2E Relating to energy; modifying guaranteed energy-savings program lease
purchase agreements and guaranteed energy-savings agreements; defining propane
and propane related terms including propane storage facility, synthetic gas and
repowering; modifying the maximum number of customers allowed for public utility
exemption of certain small gas utility franchises; authorizing public utilities
to authorize performance-based multiyear rate plans; providing for competitive
rate schedules for energy-intensive trade-exposed electric utility customers;
requiring public utilities serving a city of the first class to file plans with
the public utilities commission (PUC) promoting electric vehicles and to recover
costs of promotion; defining certain terms; allowing the public utilities
commission (PUC) to approve rate recovery for natural gas extension project
revenue deficiencies, requiring an evaluation and report; modifying certain
goals relating to solar and wind energy conversion; modifying the definition of
large energy facility; modifying certificate of need exemptions for large wind
energy conversion systems (LWECS); authorizing the commissioner of commerce to
approve certain energy audit programs including energy audit programs for local
governments; modifying definitions to certain energy improvement and audit
terms; modifying certain provisions relating to energy improvements for local
governments; establishing the assumption of solar generating facility permit
authority by counties and municipalities; repealing certain certificate of
participation requirements relating to energy improvement programs for local