E Modifying certain child support collection and enforcement provisions;
authorizing the commissioner of public safety to issue temporary limited drivers
licenses to certain persons with suspended licenses due to child support or
maintenance arrearages, authorizing a fee, prohibiting the issuance of more than
one limited license; authorizing persons with suspended licenses to bring a
motion for reinstatement or to seek a limited license, requiring the court or
child support magistrate to establish a written payment agreement in
reinstatement cases, requiring drivers license suspension notices from the
public authority responsible for child support enforcement to inform the obligor
of the requirement to develop an approved payment agreement; expanding the
content requirement for the biennial report of the commissioner of human
services to the legislature relating to suspended drivers licenses to the number
of limited licenses issued and the number of cases with executed payment
agreements and of payments in full; requiring the court, child support
magistrate or public authority in establishing payment agreements to consider
graduated payment plans tailored to individual financial circumstances;
clarifying certain provisions under the county child support bonus incentives
program; modifying the basis for evidence of compliance with certain federal
qualified medical support order requirements, providing for national medical
support notices and modifying certain medical support implementation
requirements; modifying the procedure for obligors to contest child enrollment
in employer or union health care plans; specifying certain requirements of
employers, unions and health plan administrators upon receipt of a national
medical support notice or court order; modifying certain requirements for
disenrollment; providing for the prompt selection of coverage in option cases;
modifying the procedure for contesting income withholding; replacing the
administrative law judge with a child support magistrate under the
administrative process; modifying certain affidavit of default content
requirements; transferring certain forms preparation requirements from the
commissioner of human services to the state court administrator; extending the
data exchange program between the public authority and an agency administering
the noncustodial parent employment and support services program under contract
with Hennepin county for program evaluation purposes (ra, ja)