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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF2660

Establishing programs for the prevention of abortion, unintended +pregnancies
and sexually transmitted infection; requiring the commissioner of +education to
develop a plan ensuring the provision by school districts of +comprehensive
family life and sexuality education by a certain school year, +defining
comprehensive family life and sexuality education; establishing a +competitive
statewide after school enrichment grant program to provide +implementation
grants to community or nonprofit organizations, local government +units or
school based programs, specifying priority neighborhoods for grants +in
Minneapolis and St. Paul and expected program outcomes and grant +applicant plan
development requirements; requiring hospitals and health care +facilities
performing abortions to provide women with written information on +federal drug
administration (FDA) approved methods of contraception and natural +family
planning and offer referral information on local community resources +providing
contraceptive services and family planning counseling at no or +reduced cost to
low income clients, requiring the commissioner of health to print the materials;
requiring the commissioner to develop and maintain certain information on family
planning and referrals to local community +resources on the department web site
and in allocating family planning grant funds+ to ensure availability to county
family planning special projects; modifying +the education now and babies later
program, requiring the promotion of +male sexual responsibility; expanding the
information requirements of the +Minnesota family investment program (MFIP)
orientation program to information on +family planning; requiring the
commissioner of education to establish a +certain number of regional training
centers in partnership with school districts +outside the cities of Minneapolis
and St. Paul to implement comprehensive +curriculum and programs to prevent and
reduce the risk of HIV/AIDS and unintended +pregnancy, requiring commissioner
assistance to school districts and +commissioner and school district work with
community advisory committees to establish +and review the operation of the
training centers; appropriating money to the +commissioner of education for
after school enrichment grants and for regional +training sites and to the
commissioner of health for the ENABL program, for public +education to promote
the awareness and proper usage of emergency contraception +and to provide grants
to government or nonprofit entities operating school +based clinics and to
family planning special projects (ra)