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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 85

Bill Name: SF1812

2E Relating to local government


Providing for the
merger of the city of Minneapolis public library and the Hennepin county library
system, specifying supersession of contrary state law and city of Minneapolis
home rule charter and ordinances; authorizing the Minneapolis library board and
the city of Minneapolis to transfer to Hennepin county all interest in, rights
and title to the real property and assets of the Minneapolis public library to
the consolidated Hennepin county library system, specifying real property and
assets; authorizing the city of Minneapolis to transfer the Minneapolis central
library parking ramp to the county, specifying bond and debt instruments
responsibility to the city of Minneapolis, requiring county reimbursement for
bonds principal and interest; transferring all permanent Minneapolis library
board employees to county employment, transfer to not be construed as layoff or
termination, requiring employee county allocation to appropriate classifications
within county system, requiring collective bargaining assignment under certain
conditions, requiring transferred employees to retain employment and accrued
benefits, clarifying date of employment; allowing Minneapolis employee
retirement fund (MERF) participants to continue MERF participation upon city and
county agreement, unfunded liability city assignment; requiring the city of
Minneapolis to be solely responsible for bond payments already issued to the
library, requiring the city to issue bonds for a certain remaining sum balance,
transferring unspent bond proceeds and future proceeds to the county, requiring
county issued bonds outstanding principal and interest prior to the merger to be
paid by tax levy outside the city of Minneapolis; requiring the city to
contribute operating funds and additional funding to the county for a certain
period; specifying a certain unspent balance in a prior state grant to the city
to be redirected and assigned to the county; providing for dissolution of the
Minneapolis library board upon merger; applying the ballpark (baseball) tax levy
extended hours of operation to the merged libraries system; authorizing the
Minneapolis library board, the city of Minneapolis and Hennepin county to enter
into transactional documents to effectuate the merger, requiring a public


Providing statutory conforming