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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF2825

E Providing for the construction of a new university of Minnesota + football
stadium on the east bank campus of the university in the city of +Minneapolis
partially funded by the state; granting certain authority to the +board of
regents; exempting from the sales tax materials, supplies or +equipment used in
the construction of the stadium; requesting the board of regents to +conduct an
environmental review of the stadium project; establishing the +university
stadium account in the special revenue fund and providing for funding+ of the
account, requiring certain annual appropriations from the general +fund,
conditions; requiring and providing for the commissioner of finance +to enter
into an agreement with the board of regents relating to management of+ the
account; requiring local government units affected by the stadium +project to
cooperate with the university; authorizing the termination of the +lease between
the board of regents and the metropolitan sports facilities +commission
requiring the football team to play home games in the metrodome until+ a certain
date upon completion of the stadium (ja)