E Modifying certain provisions relating to the regional public + safety radio
and communication system for statewide application purposes; renaming+ the
system as the allied radio matrix for emergency response (ARMER); +defining or
redefining certain terms; increasing the membership and modifying +certain
authority of the metropolitan radio board for transition purposes; +modifying
the bonding authority of the metropolitan council; eliminating the +public
safety radio system planning committee and establishing the statewide+ radio
board, specifying certain membership requirements and providing for
organization and authority, requiring a contract with the +commissioner of
transportation (DOT) to construct, own, operate, maintain and enhance+ the
elements of the backbone system and specifying certain commissioner +contracting
requirements; modifying certain project plan content and approval +requirements;
providing for the establishment of regional radio boards to +implement, maintain
and operate regional and local improvements to the statewide system; +requiring
the statewide board to facilitate the formation of regional advisory committees;
requiring a metropolitan radio board detailed report to +the governor and
legislature by a certain date, specifying certain report+ content requirements;
transferring certain responsibilities of the +metropolitan radio board to the
statewide board (je, ja)