E Relating to energy; authorizing school boards to construct, own, + operate and
sell and retain receipts from the sale of energy from wind energy +conversion
systems, limiting board share of installed capacity and requiring +integration
of information relating to wind energy conversion systems into +educational
programming; modifying certain requirements of the public utilities +low income
electric rate discount program for federal low income home energy +assistance
program participants; requiring the program to be designed to target
participating customers with the lowest incomes and the highest +energy costs to
lower the percentage of income devoted to energy costs, requiring a +specific
electric rate discount for certain senior citizen or disabled +customers;
modifying the schedule for cooperative associations and +municipalities to file
overviews and evaluations of energy conservation improvement plans +with the
commissioner of commerce and the criterion allowing the filing of a +letter from
the governing board in lieu of the overview and evaluation; repealing+ the
provision providing for the budget payment plan option (mk, ja)