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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF2483

Relating to the military; requiring counties to reserve the position +of
families receiving child care assistance or on the basic sliding fee +waiting
list becoming temporarily ineligible for assistance due to increased +income
from active military service upon deactivation; prohibiting employers+ from
asking job applicants about armed forces reserve or national guard +status,
exempting public employees asking a question or requesting a +statement for
veterans preference determination purposes, requiring the adjutant +general and
the commissioner of veterans affairs to publicize the prohibition; +transferring
the responsibility for administration of the veterans training +program from the
commissioner of education to the commissioner of veterans affairs and
appropriating money in the veterans training revolving fund to the +commissioner
of veterans affairs for the program; making mandatory the option of +school
districts to pay salary differentials to and temporarily continue +health and
dental insurance coverage for eligible active members of the national+ guard or
armed forces reserves; requiring the commissioner of veterans affairs+ by a
certain date to provide the legislature the information needed to +implement a
Persian Gulf war bonus to veterans; providing for reimbursement of +public
college or university tuition to resident veterans of operation Iraqi+ freedom