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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF2252

Providing coverage under the correctional employees retirement plan +of the
Minnesota state retirement system for the laundry coordinator and +delivery van
driver positions at the Faribault correctional facility; entitling +and
providing for employees with retirement coverage transferred to the correctional
plan to elect to obtain prior service credit for +eligible state service
performed between certain dates with the department of +corrections, requiring
commissioner of corrections certification of eligible +correctional service to
the commissioner of employee relations (DOER) and the MSRS+ executive director;
providing for additional employee contributions and for the+ transfer of assets
from the general state employees retirement plan to the +correctional employees
retirement plan, requiring department of corrections +reimbursement to the
legislative commission on pensions and retirement (LCPR) for +actuarial work
performed by the commission actuary and providing for the effect of +the asset
transfers (ra)