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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF1802

Modifying certain controlled substance crime provisions; modifying +certain
conditions for conviction of controlled substance sale and possession+ crimes in
the first through fifth degrees and increasing certain penalties; +transferring
the controlled substance manufacture crime from the first to the +second degree
and creating the controlled substance crime in the sixth degree and +the crime
of loitering with the purpose to purchase a controlled substance; +requiring
sentencing courts to sentence nonviolent drug offenders to treatment +in a drug
abuse treatment program, exception, limit, requiring treatment +assessments and
defining nonviolent drug offender; authorizing the court to impose +nonprison
sanctions for failure to comply with drug treatment program +conditions and
specifying grounds for discharge from the program; providing for +application
for relief from drug sentencing under certain conditions; requiring +the
executive director of the sentencing guidelines commission to convene+ a
temporary task force to develop guidelines, criteria and procedures +for
implementing the nonviolent drug offender treatment program, +specifying
membership requirements and duties, requiring a report of +recommendations to
the legislature by a certain date; specifying certain cross reference correction
instructions to the revisor of statutes; appropriating +money to the
commissioner of human services for the drug treatment program(ra)