E Modifying certain early childhood and family and kindergarten + through grade
education programs and services policy provisions ARTICLE 1 � GENERAL
EDUCATIONExpanding the provision authorizing parents or guardians of secondary+
students to voluntarily surrender to and from school transportation privileges+
to all students; transferring ownership of textbooks and materials under the
postsecondary enrollment options (PSEO) program from the school +district to the
postsecondary institution; granting school districts providing +transportation
to charter schools sole discretion in dealing with transportation +issues;
requiring school district clerks to notify the commissioner of +children,
families and learning (CFL) before operating or building referenda +and to
provide the commissioner with certified vote totals for each ballot
definition of middle school under the education code +relating to the minimum
number of consecutive grades; modifying a certain annual +reporting requirement
of school district superintendents relating to compliance+ with compulsory
instruction requirements; eliminating the annual school +board calendar
additional student instruction or staff development days +requirement; requiring
school districts to develop strategies and plans in +conjunction with parents of
students with emotional or behavioral disorders and the +county board to
increase graduation rates; requiring and providing for recitation +of the pledge
of allegiance to the American flag in public and charter +schools; removing
references to diseases under the sexually transmitted +infections risk
prevention and reduction program and eliminating the requirement for +the
department of children, families and learning (CFL) to provide +assistance to
nonpublic schools participating in and to service cooperatives +developing or
implementing the program; expanding school board discipline policy +content
requirements to an agreement for procedures to coordinate crisis +services with
county board responsibility for implementing certain services for +students with
serious emotional disturbance or students with individualized +education plans
removed from school or class and modifying the notice requirements +relating to
the placement in classrooms of students with histories of violent +behavior;
requiring the board of teaching to adopt rules requiring licensed +teachers
renewing continuing licenses to include in renewal requirements +further
preparation in understanding and identifying key warning signs of +early onset
mental illness in children and adolescents; authorizing the board to +issue
lifetime qualified short call substitute teaching licenses to certain+ retired
teachers; requiring school district or charter school verification +and teacher
display of teacher licenses; requiring the board to adopt rules to +implement a
statewide credential for education paraprofessionals assisting +licensed
teachers in providing student instruction, specifying certain +paraprofessional
initial training requirements and additional training possibilities; +imposing
an annual deadline for evaluation of probationary teachers, failure +to comply
to extend the probationary period of the teacher, further failure to +result in
automatic renewal of the teacher contract, financial limits +exceptions;
modifying certain requirements for the payment of premiums for health+ insurance
coverage for teachers on extended leaves of absence; providing for +school
sponsorship and advertising revenue; providing for improved student +access to
licensed student support services; modifying the timeline for the +first meeting
of school boards after an election; providing conditions for +superintendent
contract validity; modifying certain school bus student safety +training
requirements; modifying the terms and requiring commissioner +appointment of
members of the charter school advisory council and extending the +expiration
date; authorizing certain nonprofit corporations to sponsor charter +schools
under certain conditions and providing for sponsor expansion of sites+ and
grades; limiting teacher leaves to teach in charter schools; +requiring the
state high school league to adopt a policy on corporate sponsorships +and
similar agreements; providing for supervised competitive high school +diving
occurring in pools constructed before a certain date; exempting type +III school
buses from the requirement to stop at railroad grade crossings, +expanding
certain school bus standards certification requirements, extending +the time
limit for the use of older type III vehicles to transport school +children,
modifying certain identification requirements for type III vehicles, eliminating
certain school bus driver evaluation requirements; +authorizing school district
employers to enter agreements with exclusive +bargaining representatives of
members of the teachers retirement association +(TRA) for payment of employee
contributions, requiring a sunset of eligibility +in the agreements; requiring
and providing for performance bonds for certain+ school board contracts;
eliminating department representation on the crime +victim services roundtable;
providing for staggered terms for members of +the charter school advisory
board; authorizing school boards to participate in +pilot projects to develop
school district parental involvement policies to +improve academic achievement
of all students, requiring and providing for the establishment of parent
involvement review committees; requiring and +providing for the development of a
model policy by representatives of certain +education organizations on students
with a history of violent behavior; +authorizing independent school district
#709, Duluth to by resolution reduce the +number of at large school board
members; repealing the Minnesota local +partnership program, the class size, all
day kindergarten and special education +student to instructor ratio funding
reserve requirement, certain state high +school league provisions relating to
commercial relationships, the budget and +investments, the designation of school
bus safety week and the MN designation +requirement in bus body serial numbers
ARTICLE 3 � SPECIAL PROGRAMSExpanding the personnel required to attend
meetings relating to the +expulsion of students with a disability from school;
requiring districts and +cooperative centers to report career and technical
education programs data to the department of children, families and learning
(CFL); providing for +alternative dispute resolution and due process hearings
relating to the +requirement for school districts to provide special instruction
and services for +children with a disability; requiring the commissioner to
adopt hearing officer +rules by a certain date; establishing a special education
pilot project to +exempt school districts from special education mandates beyond
the mandates +required by federal law, providing program availability to
independent school +district #535, Rochester and a certain number of
geographically distributed +school districts to be selected by the commissioner;
repealing the authority+ of the commissioner to create advisory task forces for
curriculum +development, state total limited English proficiency (LEP) programs
revenue, the +procedures for school district decisions involving identification,
assessment and +educational placement of children with disabilities and the
requirement for the commissioner to develop and implement a weights and measures
metric +system public education plan ARTICLE 4 � EDUCATION REFORM;
FACILITIES AND TECHNOLOGY; FUND +TRANSFERSRequiring school districts under the
capital expenditure health and +safety program to develop plans and plans under
the alternative facilities +bonding and levy or other building programs to
comply with sustainable new +building energy design (B3 project) guidelines of
the departments of administration +and commerce for school building projects
school boards to employ licensed nurses for health services purposes; modifying
certain requirements +under the early childhood and family education (ECFE) home
visiting program and+ certain programs coordination requirements; expanding
representation +requirements on school readiness program advisory councils and
modifying certain +program plan content and review requirements; expanding
interagency intervention +service system requirements; extending the expiration
date of the state +interagency coordinating council and expanding interagency
early intervention +committees membership representation requirements and
duties; repealing the +neighborhood based children and family services pilot
projects, the definitions of+ program account 20 and 22 under head start
provisions, an obsolete provision +requiring the departments of children,
families and learning (CFL), health and +human services to develop a plan to
collect certain data relating to early intervention services and a certain
provision transferring federal +money for community prevention grants through
the federal drug free schools and communities act from the commissioner of
children, families and +learning to the commissioner of health ARTICLE 6 �
STATE AGENCIESAuthorizing the commissioner of children, families and learning
(CFL)+ to adopt rules establishing criteria for identifying, annually reviewing
and +formally listing eligible supplemental education service providers
consistent +with applicable federal requirement and state application for
supplement +education service providers under the No Child Left Behind
ACCOUNTABILITYRepealing and replacing the profile of learning; prohibiting the
+commissioner of children, families and learning (CFL) from implementing the
+profile of learning portion of the results oriented graduation rule; requiring
+and providing for the commissioner to adopt statewide rules establishing
educational standards, specifying certain learning areas required for+ statewide
accountability and requiring specific legislative authorization to +amend or
repeal the rules; requiring individualized education plan (IEP) teams+ to
establish alternative standards for students requiring special +education;
specifying certain required and minimal standards; specifying certain+ required
and optional standards encompassing the learning areas, requiring the
commissioner to establish grade level benchmarks in certain areas and
authorizing school district to adopt standards in certain other +areas;
requiring the commissioner to develop assessments for the required +learning
areas using state constructed tests developed from and aligned with +the
standards, specifying certain assessment requirements, requiring +alternative
assessments for students with disabilities or limited English +proficiency
(LEP); requiring schools, school districts and charter schools to +administer
statewide assessments using student performance to evaluate student +progress in
achieving high standards in the required areas; modifying certain +graduation
rule requirements and certain statewide testing and reporting +procedures;
requiring and providing for the commissioner to adopt rules +establishing school
and district accountability measures, requiring use of certain specified
+indicators to measure school performance and requiring specific legislative
+authorization to amend or repeal the rules, requiring students to satisfy
certain +participation requirements to demonstrate adequate yearly progress,
specifying +certain adequate yearly progress components for progress
demonstration and determination purposes and certain duties of the commissioner
and +prescribing a formula for determination of the school or district
proficiency +index; providing for designation of schools and districts as under
review, +low performing, meeting expectations, excellent or superior,
authorizing +appeal of designations to the accountability advisory council;
providing for +the designation of persistently dangerous schools based on
certain +dangerous offenses or incidents, authorizing appeal; providing for
teacher +quality, specifying certain quality requirements for teachers and
certain paraprofessionals, requiring board of teaching review of Praxis test
+passing criteria and scores for comparison with other states; specifying
+certain school report card and school district reporting requirements;
providing for determination of the district of student enrollment for
+accountability purposes; establishing the accountability advisory council,
+specifying membership requirements and duties, sunset; repealing certain rules
establishing minimum requirements for earning a high school diploma ARTICLE 8
� COMMISSIONER'S DUTIES Requiring the commissioner of children, families and
learning (CFL) +after consultation with certain stakeholders to provide
recommendations to +the legislature by a certain date on high educational
standards and to +present to the legislature proposed rules and amendments to or
repeals of +existing rules for educational excellence and accountability
purposes, requiring +legislative authorization for the commissioner to adopt new
rules or amend or +repeal existing rules; requiring the commissioner to develop
a methodology +for using portions of the tests in the subject areas of reading
and mathematics+ for grade students to meet federal accountability requirements
and to develop procedures for students not initially meeting the state basic
skills requirement; authorizing the commissioner to refer to the key
+understandings developed as part of a revision of the profile of learning by
the +mid-continent regional educational laboratory to provide grade level
banding for +the state standards ARTICLE 9 � REQUIRED: READING, VIEWING AND
LISTENINGRequiring students to demonstrate an understanding of written and
+spoken words to comprehend essential ideas; specifying certain primary,
+intermediate and middle school reading, viewing and listening demonstration
+requirements and high school technical information interpretation and analysis
+requirements for comprehension purposes ARTICLE 10 � REQUIRED: WRITING AND
SPEAKINGRequiring students to write and speak effectively for a variety of
+purposes and audiences; specifying certain primary, intermediate, middle school
+and high school writing and speaking demonstration requirements for an
+understanding of the writing process and of strategies for effective speaking;
+providing an interpersonal communications option for high school students to
+communicate effectively in interpersonal situations ARTICLE 11 � REQUIRED:
MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONSSpecifying certain shape, space and
measurement concept requirements +for students in primary, intermediate, middle
school and high school +grades; requiring students in the primary, intermediate
and middle school +grades to develop certain number concepts to solve problems
and justify +reasoning and high school students to demonstrate an understanding
of certain +mathematical concepts to make critical judgments, predictions or
decisions and to +solve technical problems ARTICLE 12 � REQUIRED: SCIENTIFIC
CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONSRequiring students in primary, intermediate, middle
school and high +school grades to demonstrate an understanding of certain
scientific concepts+ to develop a foundation for science literacy, to identify
and analyze +interactions and interdependence of living systems, to investigate
living and +environmental systems at a molecular level and to investigate and
analyze earth and+ space systems through concepts, theories and principles
ARTICLE 13 � REQUIRED: SOCIAL SCIENCESRequiring students in primary,
intermediate, middle school and high +school grades to understand the
interaction of individual, family, school, +community and place and the
influences on historic events, to analyze current +events and to understand the
responsibilities of citizenship ARTICLE 14 � REQUIRED: ARTS AND
LITERATURERequiring and providing for primary and intermediate students to use
+artistic processes to create, perform and interpret art works in the areas of
+dance, music, theater and visual arts and middle and high school students to+
use artistic processes to analyze and interpret a variety of works in the+ same
areas, adding the areas of literature, creative writing and media +arts to the
requirements for high school students and specifying certain artistic expression
and interpretation demonstration requirements for students+ in all grades
exposure of students in the primary grades to the +basic concepts of the
technological world, for intermediate students to +explore and apply the
technologies, for middle school students to manage +resources as a team to
produce products or services, to participate in the +development and creation of
technological products and to understand the impact of +various purchases and
effectively manage personal and financial resources and+ for high school
students to investigate the interaction and interdependence of+ natural and
managed systems, to apply principles of personal and family +resource management
and the fundamentals of business management, to analyze +and apply financial
systems, information and basic accounting principles, to +develop expertise in
the design, diagnosis and operation of technical systems+ and to understand the
use of scarce resources to satisfy unlimited wants and+ needs; specifying
certain ability demonstration requirements of all students ARTICLE 16 �
students to understand and participate in +activities promoting personal health
and fitness, motor skills development and +awareness of self and the world, for
intermediate students to use decision +making models to promote personal health,
to participate in activities to develop +motor skills and physical fitness and
to explore a goal setting and +decision making process for future choices, for
middle school students to make +informed decisions based on valid information to
promote personal health and +nutrition, to understand fitness planning, to
participate in physical activities+ to develop motor skills and to explore
career options and for high +school students to make informed decisions based on
accurate information to promote +individual and community health, to understand
training and movement principles,+ to apply decision making processes to develop
and implement a plan to achieve +fitness, to investigate career choices and to
experience authentic work situations; +specifying certain understanding and
ability demonstration requirements of all students ARTICLE 17 � INQUIRY AND
RESEARCHSpecifying certain observation and investigation requirements of
+primary and intermediate students, certain direct observation requirements of
+middle school students and a social science and mathematics research process
for +high school students, requiring high school students to analyze
perspectives on +issues and to synthesize the findings, to understand history
from a written +perspective and through arts and culture, to use observation and
theory to study +natural systems, human interaction, learning or development, to
develop and +implement a plan to start a business or organization and to
participate in +product development and field studies; specifying certain
ability +demonstration requirements of all students ARTICLE 18 � WORLD
LANGUAGES Providing for the exposure of primary students to languages
other +than English and for demonstration of an understanding of the technical
concepts +of language, for intermediate students to explore and begin to
+communicate in a language other than English and to demonstrate an
understanding of +symbols representing ideas, quantities, elements and actions,
for middle +school students to communicate in a language other than English on
familiar +topics and to demonstrate an understanding of the basic features and
symbols of +a technical language and high school students to communicate in a
+language other than English on a variety of topics and to comprehend and
communicate+ using a universal technical language; specifying certain
understanding and +ability demonstration requirements of all students(ra, ja)