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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

172 Documents Found in Legislative Session 93 (2023-2024)
for Authors of "Keeler"

Body Bill
Law Bill
Short Description
House HF0213 13 02/27/2023 11 Text icon Keeler Food shelf program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House SF0667 7 03/09/2023 16 Text icon Keeler Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act provisions modified.
House HF0005 23 03/16/2023 18 Text icon Jordan Free school lunch and breakfast provided for students, and money appropriated.
House HF1440 10 03/27/2023 20 Text icon Howard Family homeless prevention and assistance program funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0016 11 04/21/2023 28 Text icon Hollins Conversion therapy prohibited for children and vulnerable adults, medical assistance coverage prohibited, and misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products prohibited.
House HF0146 9 04/24/2023 29 Text icon Finke Gender-affirming health care; use of subpoenas to gather information prevented; child custody and child welfare provisions amended; and warrant, arrest, and extradition provisions amended.
House HC0006 1 04/04/2024 Text icon Becker-Finn A concurrent resolution recognizing wild rice as sacred and central to the culture and health of Indigenous Peoples in Minnesota and critical to the health and identity of all Minnesota citizens and ecosystems and establishing a commitment to passing legislation to protect wild rice and the freshwater resources upon which it depends.
House HF0008 2 01/05/2023 Text icon Berg Student personnel aid established, and money appropriated.
House HF0013 16 02/13/2023 Text icon Pinto Child care assistance rates and funding priorities modified, termination and disqualification of human services providers and grant recipients procedures modified, child care assistance program and grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0022 5 02/27/2023 Text icon Her English learner programming funding increased, English learner cross subsidy aid added, and money appropriated.
House SF0037 24 05/18/2024 Text icon Her Equality under law provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0044 13 03/09/2023 Text icon Feist School districts required to provide access to menstrual products for students, operating capital aid increased to fund school district purchases of menstrual products, and money appropriated.
House HF0053 7 02/12/2024 Text icon Clardy Maternal death studies conducted by the commissioner of health expanded to include maternal morbidity.
House HF0055 15 02/21/2023 Text icon Richardson Office created for missing and murdered Black women and girls, office authorized to issue grants, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension required to operate missing person alert program, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0090 10 03/16/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn Board of Public Defense funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0133 6 03/01/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn Tribally enrolled or descendent student educational data sharing allowed with Tribal nations.
House HF0150 13 02/15/2023 Text icon Pinto Child care stabilization base grants and early learning scholarships modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0158 3 02/08/2023 Text icon Feist Minnesota Youth Advisory Council established, Legislative Coordinating Commission required to appoint an executive director, council duties specified, and reports required.
House HF0173 14 05/18/2024 Text icon Her Equality under law provided, and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF0174 6 03/20/2024 Text icon Jordan Commissioner of education required to develop a model program for sexual health education, and report required.
House HF0179 5 01/18/2023 Text icon Hanson, J. Final marriage dissolution name change process created.
House HF0203 2 02/16/2023 Text icon Berg Minnesota Association of Alternative Programs grant funding provided for student activities, and money appropriated.
House HF0211 4 02/27/2023 Text icon Keeler Indigenous Peoples Day school observance required, and Indigenous Peoples Day established as state holiday and Christopher Columbus Day eliminated as state holiday.
House HF0235 2 01/17/2023 Text icon Keeler Indian employment preference for members of federally recognized Tribes on projects near Indian reservations provided.
House HF0240 4 03/02/2023 Text icon Reyer Medical assistance reimbursement provided for parents and spouses providing services under consumer-directed community supports and community first services and supports.
House HF0271 5 03/13/2023 Text icon Edelson Education; nonexclusionary discipline provided.
House HF0274 6 02/27/2023 Text icon Freiberg Commission created to redesign the official state flag and official state seal, and report required.
House HF0329 13 05/11/2023 Text icon Feist Boundary Water Canoe Area Wilderness mining restrictions modified.
House HF0349 1 01/17/2023 Text icon Keeler Moorhead; flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF0368 1 01/17/2023 Text icon Hanson, J. Malicious and sadistic conduct involving race, gender, religion, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and sexual exploitation prohibited.
House HF0381 4 03/09/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Increase Teachers of Color Act in higher education strengthened, pilot scholarship program for aspiring teachers of color made permanent, special revenue fund account established, teacher shortage loan repayment program provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0441 2 01/30/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Exception to tobacco in public schools created.
House HF0444 16 03/09/2023 Text icon Keeler Homeless Youth Act modified, and money appropriated.
House HF0445 5 03/21/2024 Text icon Her Rental discrimination based on participation in public assistance prohibited.
House HF0552 11 04/18/2023 Text icon Kotyza-Witthuhn PFAS in juvenile products prohibited.
House HF0562 5 03/06/2023 Text icon Edelson Due process special education aid created for school districts, and money appropriated.
House HF0569 1 01/19/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn Cass Lake; Leech Lake Area Health and Wellness Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0586 3 03/06/2023 Text icon Frederick Community behavioral health center and training clinic grant established, and money appropriated.
House HF0635 10 04/19/2023 Text icon Greenman Election official intimidation prohibited, interference with performance of duty of election administration by election official prohibited, tampering with or unauthorized access to types of election systems and equipment prohibited, penalties provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0637 4 03/09/2023 Text icon Lee, F. Requirement modified to analyze and consider cumulative pollution before issuing air quality permit, environmental justice areas identification provided, environmental permitting and review demographic analysis required, and technical corrections made.
House HF0735 10 04/11/2023 Text icon Reyer Soil and water conservation district aid program established.
House HF0748 7 03/20/2023 Text icon Keeler American Indian regalia or objects of cultural significance allowed at graduation ceremonies.
House HF0750 4 03/15/2023 Text icon Keeler Minnesota's Tribal colleges grant funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0814 6 04/08/2024 Text icon Norris Manufactured home park redevelopment program modified, manufactured home park lending and purchase of manufactured home parks by cooperatives grant programs created, and money appropriated.
House HF0827 4 03/06/2023 Text icon Keeler Teacher preparation time provisions modified.
House HF0901 1 01/25/2023 Text icon Urdahl Indian Affairs Council funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF0910 5 03/20/2024 Text icon Reyer Family supportive housing programs funded, and money appropriated.
House HF0914 1 01/26/2023 Text icon Noor Medical assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollee disenrollment procedures specified, 12-month continuous medical assistance eligibility provided for certain eligibility categories, and continuous medical assistance eligibility provided for children up to age six.
House HF0915 2 02/06/2023 Text icon Norris Individual income tax provisions modified, Minnesota education credit expanded, and related technical changes made.
House HF0990 3 02/06/2023 Text icon Lee, F. After-school community learning programs modified, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF0993 4 02/09/2023 Text icon Coulter Education finance; developmental screening aid increased, and money appropriated.
House HF0995 2 03/08/2023 Text icon Berg Student admission provisions modified.
House HF0999 3 02/02/2023 Text icon Hanson, J. Disability waiver rate system modified.
House HF1071 11 03/13/2023 Text icon Keeler Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act changes made.
House HF1074 5 03/23/2023 Text icon Brand Minnesota Initiative Foundations funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1096 2 02/08/2023 Text icon Kiel River watch program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1142 2 02/08/2023 Text icon Coulter Early learning scholarships program changes made.
House HF1143 3 03/15/2023 Text icon Anderson, P. H. University of Minnesota, Morris; Multi-Ethnic Resource Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1151 2 02/06/2023 Text icon Hill Suicide prevention information included on student identification cards provided.
House HF1179 1 02/01/2023 Text icon Brand Greater Minnesota child care facility program funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF1180 4 03/22/2023 Text icon Brand Greater Minnesota care facility program funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1243 2 02/06/2023 Text icon Brand Student loan advocate established, and report required.
House HF1277 3 03/23/2023 Text icon Coulter Early leaning scholarships program changes made, and money appropriated.
House HF1300 1 02/06/2023 Text icon Feist Eligibility for release for individuals sentenced to life in prison for crimes committed while under age of 18 established, eligibility for early supervised release for individuals sentenced for crimes committed while under age of 18 established, Juvenile Release Board established, and review by court of appeals provided.
House HF1348 4 03/06/2023 Text icon Tabke Employee health insurance provided, minimum starting salary for nonlicensed school personnel increased, paid orientation and professional development for paraprofessionals provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1349 4 03/02/2023 Text icon Tabke Transportation; allowed uses for various accounts modified, bikeway established, Indian employment preference established, legislative routes removed, direct negotiation authorized for small construction projects, appropriations amended, and technical and clarifying changes made.
House HF1354 4 03/01/2023 Text icon Keeler Christopher Columbus Day references replaced with Indigenous Peoples Day.
House HF1366 2 02/08/2023 Text icon Gomez Duties imposed on peace officers and law enforcement agencies regarding video and audio recordings of use of deadly force, and civil remedy provided.
House HF1375 1 02/06/2023 Text icon Keeler Cost-efficient projects authorized, including remodeling costs in long-term facilities maintenance revenue program; and money appropriated.
House HF1376 3 03/01/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Reward fund established for information on missing and murdered Indigenous relatives, and money appropriated.
House HF1378 1 02/06/2023 Text icon Keeler Minnesota missing and murdered Indigenous relatives special license plates established, and money appropriated.
House HF1396 4 02/27/2023 Text icon Hemmingsen-Jaeger Equalization aid increased for debt service equalization program, property tax levies decreased, and money appropriated.
House HF1423 3 02/20/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Elk reintroduction funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1424 3 02/27/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn 1854 Treaty Area agreement funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1434 10 03/13/2023 Text icon Edelson Parental contribution fees eliminated for services for children with disabilities.
House HF1481 1 02/08/2023 Text icon Pérez-Vega Hair technician licenses created, and money appropriated.
House HF1502 2 03/06/2023 Text icon Sencer-Mura Ethnic studies requirement created, Ethnic Studies Working Group created, rulemaking authorized, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1579 1 02/09/2023 Text icon Pérez-Vega Neighborhood House funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1605 2 02/15/2023 Text icon Xiong St. Paul; Asian American arts center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1626 5 03/28/2023 Text icon Noor Permanent increases in reimbursement rates established for qualified early intensive development and behavioral intervention providers, and money appropriated.
House HF1653 3 05/21/2023 Text icon Coulter Property tax refunds and individual income tax provisions modified, and renter's credit converted to refundable income tax credit.
House HF1655 10 03/20/2024 Text icon Finke Gender identity separate definition created, and human rights act sections removed that allow for discrimination based on sexual orientation.
House HF1832 6 03/25/2024 Text icon Frazier Authority limited for peace officers to stop or detain drivers for motor vehicle equipment violations.
House HF1858 2 03/13/2023 Text icon Keeler Safe harbor shelter and housing grant program created, sexually exploited youth funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1875 5 03/20/2023 Text icon Keeler American Indian education provided for all students, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF1918 2 02/27/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Department of Commerce authorized to assist any Tribal advocacy council on energy established by the 11 federally recognized Indian Tribes of Minnesota.
House HF1919 1 02/16/2023 Text icon Keeler Mahnomen; White Earth Area Health and Wellness Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1948 1 02/16/2023 Text icon Keeler Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Tribal coast guard services funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF1963 2 03/20/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn School district's American Indian education aid authorized to carry forward from one school year to the next under certain circumstances.
House HF1964 2 02/21/2023 Text icon Smith Hearing aid coverage required for individuals 26 years of age or younger.
House HF2037 3 03/27/2023 Text icon Berg School health services provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2039 2 03/23/2023 Text icon Hemmingsen-Jaeger Child care assistance program modified.
House HF2041 7 04/03/2023 Text icon Gomez Syringe service providers authorized to possess, distribute, and dispose of syringes; and possession of hypodermic syringes authorized.
House HF2091 3 03/30/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Indigenous cultural heritage exhibits and programming funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2173 4 03/20/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa Indians law enforcement modified, and requirements for Tribes to exercise concurrent law enforcement jurisdictional authority modified.
House HF2177 12 03/25/2024 Text icon Cha Tobacco; sale or offer for sale of flavored tobacco, nicotine, or lobelia products prohibited; and penalties authorized.
House HF2208 3 02/29/2024 Text icon Norris Academic acceleration pilot program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2267 2 03/13/2023 Text icon Keeler Medical assistance payment rate modified for dually certified organization serving American Indians and Alaska Natives, Indian Health Board grant provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2280 6 03/15/2023 Text icon Finke Gender-Affirming Rights Act created.
House HF2343 3 03/30/2023 Text icon Keeler Red Lake Nation Tribal College Minneapolis site of Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians capital improvement funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2388 3 03/09/2023 Text icon Stephenson Upper Sioux Agency State Park transfer required, and report required.
House HF2396 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Keeler Ombudsperson for shelter residents established, Government Data Practices Act modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2462 5 03/20/2024 Text icon Curran Council on LGBTQIA Minnesotans established.
House HF2466 7 04/04/2024 Text icon Curran Pharmacists authorized to prescribe, dispense, and administer drugs to prevent acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus; pharmacists authorized to order, conduct, and interpret laboratory tests necessary for therapy that uses drugs to prevent acquisition of human immunodeficiency virus.
House HF2482 1 03/02/2023 Text icon Keeler Moorhead; sales and use tax provisions modified, and exemption provided for construction materials for city projects.
House HF2534 2 02/12/2024 Text icon Keeler School districts required to grant students credit for satisfying academic standards before enrolling in high school.
House HF2606 1 03/06/2023 Text icon Keeler Payment authorized from permanent school fund endowment to Tribal contract or grant schools equivalent to annual payment to school districts and charter schools.
House HF2608 2 03/13/2023 Text icon Keeler Homeless youth act grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2636 1 03/06/2023 Text icon Fischer Shelters' bill of rights created, and money appropriated.
House HF2656 1 03/06/2023 Text icon Urdahl Red Lake Nation Tribal College funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF2666 8 04/04/2024 Text icon Hollins Minnesota basic income grant program established, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2876 2 03/22/2023 Text icon Becker-Finn Board on Aging Native American elders coordinator position modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2909 1 03/15/2023 Text icon Kiel Red River of the North adaptive phosphorus management feasibility assessment development required, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF2925 7 04/25/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Gender-neutral, single-user restroom and locker room facilities provided; and money appropriated.
House HF2961 2 03/20/2023 Text icon Keeler Foster care licensing requirements modified for Tribal licensees, council membership expanded, required county performance added on child protection measures, Indian child welfare primary support grants modified, Indian Child Welfare Act compliance system review requirements modified, Indian child welfare compliance tracking database provisions modified, and money appropriated.
House HF2968 2 03/20/2023 Text icon Hornstein Education on the Holocaust, genocide of Indigenous Peoples, and other genocides required for middle and high school students; working group created; report required; and money appropriated.
House HF2989 2 02/19/2024 Text icon Reyer New green infrastructure grant program created, criteria for projects funded through clean water and drinking water revolving funds amended, rules and prioritization of projects in project priority lists required to factor in new criteria, and money appropriated.
House HF2990 1 03/20/2023 Text icon Stephenson Transitional cost-sharing reduction, premium subsidy, small employer public option, and transitional health care credit established; MinnesotaCare eligibility expanded; premium scale modified; and recommendations for alternative delivery and payment system required.
House HF3054 1 03/22/2023 Text icon Kozlowski Small businesses owned by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, or other nonbinary gender or sexual identification people added to list of targeted group businesses for purposes of state procurement.
House HF3213 1 04/13/2023 Text icon Keeler Moorhead; rail grade separation projects funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF3231 1 04/17/2023 Text icon Keeler Moorhead; East African cultural mall funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF3329 5 03/18/2024 Text icon Howard Sales tax rate increased by three-eighths of one percent and receipts dedicated for housing purposes; homeownership opportunity fund, rental opportunity fund, and household and community stability funds created; fund councils created; appointments provided; and constitutional amendment proposed.
House HF3374 3 03/07/2024 Text icon Kiel East Grand Forks; special permit issuance for hauling sugar beets authorized, and report required.
House HF3426 1 02/12/2024 Text icon Hicks Supplemental food assistance program established for persons with a disability.
House HF3456 4 03/07/2024 Text icon Greenman Restrictive employment covenants prohibited in service contracts.
House HF3459 2 03/18/2024 Text icon Feist Appropriate use of state and local resources ensured by limiting state and local government participation in federal civil immigration enforcement efforts.
House HF3461 2 02/22/2024 Text icon Finke Forest industry data classified.
House HF3469 2 03/14/2024 Text icon Keeler SNAP established as medicine program, and money appropriated.
House HF3675 3 03/21/2024 Text icon Wolgamott Minnesota State Retirement System general state employees retirement plan; unreduced early retirement annuity provided to select Department of Corrections employees if the employee is at least 62 years old or has at least 30 years of service.
House HF3736 7 04/15/2024 Text icon Hanson, J. County social work title exemption removed.
House HF3824 1 02/15/2024 Text icon Keeler Requirements added for reporting when a peace officer takes a child into immediate custody.
House HF3825 2 02/19/2024 Text icon Keeler Employment qualifications and definition of education modified for child care centers.
House HF3826 1 02/15/2024 Text icon Keeler Child care services grants funding provided for staff training, and money appropriated.
House HF3827 3 04/02/2024 Text icon Keeler Student attendance reporting required.
House HF3941 3 03/20/2024 Text icon Curran Home and community-based services standards modified.
House HF3963 4 04/15/2024 Text icon Hanson, J. Provisional health-related licensure sections modified and moved.
House HF3976 4 05/01/2024 Text icon Hollins Health plans required to cover over-the-counter contraceptives approved by United States Food and Drug Administration.
House HF4004 2 04/09/2024 Text icon Keeler Commissioner of public safety directed to eliminate 180-hour training requirement for postsecondary institutions offering commercial motor vehicle instruction, and rulemaking authorized.
House HF4009 9 03/13/2024 Text icon Kraft Minimum allowable densities established on residential lots in cities, authorization of middle housing types to be built on residential lots required, subdivision of residential lots authorized, parking requirements established by cities limited, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency required to create model ordinance, city aesthetic mandates on residential building permits limited, and multifamily residential development requirements established.
House HF4010 9 04/24/2024 Text icon Kozlowski Multifamily residential developments in cities requirements established.
House HF4049 6 04/15/2024 Text icon Smith Social work services interstate compact created.
House HF4108 2 03/14/2024 Text icon Keeler Minnesota SNAP step up for seniors program established, and money appropriated.
House HF4150 12 04/26/2024 Text icon Hemmingsen-Jaeger Minnesota food bank program established, and money appropriated.
House HF4165 2 03/14/2024 Text icon Pérez-Vega SNAP outreach program future base funding increased.
House HF4204 3 04/04/2024 Text icon Keeler Clay County; psychiatric residential treatment facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4205 1 02/22/2024 Text icon Keeler Clay County; County State-Aid Highway 26 reconstruction funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF4273 10 05/15/2024 Text icon Finke Rainbow flag bans prohibited.
House HF4276 4 03/25/2024 Text icon Curran Revisor of statutes directed to update terms used in statute.
House HF4300 18 05/03/2024 Text icon Becker-Finn Firearm safe storage standards established and criminal penalties provided for failing to meet those standards, and money appropriated.
House HF4366 9 04/08/2024 Text icon Edelson Civil commitment priority admission requirements modified, prisoner in a correctional facility specified to not be responsible for co-payments for mental health medications, county co-payment expense reimbursement allowed, and money appropriated.
House HF4517 4 03/18/2024 Text icon Keeler SNAP eligibility for students enrolled in higher education modified, and reports required.
House HF4739 1 03/07/2024 Text icon Virnig General assistance standard of assistance modified.
House HF4780 6 04/24/2024 Text icon Jordan State land conveyance to Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians required, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF4793 9 04/09/2024 Text icon Nash Child maltreatment reporting modified, and criminal penalty for preventing report created.
House HF4832 4 04/11/2024 Text icon Keeler Immigrant Development Center grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF4903 1 03/13/2024 Text icon Frazier Background check requirements for housing support providers modified.
House HF4922 2 03/25/2024 Text icon Frazier Secondary offenses established for vehicle equipment violations.
House HF4935 3 03/20/2024 Text icon Reyer Use of grant funds for activities relating to planning of American Indian focused birth center, and money appropriated.
House HF4950 2 04/02/2024 Text icon Keeler Pregnant and parenting homeless youth study required, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF5009 1 03/18/2024 Text icon Her Countable income under housing support program modified.
House HF5018 3 04/02/2024 Text icon Hollins Independent Redistricting Commission established, Applicant Review Panel established, principles to be used in adopting legislative and congressional districts established, legislative members prohibited from engaging in certain lobbying activities, and regular legislative session convening and conduct requirements amended.
House HF5023 3 04/30/2024 Text icon Kiel West Central Regional Water System capital improvements funding provided, and money appropriated.
House HF5036 2 03/21/2024 Text icon Finke Emergency shelter for LGBTQIA+ youth experiencing homelessness needs analysis funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
House HF5038 2 03/21/2024 Text icon Curran Cities and counties required to create policies regarding homeless encampments.
House HF5054 1 03/20/2024 Text icon Keeler Moorhead; flood hazard mitigation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF5077 1 03/20/2024 Text icon Sencer-Mura Reproductive health equity grant fund established, and money appropriated.
House HF5124 1 03/21/2024 Text icon Keeler Payment rates to Indian health services facilities for certain medications modified, and requirements for hospitals serving as adult day treatment providers modified.
House HF5200 4 04/18/2024 Text icon Keeler Working group on simplifying supportive housing resources established, appointments provided, and report required.
House HF5213 2 04/02/2024 Text icon Keeler Moorhead; special tax increment financing authority provided.
House HF5332 1 04/09/2024 Text icon Joy Moorhead, Clay County, and Wilkin County; flood hazard mitigation funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
House HF5414 1 04/24/2024 Text icon Keeler Clay County; youth transitional housing facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
House HF5450 1 05/03/2024 Text icon Keeler Immigrant Development Center grant funding provided, and money appropriated.