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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 84

Bill Name: SF1645

Modifying criminal sentencing for certain controlled substance possessors;
requiring presumptive stayed sentences for certain first time offenders,
authorizing the imposition of appropriate terms and conditions, requiring
completion of a chemical dependency treatment program designated by the court,
specifying certain program requirements; authorizing stayed sentences for
certain first time first, second and third degree possession offenders,
requiring the completion of a chemical dependency treatment program; authorizing
the court to charge offenders for treatment program costs; requiring court
consideration of presentence investigations before sentencing; requiring the
commissioner of corrections to place certain controlled substance offenders
supervised release under certain conditions, requiring completion of a
chemical dependency treatment program and any disciplinary confinement periods;
authorizing the filing of a petition for sealing or expungement of conviction
records for certain controlled substance offenses in actions or proceedings not
resolved in favor of the petitioner under certain conditions, requiring
discharge from probation; adjusting the terms of imprisonment for certain
controlled substance offenders; appropriating money to the commissioner of
corrections for the development, expansion and operation of prison based
chemical dependency treatment programs, to the commissioner of human
for deposit into the chemical dependency treatment fund for tier II
chemical dependency treatment of low income persons and to the peace officers
standards and training (POST) board for peace officer training reimbursements
