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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 86

Bill Name: SF1694

Relating to agriculture; establishing a star farm program, specifying certain
eligibility and application requirements for designation as a star farm,
requiring the completion of a star farm management plan addressing certain
issues, authorizing state agencies to consider star farm designation in
determining the allocation of financial and staff resources; creating the star
farm board to promote and designate star farms in the state, specifying board
membership requirements and duties, requiring report to the legislature;
regulating certain provisions relating to conflict of interest, staff, bylaws,
location, chair appointment and meetings; creating an account for the deposit of
revenues received by the board and allowing the acceptance and use of gifts,
grants and contributions from any source, authorizing the board to establish
certain funds and accounts for board responsibilities; appropriating money to
the commissioner of agriculture for grants to the star farm board