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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 83

Bill Name: SF1437

E Relating to elections; modifying certain timelines for the + distribution of
money in the party accounts of the state elections campaign fund, for
commissioner of revenue calculation and certification of estimates of+ the total
amount in the general account and for candidate filing of spending +limit
agreements; changing the date for holding precinct party caucuses; +requiring
and providing for major political party candidates endorsed for +congressional,
state constitutional and legislative office to appear on the state +party
nominating (primary) ballot by party certification and by filing an +affidavit
of candidacy, requiring candidates not endorsed to apply for a place +on the
nominating ballot by party notification and by filing an affidavit of+ candidacy
and petition, specifying certain notice requirements of the secretary+ of state,
providing for certification of endorsed candidates, for party chair
certification to the secretary of state or county auditor of the +names of
qualified nonendorsed candidates and notice to affected candidates +and for the
filing of petitions by noncertified candidates for a place on the +nominating
ballot; requiring certification of governor and lieutenant governor +candidates
as a team; providing for the signing and filing of party qualifying +petitions;
requiring and providing for secretary of state verification of +signatures on
party qualifying and nominating petitions and petitions in place of +filing
fees; reducing the time limit for filing affidavits of withdrawal; +modifying
the deadlines for establishment of combined polling places, for +election
precinct boundary changes for general elections, for preparation of +eligible
election judge lists and for certain duties of the secretary of state+ and the
time limit for secretary of state notice to county auditors of +filings and for
local electronic voting system plan changes; modifying the date for +holding the
state party nominating election and primary and changing the state +partisan
primary ballot to the state party nominating election ballot; +requiring the
term endorsed to follow the names of endorsed candidates on the +ballot,
exception; authorizing cities and schools to change primary election +dates and
the corresponding filing and withdrawal deadlines; specifying certain+ term
change instructions to the revisor of statutes (mk, ja)