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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 84

Bill Name: SF1471

Relating to health; providing for do not resuscitate/do not intubate orders;
defining certain terms and specifying applicability; providing a presumption of
consent to cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation in cardiac or
respiratory arrest cases, excepting cases with DNR/DNI orders or completed
health care directives, living wills or health care power of attorney indicating
the desire not to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation or intubation; providing
for issuance of DNR/DNI orders, authorizing health care agents to consent to the
orders for subjects lacking decision making capacity and parents or guardians to
consent to the orders for minor children; specifying certain documentation
requirements; requiring health care provider compliance; authorizing and
providing for revocation of the orders; providing liability protection for
health care providers and related personnel carrying out the orders in good
faith; orders not to affect life insurance policies; providing for compliance
with the orders in interinstitutional transfer cases; preserving existing legal
rights or responsibilities relating to the withholding of resuscitation or
intubation; requiring the commissioner of health to implement the statewide
distribution of standardized DNR/DNI forms and to establish a system for
distribution of DNR/DNI identification; provisions not to be interpreted as
legalizing, condoning, authorizing or approving mercy killing or assisted