2E Modifying the metropolitan land planning act and related provisions;
correcting erroneous, ambiguous and obsolete references; making miscellaneous
technical corrections to statutes; modifying comprehensive plans requirements;
modifying certain reporting requirements for the metropolitan council;
authorizing the metropolitan council to create a nonprofit foundation to help
acquire or finance the acquisition of lands and other assets for public
recreation and open space within the metropolitan area for the purpose of
preserving and developing regional parks and related facilities; prescribing
membership of the board of directors; authorizing the foundation to appoint an
advisory committee to help establish the foundation, prescribing membership;
authorizing the metropolitan council to provide financial assistance to create
and establish the foundation; requiring a report to the legislature by a certain
date; providing for the transfer of up to a certain amount of funds from the
metropolitan council to the planning assistance fund repealing certain
provisions relating to metropolitan development guide goals, metropolitan
agencies public information and housing
(Ch. 113, 2007)