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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF2512

E Providing liability protection for volunteers during training for + and during
public health emergencies under certain conditions; providing for the+ handling
of tort actions against volunteers, actions to be against the state +or local
government unit only; providing a liability limit for responders +during
declared national security or peacetime public health emergencies; +authorizing
and providing for the commissioner of health in declared emergencies +to
authorize the administration of vaccines or legend drugs by certain +licensed or
credentialed persons to protect the health and safety of the public, +liability
immunity provision; providing access to certain security data to aid +public
health, promote public safety, assist law enforcement or otherwise +reduce risk;
granting peace officers certain enforcement authority relating to +isolation or
quarantine; authorizing court hearings relating to isolation or +quarantine by
electronic means to reduce the risk of spread of communicable +diseases;
prohibiting employer discrimination against isolated or quarantined +employees,
limits, authorizing civil action for violation; requiring the council+ on
workers compensation to study extending workers compensation to +volunteers
during public health emergencies and emergency preparedness +preparations,
requiring a report to the legislature by certain date; requiring the
commissioner of health to prepare a plan for the development and +implementation
of a statewide public health data management system in cooperation +and
consultation with representatives of local public health departments, specifying
certain plan content requirements and requiring a report +to the legislature by
a certain date; repealing the expiration date of the +emergency health powers
act; providing for the expiration of certain emergency +management
provisions(ra, ja)