1E Appropriating money from the environment and natural resources trust fund for
certain lands, trees, inventories, environmental and economic sustainability and
benefits, parks and trails acquisition, easements, conservation, habitat,
arboretum, landscaping, sustaining lakes, mineral assessment, lake restoration,
water quality, rivers, invasive species and plants research and control, and
educational activities; appropriating money from the environment and natural
resources trust fund to the legislative-citizen commission on Minnesota
resources (LCCMR) and specifying certain requirements, conditions, and
guidelines; clarifying terms of the citizen members of the legislative-citizen
commission on Minnesota resources; specifying modification process of approved
work plans and budget expenditures; making the appointment of a liaison officer
to assist with the commission and its staff optional; modifying land acquisition
restrictions to include conditions of land reversion to state ownership;
prohibiting trust fund money use to purchase certain public domain lands;
providing for the transfer of certain powers, duties and responsibilities to
from the commissioner of natural resources to the commissioner of