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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

76 Documents Found in Legislative Session 93 (2023-2024)
for Chief Authors of "Stephenson"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0148 1 01/09/2023 Text icon Stephenson Anoka County; youth homeless drop-in center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0149 1 01/09/2023 Text icon Stephenson Anoka County; HOPE 4 Youth homeless drop-in center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0185 1 01/09/2023 Text icon Stephenson Anoka County; U.S. Highway 10 additional lane construction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0186 1 01/09/2023 Text icon Stephenson Anoka County; U.S. Highway 10 noise barrier funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0312 2 01/17/2023 Text icon Stephenson Burglary crimes following a trespass notice amended.
House HF0361 1 01/17/2023 Text icon Stephenson Anoka County; additional lane construction on U.S. Highway 10 segment funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0403 1 01/17/2023 Text icon Stephenson Transfer of University of Minnesota Hospitals to non-Minnesota entity prohibited.
House HF0451 3 01/23/2023 Text icon Stephenson Elections; ordering of candidates for partisan offices on state general election ballot requirements modified.
House HF0736 1 01/23/2023 Text icon Stephenson Noncampaign disbursement expenses designated.
House HF0392 2 01/30/2023 Text icon Stephenson Taxation provisions modified, and unmarked police cars exempted from motor vehicle sales tax.
House HF0721 5 02/06/2023 Text icon Stephenson Individual income tax provisions modified, and working family credit expanded.
House HF0017 6 02/08/2023 Text icon Stephenson Generic or off-patent drugs; excessive price increases prohibited, attorney general authorized to take action against price increases, sale withdrawal prohibited, prescription drug affordability board and advisory council established, prescription drug cost reviews and remedies provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0117 6 02/13/2023 Text icon Stephenson Political activities by foreign-influenced corporations prohibited, certification of compliance required, and candidates prohibited from accepting contributions.
House HF1689 1 02/13/2023 Text icon Stephenson Record-keeping and reporting requirements related to political advertisements provided; Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board required to provide public access to reports, including copies of campaign advertisements; and requirements related to disclaimer display on campaign material amended.
House HF0178 3 02/15/2023 Text icon Stephenson Property tax provisions modified, and energy storage system tax exemption established.
House HF1935 1 02/16/2023 Text icon Stephenson Commissioner of commerce required to conduct an evaluation of existing statutory health benefit mandates under process set forth in Minnesota Statutes, section 62J.26; and money appropriated.
House HF0035 15 02/20/2023 10 Text icon Stephenson State forecast required to include the rate of inflation.
House HF2132 1 02/21/2023 Text icon Stephenson Anoka County; road improvement appropriation modified.
House HF2169 1 02/21/2023 Text icon Stephenson Anoka; Rum River Dam repair and replacement studies and work funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2249 1 02/27/2023 Text icon Stephenson Insurance; coverage exclusions regulated.
House HF2255 1 02/27/2023 Text icon Stephenson Natural gas utilities authorized to sell extraordinary event bonds under certain circumstances, account established, and money appropriated.
House HF0006 11 03/02/2023 Text icon Stephenson Price gouging prohibited during an abnormal market disruption, and penalties prescribed.
House HF0413 5 03/02/2023 Text icon Stephenson Electric vehicles purchase preference for state fleet established, certification of training of motor vehicle dealer employees required, rebates for electric vehicle purchases provided, utilities required to file plans to promote electric vehicles, grants awarded to automobile dealers to defray cost of manufacturer certification, and money appropriated.
House HF1103 3 03/02/2023 Text icon Stephenson Local public safety aid program established, and money appropriated.
House HF2349 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Stephenson Cogeneration governing provisions modified.
House HF2598 2 03/08/2023 Text icon Stephenson Cannabis finance and policy bill.
House HF2388 3 03/09/2023 Text icon Stephenson Upper Sioux Agency State Park transfer required, and report required.
House HF2772 1 03/09/2023 Text icon Stephenson Department of Health addiction and recovery office established.
House HF0394 4 03/15/2023 Text icon Stephenson Muzzleloader provisions modified.
House HF0393 4 03/20/2023 Text icon Stephenson Procedure to resolve disputes between public utilities and residential customers provided.
House HF2990 1 03/20/2023 Text icon Stephenson Transitional cost-sharing reduction, premium subsidy, small employer public option, and transitional health care credit established; MinnesotaCare eligibility expanded; premium scale modified; and recommendations for alternative delivery and payment system required.
House HF3003 1 03/20/2023 Text icon Stephenson Definition of low-income household amended for purposes of receiving energy conservation assistance.
House HF0450 4 03/30/2023 Text icon Stephenson Crime of organized retail theft established, release of financial account information to law enforcement provided, burglary crimes following trespass notice amended, and time period for search warrant on financial institutions established.
House HF2680 3 04/12/2023 Text icon Stephenson Commerce finance and policy bill.
House HF2619 5 04/17/2023 Text icon Stephenson General education basic formula allowance increased, money directed to class size reduction, and money appropriated.
House HF2676 5 04/21/2023 Text icon Stephenson Rent increases limited in low-income rental projects that use residential rental bonds.
House HF3284 1 04/24/2023 Text icon Stephenson Anoka; Rum River Dam capital improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3290 1 04/27/2023 Text icon Stephenson Anoka; ice arena capital improvement funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF2744 17 05/17/2023 57 Text icon Stephenson Commerce finance and policy bill.
House HF1370 41 05/18/2023 58 Text icon Stephenson Cause of action for nonconsensual dissemination of deep fake sexual images established, crime of using deep fake technology to influence an election established, and crime for nonconsensual dissemination of deep fake sexual images established.
House HF0100 43 05/21/2023 63 Text icon Stephenson Cannabis finance and policy bill.
House HF3346 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Stephenson Anoka County authorized to build jail and criminal justice center in location outside county seat, and county sheriff authorized to keep office in city outside county seat.
House HF3381 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Stephenson City, town, and school district general elections required to be conducted on first Tuesday after first Monday in November of an even-numbered year, cities of the first class permitted to choose to conduct a general election on an odd- or even-numbered year, and orderly transition plan required.
House HF3479 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Stephenson Insurers prohibited from requiring co-payments for children's mental health services.
House HF3606 1 02/13/2024 Text icon Stephenson Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience, and Interior Design required to provide notice by email to license and certificate holders whose license or certificate is about to expire.
House HF3609 1 02/13/2024 Text icon Stephenson Anoka-Ramsey Community College campus improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4081 1 02/22/2024 Text icon Stephenson Local government correctional service retirement plan; multiplier used to calculate annuity amount increased, and employee and employer contribution rates increased.
House HF4377 1 02/28/2024 Text icon Stephenson Sale of empty packaging that would violate limits on packaging for cannabis flower and related products prohibited, and attorney general authorized to enforce prohibition on sales of empty packaging.
House HF3506 2 02/29/2024 Text icon Stephenson Civil law; collateral source calculations and contributory fault modified.
House HF3625 6 03/04/2024 Text icon Stephenson Deep fake election crime modified, and convicted person disqualified from holding elected office.
House HF3350 6 03/07/2024 Text icon Stephenson Rent increases limited in low-income rental projects receiving low-income housing tax credits.
House HF4706 1 03/07/2024 Text icon Stephenson Revocation of stay provision relating to stays of adjudication and deferred prosecutions clarified.
House HF4726 1 03/07/2024 Text icon Stephenson Private student loan servicers regulated, and civil penalties provided.
House HF3608 2 03/11/2024 Text icon Stephenson Anoka; Haven for Heroes campus renovations funding provided, prior appropriation cancelled, and money appropriated.
House HF4400 5 03/18/2024 Text icon Stephenson Prohibiting Social Media Manipulation Act created, social media platforms regulated, and attorney general enforcement provided.
House HF4983 1 03/18/2024 Text icon Stephenson Maximum charges for medical record request costs modified, and per page and retrieval charges for medical record request costs revised.
House HF4761 2 03/21/2024 Text icon Stephenson Cannabis; workplace testing provided.
House HF5096 1 03/21/2024 Text icon Stephenson Broadband service access; a resolution memorializing the President and the United States Congress to extend funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program of 2021.
House HF5109 1 03/21/2024 Text icon Stephenson Chain community pharmacies prohibited from establishing quotas.
House HF4574 2 04/02/2024 Text icon Stephenson Energy; public utilities requirements modified relating to fuel-switching improvements and other related provisions.
House HF5222 1 04/02/2024 Text icon Stephenson Office of Cannabis Management and Department of Health appropriations modified, cannabis provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF5282 1 04/04/2024 Text icon Stephenson Licensure of businesses engaged in cannabis sales modified, transfer and sharing of data between state agencies regulated, penalties imposed, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF5294 1 04/04/2024 Text icon Stephenson Cannabis Advisory Council youths added.
House HF4077 6 04/09/2024 Text icon Stephenson Consumer protection, monetary and financial institutions policy, insurance, and telecommunications provisions added, modified, or eliminated; on-sale liquor licenses modified and authorized; technical changes made; reports required; and penalties established.
House HF5031 3 04/09/2024 Text icon Stephenson Ramsey; pedestrian overpass over Highway 10 and Highway 169 funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF2426 4 04/11/2024 Text icon Stephenson Advanced nuclear study required, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF4423 6 04/15/2024 Text icon Stephenson Pilot thermal energy network projects provided and governed, administrative rulemaking authorized, and report required.
House HF4053 9 04/24/2024 Text icon Stephenson Health plan coverage of abortion and related services required, medical assistance required, and conforming changes made.
House HF5295 3 04/24/2024 Text icon Stephenson Commerce supplemental budget bill.
House HF2000 9 05/02/2024 Text icon Stephenson Lawful gambling; sports betting and fantasy contests provided for and authorized, local restrictions prohibited, sports betting and fantasy contest taxation provided, civil and criminal penalties provided, amateur sports grants provided, charitable gambling provided for and lawful gambling tax rates modified, pari-mutuel horse racing provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
House HF2300 5 05/09/2024 Text icon Stephenson Premium discounts and rate reductions provided, strengthen Minnesota homes program established, account established, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF3488 10 05/09/2024 103 Text icon Stephenson Minors appearing in Internet content creation provided compensation.
House SF4097 17 05/17/2024 114 Text icon Stephenson Commerce policy bill.
House HF5274 17 05/17/2024 Text icon Stephenson Gambling; sports betting and fantasy contests authorized, licenses established, local restrictions prohibited, sports betting and fantasy contest taxation provided, civil and criminal penalties provided, amateur sports grants provided, charitable gambling provided and lawful gambling tax rates modified, pari-mutuel horse racing provided, and money appropriated.
House SF2219 7 05/18/2024 119 Text icon Stephenson Historical horse racing conduct and other activities at licensed racetracks prohibited.
House HF4757 26 05/19/2024 121 Text icon Stephenson Cannabis; Office of Cannabis Management and the Department of Health appropriations modified, cannabis provisions modified, Department of Commerce assessed fees modified, consumer protection provisions added and modified, Minnesota Consumer Data Privacy Act established, rulemaking authorized, data classified, technical changes made, reports required, and money appropriated.