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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 81

Bill Name: SF3040

Relating to elections; providing for clean money in certain state elections;
requiring single principal campaign committees for candidate contributions and
public subsidies acceptance purposes; providing for the organization of
political and principal campaign committees and party units; regulating
political and conduit funds, prohibiting commingling and requiring a treasurer;
specifying certain treasurer accounting requirements; requiring registration
with the state campaign finance and public disclosure board, specifying certain
statement of organization content requirements; regulating contributions,
specifying certain restrictions, deposit and reporting requirements; requiring
registration numbers on checks; prohibiting the earmarking of contributions;
regulating expenditures, specifying certain restrictions, providing for petty
cash and independent expenditures; providing for the rendering of bills, charges
or claims; regulating campaign contribution and expenditure reports, specifying
certain time period, content and disclosure requirements; providing for the
treatment of independent expenditures, requiring a notice of intent to the
board; requiring the board to exempt certain persons from the requirements under
certain conditions, procedure; authoring the board to impose a late filing fee
for failure to file, specifying certain board notice requirements; providing for
reports by solicitors; regulating the purchase of issue advertisements, defining
issue advertisement; specifying certain contribution limits for candidates for
constitutional office and the legislature, exempting certain deliveries from
bundling limits; prohibiting certain excess loans; regulating contributions to
and from other candidates or to other political committees or funds; prohibiting
transfers between party units and contributions and solicitations during regular
legislative sessions, exempting candidates in special elections from the
contribution and solicitation prohibition; providing for political contribution
refunds to income taxpayers, specifying candidate and political party
eligibility, specifying certain duties of the commissioner of revenue and
providing a standing appropriation to the commissioner for the refunds; imposing
certain spending limits on candidates for constitutional office and the
legislature for public subsidies receipt purposes, providing for inflation
adjustments of dollar amounts; regulating multicandidate political party
expenditures; requiring and providing for candidates signing and filing with the
board of spending limit agreements for public subsidies receipt purposes,
specifying certain qualifying contribution affidavit requirements; providing for
the payment of public subsidies by the board, providing for payments to match
excess spending by opposing candidates and independent expenditures, requiring
return of public subsidies under certain conditions; providing for certain
carryforwards; requiring and providing for the dissolution of inactive
committees and funds. providing for the transfer of debts; modifying certain
filing requirements and the number of signatures requirements for petitions in
place of the filing fee; requiring designation by the board as a participating
candidate for certain campaign materials or communications claims purposes;
imposing penalties for violations; making conforming amendments to certain
statutory provisions; repealing certain existing provisions regulating the
conduct of candidates for statewide office; specifying certain renumbering
instructions to the revisor of statutes (mk)