/2024 Text icon Bierman Healthy Eating, Here at Home Program transferred from Minnesota Humanities Center to Department of Health, Fresh Bucks pilot program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1000 7 03/13/2023 Text icon Brand PFAS prohibited in certain products, disclosure required, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF2794 1 03/09/2023 Text icon Brand Cause of action authorized for remedy of medical monitoring.
House HF3491 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Brand Labeling of nonwoven disposable products provided.
House HF4821 2 04/18/2024 Text icon Cha Advisory task force established to assess impacts of climate change on mental health, and money appropriated.
House HF1184 2 03/15/2023 Text icon Clardy Statewide parent-to-parent program for families of children and youth with special health care needs funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF5126 1 03/21/2024 Text icon Clardy Pilot project created to provide school meals to students attending online school programs, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1798 1 02/15/2023 Text icon Curran Bruce Vento regional trail funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2290 6 04/13/2023 Text icon Curran No-knock search warrants prohibited.
House HF2462 5 03/20/2024 Text icon Curran Council on LGBTQIA Minnesotans established.
House HF2466 7 04/04/2024 Text icon Curran Pharmacists authorized to prescribe, dispense, and administer drugs to prevent acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus; pharmacists authorized to order, conduct, and interpret laboratory tests necessary for therapy that uses drugs to prevent acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus.
House HF4276 4 03/25/2024 Text icon Curran Revisor of statutes directed to update terms used in statute.
House HF4657 8 05/13/2024 Text icon Curran Criminal defenses and authorization for the use of force relating to a victim's sexual orientation or identity limited.
House HF0122 3 01/26/2023 Text icon Edelson Metro Meals on Wheels funding provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF1335 4 03/02/2023 Text icon Edelson Water pollution notification requirements modified.
House HF3974 1 02/19/2024 Text icon Elkins Procedures for review of building applications by government entities established.
House HF0044 13 03/09/2023 Text icon Feist School districts required to provide access to menstrual products for students, operating capital aid increased to fund school district purchases of menstrual products, and money appropriated.
House HF0135 4 03/06/2023 Text icon Feist Hennepin County; persons experiencing homelessness funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0329 13 05/11/2023 Text icon Feist Boundary Water Canoe Area Wilderness mining restrictions modified.
House SF1384 17 05/22/2023 75 Text icon Feist Nurse and Patient Safety Act enacted, hospital preparedness and incident response action plans to acts of violence related requirements modified, nursing facility employee scholarships eligibility modified, health professional education loan forgiveness program eligibility modified, commissioner of health required to study hospital staffing, report required, and appropriations modified.
House HF1522 10 05/17/2023 Text icon Feist Labor policy provisions modified; and building codes, occupational safety and health, and employment law modified.
House HF1547 5 03/06/2023 Text icon Feist Compensatory revenue modified, revenue uses changed, best practices encouraged, percentage of compensatory revenue that must stay at each school site increased, report on eliminating paper forms required, and money appropriated.
House HF1700 17 05/20/2023 Text icon Feist Keeping Nurses at the Bedside Act of 2023; hospital nurse staffing and nurse workload committees requirements established, core staffing plan requirements modified, commissioner required to track compliance, hospital preparedness and incident response action plan requirements modified, hospital nursing and health professional education loan forgiveness programs established/modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1712 1 02/13/2023 Text icon Feist Prevention services, intervention services, and barrier reduction services relating to youth involved or at risk of becoming involved in criminal or juvenile justice system funding provided; report required; and money appropriated.
House HF1859 9 03/23/2023 Text icon Feist Construction worker wage protection new enforcement provisions created.
House HF2488 2 03/06/2023 Text icon Feist Higher education institutions required to provide access to menstrual products at no charge to students, and money appropriated.
House HF3458 5 04/18/2024 Text icon Feist Rainy River headwaters watershed nonferrous mining activities prohibited.
House HF3459 2 03/18/2024 Text icon Feist Appropriate use of state and local resources ensured by limiting state and local government participation in federal civil immigration enforcement efforts.
House HF0146 9 04/24/2023 29 Text icon Finke Gender-affirming health care; use of subpoenas to gather information prevented; child custody and child welfare provisions amended; and warrant, arrest, and extradition provisions amended.
House HF0921 2 01/30/2023 Text icon Finke Use of insecticides on state lands prohibited.
House HF1655 10 03/20/2024 Text icon Finke Gender identity separate definition created, and human rights act sections removed that allow for discrimination based on sexual orientation.
House HF2280 6 03/15/2023 Text icon Finke Gender-Affirming Rights Act created.
House HF4018 3 03/04/2024 Text icon Finke Task Force on the Viability of Aging State Correctional Facilities established, and report required.
House HF4273 10 05/15/2024 Text icon Finke Rainbow flag bans prohibited.
House HF0944 4 02/08/2023 Text icon Fischer Lead tackle sale, manufacture, and use prohibited.
House HF1337 8 04/12/2023 Text icon Fischer Digital fair repair provisions modified, and penalties required.
House HF1507 4 02/27/2023 Text icon Fischer Lead safe homes grant program created, and money appropriated.
House HF2144 4 04/17/2023 Text icon Fischer Open season for taking wolves prohibited, and criminal penalties increased.
House HF0015 5 02/15/2023 Text icon Frazier Law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm, and money appropriated.
House HF0028 18 03/02/2023 12 Text icon Frazier Right to vote restored to individuals convicted of a felony upon completion of any term of incarceration imposed and executed by a court for the offense, and money appropriated.
House HF0535 5 02/08/2023 Text icon Frazier School board authorized to renew expiring referendum.
House HF1576 2 02/13/2023 Text icon Frazier Hennepin County; Blue Line light rail extension project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1833 3 03/06/2023 Text icon Frazier Release of peace officer recordings from portable recording systems required when there is deadly force.
House HF1494 7 03/22/2023 Text icon Frederick Human services provider workplace safety grants established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0274 6 02/27/2023 Text icon Freiberg Commission created to redesign the official state flag and official state seal, and report required.
House HF1577 2 02/13/2023 Text icon Freiberg Hennepin County; Blue Line light rail transit extension project funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF5269 2 04/09/2024 Text icon Freiberg Open or concealed carry of firearms within 100 feet of designated polling places prohibited.
House HF0031 13 01/17/2023 1 Text icon Gomez Individual income and corporate franchise tax provisions modified, and federal tax provisions conformity provided.
House HF1366 2 02/08/2023 Text icon Gomez Duties imposed on peace officers and law enforcement agencies regarding video and audio recordings of use of deadly force, and civil remedy provided.
House HF0003 16 04/26/2023 34 Text icon Greenman Voter registration and absentee voting provisions modified; voting instructions and sample ballot required to be multilingual and interpreters required to be provided; intimidation, deceptive practices, and interference regulated; campaign finance provisions modified; and money appropriated.
House HF0020 8 03/27/2023 Text icon Greenman Wage credits modified and reimbursement provided, general fund transfers authorized, unemployment insurance aid provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0036 14 04/24/2023 Text icon Greenman Worker safety requirements established, and money appropriated.
House HF1041 1 01/30/2023 Text icon Greenman Minneapolis; Nicollet Bridge over Minnehaha Creek capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1237 3 02/09/2023 Text icon Greenman Covenants not to compete provided to be void and unenforceable; protection of substantive provisions of Minnesota law provided to apply to matters arising in Minnesota; and coding for new law proposed in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 181.
House HF1432 3 02/27/2023 Text icon Greenman Supply requirements for prescription contraceptives established; health plans required to cover contraceptive methods, sterilization, and related medical services, patient education, and counseling; and accommodations for eligible organizations established.
House HF2409 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Greenman Minneapolis; liquor license modified.
House HF2483 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Greenman Minneapolis; local sales and use tax provisions, lawful gambling tax provisions, and other stadium-related provisions modified; bonds made able to be retired early; operating expense and capital improvement requirements modified; and money appropriated.
House HF3456 4 03/07/2024 Text icon Greenman Restrictive employment covenants prohibited in service contracts.
House HF4444 12 04/29/2024 Text icon Greenman Misclassification of employees prohibited, penalties imposed, and data classified.
House HF0047 6 02/06/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Pollinator research funding provided, and money transferred.
House HF0050 11 02/20/2023 9 Text icon Hansen, R. Easement and state land conveying and leasing requirements modified, state forests added to and deleted from, state parks added to, and sale and conveyance of land authorized.
House HF0070 10 03/28/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Agricultural and food processing worker fair labor standard provisions modified.
House HF0172 7 03/16/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Environment and natural resources trust fund funding provided, reporting requirements modified, capital construction requirements modified, prior appropriations modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0206 5 03/06/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Examination of neonicotinoid impacts on game species funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0232 7 03/16/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Explore Minnesota Tourism funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0352 3 02/06/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. University of Minnesota; heritage oilseed and grain initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0389 2 01/25/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Distribution of lottery in lieu tax modified.
House HF0475 1 01/17/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Bioincentive payment recipients additional information required.
House HF0498 5 02/15/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Highways for habitat program established, roadside vegetation and living snow fence purposes funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0734 4 02/27/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Cities required to allow native landscapes on private land, and vegetation overgrowth prohibited within cities.
House HF0911 2 01/30/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Board of Animal Health membership requirements modified.
House HF1150 3 03/27/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Registration for pesticides containing perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance prohibited.
House HF1283 3 03/01/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Environment; PFAS-related rulemaking required.
House HF1317 3 03/15/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Agriculture; terms defined; use, storage, disposal, and sale of pesticide-treated seed regulated; label statements required; consumer guidance required; rulemaking required; penalties modified; and money appropriated.
House HF1862 1 02/16/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. County approval requirements removed for land acquisitions.
House HF1945 3 03/09/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Reinvest in Minnesota (RIM) reserve program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2171 1 02/21/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Objectionable odor emission prohibited, testing based on odor complaints required, and odor-management plans required.
House HF2387 2 03/22/2023 Text icon Hansen, R. Fur farmer registration requirements modified, commercial permits for restricted species eliminated, and feral pigs and mink report required.
House HF3275 6 04/02/2024 Text icon Hansen, R. A resolution memorializing Congress that the Legislature of the State of Minnesota reaffirms its ratification of the Child Labor Amendment to the United States Constitution.
House HF3377 14 04/04/2024 83 Text icon Hansen, R. Environment and natural resources trust fund; previous appropriations modified, and money appropriated.
House HF3418 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Hansen, R. Investment accounts provided, transfer or sale of bison provided, enhanced restitution values for mistreatment of wild animals provided, protection of threatened species clarified, releaf program modified, water use general permit fee corrected, Mineral Coordinating Committee extended, and money appropriated.
House SF3631 2 04/15/2024 Text icon Hansen, R. Investment accounts provided, transfer or sale of bison provided, enhanced restitution values for mistreatment of wild animals provided, protection of threatened species clarified, releaf program modified, water use general permit fee corrected, Mineral Coordinating Committee extended, and money appropriated.
House HF3739 2 04/02/2024 Text icon Hansen, R. Study of microplastics in meat and poultry required, and money appropriated.
House HF3874 4 03/11/2024 Text icon Hansen, R. Administrative penalty order authority modified for enforcing public water and drainage dich buffer requirements, and certain lawns to legumes program data made private.
House HF3911 22 05/18/2024 116 Text icon Hansen, R. Environment and natural resources supplemental budget bill.
House HF4625 3 03/21/2024 Text icon Hansen, R. Report on state agency nitrogen fertilizer purchases required and reduction goal established.
House HF0368 1 01/17/2023 Text icon Hanson, J. Malicious and sadistic conduct involving race, gender, religion, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and sexual exploitation prohibited.
House HF0504 3 01/25/2023 Text icon Hanson, J. Small business partnership program codified, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF1404 1 02/08/2023 Text icon Hanson, J. Postsecondary institution's mandated sexual harassment and sexual assault policy amended, requirements for campus investigations and disciplinary proceedings imposed, and Minnesota Human Rights Act requirements incorporated.
House HF1618 9 04/04/2024 Text icon Hanson, J. Determinations required before issuing nonferrous mining permits.
House HF1619 8 05/13/2023 Text icon Hanson, J. Denial and revocation of nonferrous mining permit, license, or lease to bad actors provided.
House HF0125 4 01/30/2023 Text icon Hassan Right to counsel in public housing eviction actions provided.
House HF0320 5 03/09/2023 Text icon Hassan Teachers of Color Act strengthened, percentage of teachers of color and American Indian teachers in Minnesota increased, world's best workforce requirements amended, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0651 12 03/20/2023 Text icon Hassan Personal finance class required for high school graduation, personal finance seal established for teacher licensure, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF1926 2 04/26/2023 Text icon Hassan Minneapolis; Sabathani Community Center capital improvement funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2207 3 04/26/2023 Text icon Hassan Urban Indigenous Legacy Initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2369 27 05/21/2023 65 Text icon Hassan Transportation network company driver protections established, civil action provided, and criminal penalties provided.
House HF4169 5 04/15/2024 Text icon Hassan Minneapolis; affordable housing funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF5485 1 05/19/2024 Text icon Hassan Issuance of routing permits for pipelines that carry carbon dioxide prohibited.
House HF3899 2 02/22/2024 Text icon Hemmingsen-Jaeger State mussel established.
House HF0022 5 02/27/2023 Text icon Her English learner programming funding increased, English learner cross subsidy aid added, and money appropriated.
House SF0037 24 05/18/2024 Text icon Her Equality under law provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0173 14 05/18/2024 Text icon Her Equality under law provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0732 6 03/09/2023 Text icon Her Income definitions modified for housing support.
House HF1234 21 05/15/2023 48 Text icon Her Peace officer and firefighter duty disability provisions modified, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1625 5 03/20/2023 Text icon Her Employers prohibited from inquiring about past pay.
House HF4787 1 03/11/2024 Text icon Hill Wage deductions for credit card charges modified.
House HF0016 11 04/21/2023 28 Text icon Hollins Conversion therapy prohibited for children and vulnerable adults, medical assistance coverage prohibited, and misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products prohibited.
House HF0372 6 03/13/2023 Text icon Hollins Products containing PFAS notice required, and rulemaking required.
House HF0865 12 03/09/2023 Text icon Hollins Building and construction contract requirements modified and clarified.
House HF1064 16 05/20/2024 Text icon Hollins Citizens United; a resolution memorializing Congress to overturn the United States Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC; requesting that Congress clarify that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment.
House HF1872 10 04/03/2023 Text icon Hollins Micro-unit dwellings authorized on religious properties.
House HF1900 27 05/21/2023 67 Text icon Hollins Environment and natural resources trust fund renewal provided and trust fund provisions modified, community grant program established, community grant program advisory council established, report required, money appropriated, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3566 14 05/13/2024 Text icon Hollins Electronic waste collection and recycling program established, accounts created, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF5446 1 05/01/2024 Text icon Hollins State park and recreation area acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0998 2 02/01/2023 Text icon Hornstein Minneapolis; capital improvement funding provided to bring public right-of-way facilities in compliance with ADA requirements, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1785 1 02/15/2023 Text icon Hornstein Allocation of revenues from solid waste management tax modified.
House HF2092 7 03/27/2023 Text icon Hornstein Metropolitan governance task force created.
House HF2968 2 03/20/2023 Text icon Hornstein Education on the Holocaust, genocide of Indigenous Peoples, and other genocides required for middle and high school students; working group created; report required; and money appropriated.
House HF4915 1 03/13/2024 Text icon Hornstein Solid waste management; dedication to resource management account increased.
House HF0011 3 01/09/2023 Text icon Howard State rent assistance program established for low-income, cost-burdened households; and money appropriated.
House HF0302 6 03/09/2023 Text icon Howard Eligible use of housing infrastructure bonds added, issuance of housing infrastructure bonds prescribed, and bonds issued.
House HF0347 7 03/02/2023 Text icon Howard Lead testing and remediation requirements in schools modified, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3329 5 03/18/2024 Text icon Howard Sales tax rate increased by three-eighths of one percent and receipts dedicated for housing purposes; homeownership opportunity fund, rental opportunity fund, and household and community stability funds created; fund councils created; appointments provided; and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0029 14 02/01/2023 Text icon Huot Office of the Attorney General funding provided to provide enhanced criminal enforcement, and money appropriated.
House SF0033 8 02/06/2023 8 Text icon Huot Office of the Attorney General enhanced criminal enforcement funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0227 9 02/01/2023 Text icon Huot Notaries public and past or current Minnesota elected officials authorized to perform civil marriages.
House HF2517 3 03/30/2023 Text icon Huot Healthy eating, here at home program modified; and money appropriated.
House HF1154 1 02/01/2023 Text icon Hussein Minnesota Humanities Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2828 1 03/13/2023 Text icon Hussein Local governmental units authorized to prohibit or restrict possession of dangerous weapons, ammunition, or explosives in local government-owned or leased buildings and land.
House HF0005 23 03/16/2023 18 Text icon Jordan Free school lunch and breakfast provided for students, and money appropriated.
House HF0024 22 05/10/2023 39 Text icon Jordan Lead drinking water service line replacement grant program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0034 3 01/23/2023 Text icon Jordan Local government license data classified.
House HF0068 2 01/23/2023 Text icon Jordan Per diems increased for boards, councils, and commissions.
House HF0077 5 03/27/2023 Text icon Jordan Legislative employees permitted to obtain elections for exclusive representation to bargain collectively as to terms of employment.
House HF0081 4 03/15/2023 Text icon Jordan Fish kills reporting and protocol development for state response required, and money appropriated.
House HF0092 3 01/11/2023 Text icon Jordan Elevated blood lead concentration level lowered from ten micrograms of lead to 3.5 micrograms.
House HF0099 1 01/05/2023 Text icon Jordan Minneapolis; Grand Rounds Missing Link trail connection completion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0174 6 03/20/2024 Text icon Jordan Commissioner of education required to develop a model program for sexual health education, and report required.
House HF0194 4 01/23/2023 Text icon Jordan Minneapolis; state fire museum designated.
House HF0245 3 01/30/2023 Text icon Jordan Report on rough fish funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0545 3 01/30/2023 Text icon Jordan Affirmative consent instruction required, and money appropriated.
House HF0555 2 03/16/2023 Text icon Jordan East Side Neighborhood Services funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0902 3 02/06/2023 Text icon Jordan Retaliation against peace officers who intercede against or report on use of excessive force prohibited, and civil remedies provided.
House HF0976 1 01/30/2023 Text icon Jordan Crosslake; National Loon Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0996 1 01/30/2023 Text icon Jordan Minneapolis; Central City Storm Tunnel expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0997 1 01/30/2023 Text icon Jordan Minneapolis Emergency Operations Center and Fire Training Facility expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1046 1 01/30/2023 Text icon Jordan East Side Neighborhood Services funding provided for food security and access, and money appropriated.
House HF1098 2 03/16/2023 Text icon Jordan Individuals with disabilities employment assistance funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1110 2 04/17/2023 Text icon Jordan Metropolitan regional parks and trails funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1281 2 02/08/2023 Text icon Jordan Wilderness program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1356 3 03/01/2023 Text icon Jordan Definitions for regulation of safe drinking water added.
House HF1447 1 02/08/2023 Text icon Jordan Renovation and lead hazard reduction provisions modified.
House HF1628 2 03/23/2023 Text icon Jordan Pupil transportation services for homeless students fully funded, special education aid modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1690 4 03/30/2023 Text icon Jordan Public labor relations modified, and teacher probationary period requirements modified.
House HF1691 5 03/27/2023 Text icon Jordan Public employee labor relations modified, and collective bargaining modified.
House HF1857 2 03/01/2023 Text icon Jordan Sale of water in plastic containers prohibited.
House HF1986 1 02/20/2023 Text icon Jordan Emerge Community Development grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2004 3 03/20/2023 Text icon Jordan Application of environmental review statutes clarified to regional and local comprehensive land use planning.
House HF2063 1 02/20/2023 Text icon Jordan Drinking water revolving fund law modified to address replacement of lead service lines and emerging contaminants.
House HF2096 5 03/13/2023 Text icon Jordan PFAS prohibited in ski wax.
House HF2100 2 03/13/2023 Text icon Jordan Air ventilation program established for public school buildings, grants authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF2120 2 03/16/2023 Text icon Jordan Appetite for Change Community Cooks program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2408 3 03/27/2023 Text icon Jordan University of Minnesota; St. Anthony Falls geophysical study funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2604 2 03/13/2023 Text icon Jordan Transit service improvement funding provided, including transit fare elimination, transit shelters, zero-emission bus transition, arterial bus rapid transit planning, and transit signal priority system planning; working group established; reports required; and money appropriated.
House HF2658 1 03/06/2023 Text icon Jordan County assessor and city assessor duties clarified.
House HF2675 1 03/06/2023 Text icon Jordan Minneapolis; Ukrainian American Community Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2872 1 03/13/2023 Text icon Jordan Minneapolis; police department appointments modified.
House HF2985 1 03/20/2023 Text icon Jordan Board member qualifications and licensing requirements modified for architects, engineers, surveyors, landscape architects, geoscientists, and interior designers.
House HF2986 1 03/20/2023 Text icon Jordan Licensed school teacher salary increases provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3200 2 02/13/2024 Text icon Jordan Beverage container recycling refunds program established, civil and criminal penalties provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF3345 6 04/04/2024 Text icon Jordan Prohibition on banning merchant bags removed.
House HF3415 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Jordan Technical and policy changes made to public employee labor relations provisions, and rulemaking required.
House HF3417 3 03/07/2024 Text icon Jordan Environment; waste composition studies required.
House HF3428 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Jordan Technical changes made to Bureau of Mediation Services provisions.
House HF3556 4 03/18/2024 Text icon Jordan Minimum time for school lunch required.
House HF3577 14 04/08/2024 Text icon Jordan Packaging Waste and Cost Reduction Act established, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF3633 1 02/13/2024 Text icon Jordan Sales of solvent-based paint materials to licensees restricted, paint contractor board established, paint contractors and journeyworker painters licensing required, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF3635 2 03/13/2024 Text icon Jordan Special education and English learner cross subsidy aid increased by Consumer Price Index increase.
House HF3641 1 02/13/2024 Text icon Jordan Midway Contemporary Art grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3731 3 03/07/2024 Text icon Jordan Recovering waste heat from wastewater provided.
House HF3863 3 02/29/2024 Text icon Jordan Schools participating in state school milk program required to provide daily milk to students in kindergarten through grade 12, fees for school milk prohibited, reimbursement rate for school milk modified, and money appropriated.
House HF4015 4 03/07/2024 Text icon Jordan Native rough fish provided, conforming changes made for aquatic farm licenses and taking and possessing fish, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF4028 3 03/18/2024 Text icon Jordan Metropolitan Council; environmental and public health considerations required in comprehensive development guide.
House HF4072 1 02/22/2024 Text icon Jordan Lead service line replacement grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4171 2 03/04/2024 Text icon Jordan Energy efficiency projects authorized under long-term facilities maintenance revenue program, and maximum effort capital loan program restriction removed.
House HF4197 1 02/22/2024 Text icon Jordan Board member qualifications and licensing requirements modified for architects, engineers, landscape architects, geoscientists, and interior designers.
House HF4508 5 04/24/2024 Text icon Jordan Public employee definition amended, and University of Minnesota employee bargaining units modified.
House HF4621 2 04/04/2024 Text icon Jordan Crosslake; new National Loon Center construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4622 1 03/07/2024 Text icon Jordan Crosslake; National Loon Center prior appropriation for capital improvements amended.
House HF4721 1 03/07/2024 Text icon Jordan Stewardship program for batteries established, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF4744 6 04/04/2024 Text icon Jordan Hennepin County; majority vote required to approve budget.
House HF4780 6 04/24/2024 Text icon Jordan State land conveyance to Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians required, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF4781 1 03/11/2024 Text icon Jordan Occupational medicine residency grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF4920 1 03/13/2024 Text icon Jordan Lead risk assessments grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4974 1 03/14/2024 Text icon Jordan Minneapolis and St. Anthony Village authorized to regulate truck weight and length on 29th Avenue Northeast.
House HF5024 1 03/18/2024 Text icon Jordan Minneapolis; Como Community Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0211 4 02/27/2023 Text icon Keeler Indigenous Peoples Day school observance required, and Indigenous Peoples Day established as state holiday and Christopher Columbus Day eliminated as state holiday.
House HF0213 13 02/27/2023 11 Text icon Keeler Food shelf program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0444 16 03/09/2023 Text icon Keeler Homeless Youth Act modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0748 7 03/20/2023 Text icon Keeler American Indian regalia or objects of cultural significance allowed at graduation ceremonies.
House HF0827 4 03/06/2023 Text icon Keeler Teacher preparation time provisions modified.
House HF1354 4 03/01/2023 Text icon Keeler Christopher Columbus Day references replaced with Indigenous Peoples Day.
House HF0979 4 02/16/2023 Text icon Klevorn Legislative task force established to review and prioritize resources to support an aging demographic in the state, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1492 4 03/02/2023 Text icon Klevorn University of Minnesota; Forever Green Initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4593 8 04/18/2024 Text icon Klevorn Advisory citizens' redistricting commission established, redistricting principles and redistricting requirements established, constitutional amendment to establish an independent citizen's redistricting commission proposed, and money appropriated.
House HF0026 15 02/02/2023 6 Text icon Koegel Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1229 4 03/20/2024 Text icon Koegel State government; state fossil designated.
House HF0009 7 02/19/2024 Text icon Kotyza-Witthuhn Individual income provisions modified, dependent care credit expanded, and great start child care credit established.
House HF0552 11 04/18/2023 Text icon Kotyza-Witthuhn PFAS in juvenile products prohibited.
House HF1423 3 02/20/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Elk reintroduction funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2065 3 03/15/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Gender-neutral, single-user restroom and locker room facilities provided; and money appropriated.
House HF2091 3 03/30/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Indigenous cultural heritage exhibits and programming funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4050 4 04/15/2024 Text icon Kozlowski Minimum wage provisions modified.
House HF2297 5 04/04/2024 Text icon Kraft School districts and charter schools required to provide climate justice instruction, and report required.
House HF2493 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Kraft Supplemental energy assistance funding provided, annual report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3320 11 04/02/2024 Text icon Kraft Boat wrap product stewardship program established to promote recycling, and money appropriated.
House HF4009 9 03/13/2024 Text icon Kraft Minimum allowable densities established on residential lots in cities, authorization of middle housing types to be built on residential lots required, subdivision of residential lots authorized, parking requirements established by cities limited, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency required to create model ordinance, city aesthetic mandates on residential building permits limited, and multifamily residential development requirements established.
House HF0637 4 03/09/2023 Text icon Lee, F. Requirement modified to analyze and consider cumulative pollution before issuing air quality permit, environmental justice areas identification provided, environmental permitting and review demographic analysis required, and technical corrections made.
House HF0671 8 03/11/2024 Text icon Lee, F. Environmental civil penalties provisions modified.
House HF0672 3 02/06/2023 Text icon Lee, F. Public meeting required every five years for nonexpiring air emission permits, denial of request for permit review required to be in writing and to state reason for denial, and creation of full-time equivalent position required.
House HF0673 5 03/08/2023 Text icon Lee, F. Air toxics emissions reporting required, and rulemaking to regulate air toxics emissions required.
House HF0674 4 02/06/2023 Text icon Lee, F. Community air-monitoring systems pilot grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0757 2 01/30/2023 Text icon Lee, F. Appetite for Change site selection planning and predesign for new facility funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0990 3 02/06/2023 Text icon Lee, F. After-school community learning programs modified, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3579 4 02/29/2024 Text icon Lee, F. Physical measurements of air emissions and reporting of emission-related statistics required.
House HF3583 3 02/26/2024 Text icon Lee, F. Individual income tax and corporate franchise tax provisions modified, and pollution control surcharge imposed on certain businesses.
House HF3588 2 02/13/2024 Text icon Lee, F. Zero-emission transit bus transition provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2203 3 03/01/2023 Text icon Lillie State employee salaries funding provided in event of nonappropriation, and money appropriated.
House HF2463 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Lillie Legislative review of contracts between state and exclusive representatives of public employees eliminated.
House HF2844 8 02/12/2024 Text icon Lillie Cultural community rescue restart grants funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF4130 2 02/26/2024 Text icon Lillie Metropolitan regional parks and trails funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0010 18 04/25/2023 Text icon Lislegard Skilled and trained contractor workforce use provided at petroleum refineries.
House SF0010 8 04/24/2023 30 Text icon Lislegard Skilled and trained contractor workforce use provided at petroleum refineries.
House HF0007 17 02/06/2023 7 Text icon Long Electric utility renewable energy standard obligations modified, cost recovery provided, wind projects exempted from certificate of need proceedings, low-voltage transmission line included in solar energy generating system definition, local energy employment provisions added, and Public Utility Commission permit authority modified for electric generation facilities.
House HF1294 2 02/08/2023 Text icon Long Minneapolis; Bakken Museum grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4598 3 04/08/2024 Text icon Long Independent Redistricting Commission established, Applicant Review Panel established, principles to be used in adopting legislative and congressional districts established, legislative members lobbying activity prohibited, convening and conduct of regular legislative sessions requirements amended, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF4745 3 03/18/2024 Text icon Long MinnesotaCare public option established, eligibility expanded, public option enrollee premium scale established, section 1332 waiver required to be sought by commissioner of commerce, and money appropriated.
House HF0362 6 02/08/2023 Text icon Moller Comprehensive school mental health services lead positions established, and money appropriated.
House HF1989 12 04/29/2024 94 Text icon Moller Ticket sale disclosure required, ticket sale conduct prohibited, data disclosure to the commissioner of commerce required, and enforcement allowed by the commissioner of commerce.
House HF2745 3 03/13/2023 Text icon Myers Deposit of waste prohibited outside a shelter, motor vehicle, or any other conveyance on ice of state waters; and report on options for funding additional enforcement of laws on ice of state waters required.
House HF3662 3 04/15/2024 Text icon Myers Keep It Clean program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0062 13 02/16/2023 Text icon Nelson, M. Public Employment Relations Board data modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1555 3 03/08/2023 Text icon Nelson, M. Construction manager at risk contact procedures for municipalities clarified.
House HF1695 6 03/13/2023 Text icon Nelson, M. Service Employees International Union (SEIU) healthcare agreement ratified.
House HF2755 4 04/12/2023 Text icon Nelson, M. Labor and industry finance bill.
House HF0914 1 01/26/2023 Text icon Noor Medical assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollee disenrollment procedures specified, 12-month continuous medical assistance eligibility provided for certain eligibility categories, and continuous medical assistance eligibility provided for children up to age six.
House HF1209 1 02/02/2023 Text icon Noor Teen Teamworks funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1943 2 02/20/2023 Text icon Noor Metropolitan Council; new Cedar Riverside Recreation Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3961 2 03/04/2024 Text icon Noor Tenants provided with remedies related to new construction delays.
House HF0284 9 03/20/2023 Text icon Norris Helmets to Hard Hats Minnesota initiative funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0439 3 03/09/2023 Text icon Norris General education basic formula allowance increased by five percent per year for fiscal years 2024 and 2025, future formula increases linked to the rate of inflation, and money appropriated.
House HF0742 10 03/16/2023 Text icon Norris Firefighting foam use prohibited, exemptions allowed, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF0019 13 02/16/2023 Text icon Olson, L. Earned sick and safe time provided, Ninth Judicial District court judge added, report required, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0964 1 01/26/2023 Text icon Pérez-Vega St. Paul; Shepard Road public realm funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1108 2 02/06/2023 Text icon Pérez-Vega Minnesota Children's Museum funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1579 1 02/09/2023 Text icon Pérez-Vega Neighborhood House funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4176 7 04/04/2024 Text icon Pérez-Vega Early learning programs modified.
House HF5091 1 03/20/2024 Text icon Pérez-Vega Slice of St. Paul Kids literacy incentive pilot program created through a school and community partnership, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0014 5 02/13/2023 Text icon Pinto Criminal background checks required for firearms transfers, and grounds for disqualification of transferee permit modified.
House HF0093 12 02/12/2024 Text icon Pinto Slavery or involuntary servitude prohibited as criminal punishment for crime, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0238 9 04/20/2023 Text icon Pinto Children and families finance bill.
House HF2367 2 03/08/2023 Text icon Pinto Individual income tax provisions modified, and public pension benefit subtraction established.
House HF2707 6 05/19/2023 Text icon Pinto St. Paul; Ethiopian Community Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1034 1 01/30/2023 Text icon Pursell Cooperative grant program eligibility modified, and money appropriated.
House HF1733 2 02/20/2023 Text icon Pursell Water quality and storage program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2076 7 03/27/2023 Text icon Pursell Pollution Control Agency citizen membership reinstated.
House HF2354 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Pursell Drainage registry information portal established, and money appropriated.
House HF3321 1 05/16/2023 Text icon Pursell Outdoor School for All grant program created, and money appropriated.
House HF4613 3 04/02/2024 Text icon Pursell Tenants permitted to terminate a lease based on elevated radon concentration.
House HF4722 1 03/07/2024 Text icon Pursell Pilot program created to provide meal stipends to full-time PSEO students, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2747 1 03/08/2023 Text icon Rehm Solar for schools program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3466 11 03/11/2024 Text icon Rehm Opportunities to protect native prairie expanded.
House HF0239 2 01/17/2023 Text icon Reyer Hospice respite and end-of-life care medical assistance benefit established for individuals under the age of 22.
House HF0383 2 03/08/2023 Text icon Reyer Advisory Task Force on State Employment and Retention of Employees with Disabilities recommendations adopted, and report required.
House HF0712 3 02/08/2023 Text icon Reyer Family planning grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0751 2 02/06/2023 Text icon Reyer Acquisition of land and easements for habitat and natural area management purposes funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2643 2 03/09/2023 Text icon Reyer Grant provided for federally qualified health centers apprenticeship program, report to legislature required, and money appropriated.
House HF2798 1 03/09/2023 Text icon Reyer Health care guaranteed to be available and affordable for every Minnesotan; Minnesota Health Plan, Minnesota Health Board, Minnesota Health Fund, Office of Health Quality and Planning, ombudsman for patient advocacy, and auditor general for Minnesota Health Plan established; Affordable Care Act 1332 waiver requested; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
House HF2989 2 02/19/2024 Text icon Reyer New green infrastructure grant program created, criteria for projects funded through clean water and drinking water revolving funds amended, rules and prioritization of projects in project priority lists required to factor in new criteria, and money appropriated.
House HF4100 3 03/25/2024 Text icon Reyer Debt collection, garnishment, medical debt, and consumer finance various governing provisions modified; debtor protections provided; statutory forms modified; and statutory form review required.
House HF4210 6 03/18/2024 Text icon Reyer Hospital and violence intervention team safety requirements established, hospitals required to have a secure online portal for reporting of violence incidents and threats of violence, de-escalation training required for all hospital health care workers, and report required.
House HF0002 50 05/18/2023 59 Text icon Richardson Paid family, bonding, and applicant's serious medical condition benefits provided; employment leaves regulated and required; income tax withholdings authorized and taxes imposed; penalties authorized; actuarial report required; and money appropriated.
House HF0030 23 03/09/2023 15 Text icon Richardson Catalytic converter purchase or acquisition requirements established, penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0489 5 02/06/2023 Text icon Sencer-Mura Job skills training for recently released inmates funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0711 4 03/06/2023 Text icon Sencer-Mura Big Brothers Big Sisters youth programming funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1357 1 02/06/2023 Text icon Sencer-Mura Pangea World Theater community arts and cultural center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1502 2 03/06/2023 Text icon Sencer-Mura Ethnic studies requirement created, Ethnic Studies Working Group created, rulemaking authorized, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF3595 4 03/21/2024 Text icon Sencer-Mura Special education aid for unreimbursed costs to resident school districts modified.
House HF3862 2 02/19/2024 Text icon Sencer-Mura Regional farm-to-institution coordinators funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4231 2 03/14/2024 Text icon Sencer-Mura Amortization of certain property uses authorized.
House HF4268 1 02/26/2024 Text icon Sencer-Mura Metropolitan Council required to design, construct, and fund aspects of bus rapid transit projects.
House HF5077 1 03/20/2024 Text icon Sencer-Mura Reproductive health equity grant fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF1884 2 03/15/2023 Text icon Smith Psychedelic medicine task force established, and report required.
House HF4630 7 05/09/2024 Text icon Smith Manure management plan requirements for feedlots modified, minimum setbacks and inspection frequencies established, penalties for manure management plan violations specified, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
House HF0017 6 02/08/2023 Text icon Stephenson Generic or off-patent drugs; excessive price increases prohibited, attorney general authorized to take action against price increases, sale withdrawal prohibited, prescription drug affordability board and advisory council established, prescription drug cost reviews and remedies provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0035 15 02/20/2023 10 Text icon Stephenson State forecast required to include the rate of inflation.
House HF0100 43 05/21/2023 63 Text icon Stephenson Cannabis finance and policy bill.
House HF2619 5 04/17/2023 Text icon Stephenson General education basic formula allowance increased, money directed to class size reduction, and money appropriated.
House HF2990 1 03/20/2023 Text icon Stephenson Transitional cost-sharing reduction, premium subsidy, small employer public option, and transitional health care credit established; MinnesotaCare eligibility expanded; premium scale modified; and recommendations for alternative delivery and payment system required.
House HF0207 10 02/09/2023 Text icon Tabke Lawns to legumes grant program established, and money appropriated.
House HF0820 12 04/17/2023 Text icon Tabke Certified salt applicator program established, liability limited, and report required.
House HF1348 4 03/06/2023 Text icon Tabke Employee health insurance provided, minimum starting salary for nonlicensed school personnel increased, paid orientation and professional development for paraprofessionals provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2045 2 03/09/2023 Text icon Tabke Transit enforcement governing requirements amended, transit service intervention project established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0358 4 01/30/2023 Text icon Urdahl Social studies requirements modified, and school districts required to offer a course in government and citizenship.
House HF0021 3 01/09/2023 Text icon Vang Full-service community schools funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0181 9 05/01/2023 Text icon Vang Reporting of crimes motivated by bias expanded; crimes of assault, property damage, and harassment motivated by bias amended; Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training required to update training in recognizing, responding to, and reporting crimes of bias; and money appropriated.
House HF0234 5 01/26/2023 Text icon Vang Game and fish; provisions for taking turtles modified.
House HF5253 2 04/08/2024 Text icon Virnig School district authorized to reauthorize capital projects referendum by board action.
House HF0018 2 01/05/2023 Text icon Wolgamott School district special education services fully funded, and money appropriated.
House HF0023 9 03/13/2023 Text icon Wolgamott Safe workplaces for meat and poultry processing workers provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1200 12 03/23/2023 Text icon Wolgamott State and local jail and prison inmates required to be housed in publicly owned and operated jails and prisons, and state and counties prohibited from contracting with private prisons.
House HF2741 1 03/08/2023 Text icon Wolgamott Issuance of pregnancy-related disability parking certificates authorized.
House HF3294 8 02/26/2024 Text icon Wolgamott Higher education individual retirement account plan; normal retirement age lowered to age 64, employee and employer contributions increased, end of amortization period extended to 2053, pension adjustment revenue increased for school districts, and money appropriated.
House HF3972 11 03/25/2024 Text icon Wolgamott Teachers Retirement Association; early retirement reduction factors for annuity commencement before normal retirement age modified, and pension adjustment revenue increased for school districts.
House HF4006 5 05/01/2024 Text icon Wolgamott Per-credit cost of tuition waived for student teachers, and money appropriated.
House HF4089 1 02/22/2024 Text icon Wolgamott State Fire Code; fire life safety damper testing established, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF5237 26 05/18/2024 115 Text icon Youakim Education supplemental budget bill.