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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 82

Bill Name: SF1205

E Relating to state and local construction projects; requiring the commissioner
of administration to develop rules under the state building code addressing the
plan review fee assessed to buildings without significant modifications,
requiring additional plan review fees associated with similar plans to be based
on costs commensurate with the direct and indirect costs of the service;
prohibiting more restrictive or stringent local building code regulations,
clarifying the authority of local government units to adopt ordinances relating
to zoning, subdivisions or planning; granting the state building official final
interpretative authority relating to the state building code for uniform and
consistent application purposes, specifying certain final interpretative
committee review and final interpretations publication requirements; providing
for appeal of final interpretations; requiring annual local government unit
reports to the department of administration on the collection of construction
and development related fees, specifying certain report content requirements;
prohibiting local residential building contractor registration fees; regulating
the imposition of municipal planning fees and providing for appeal; prohibiting
local government units from requiring contractors, builders or property
developers to waive a right as a condition of receiving approval for the
development or construction project (ra, ja)