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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legislative Session number- 84

Bill Name: SF1123

1E Relating to the environment; expanding the responsibility of the pollution
control agency to provide section 401 certifications under the federal clean
water act to federal general permits or licenses requiring certification before
issuance; subjecting 401 certification applications to professional review,
defining professional review; requiring the commissioner of the PCA to collect a
fee per certification and an additional fee for each acre of wetland or surface
water subject to section 401 certification, requiring deposit in the
environmental fund for appropriation to the PCA for professional reviews and
notices; requiring commissioner decisions to waive review to include notice to
project applicants of the responsibility to comply with water quality standards
and of commissioner retention of the authority to enforce violations; requiring
the commissioner to provide access to public notices and status of applications
on the agency web site, specifying certain status content requirements
(je, ja)